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no valid code

时间:2025-02-19 00:03:20 编辑:莆仙君

播放视频时出现no valid source for this video怎么解决?

xvidcore.dll not found是播放器的故障,系统中的这个解码文件丢失了。解码视频,音频压缩编码数据,还原成非压缩的视频,音频原始数据,音频的压缩编码标准包括AAC,MP3,AC-3等,视频压缩编码标准包含H.264,MPEG2,VC-1等经过解码得到非压缩的视频颜色数据如YUV420P,RGB和非压缩的音频数据如PCM等。视频播放基本处理流程大致包括以下几个阶段:(1)解协议从原始的流媒体协议数据中删除信令数据,只保留音视频数据,如采用RTMP协议传输的数据,经过解协议后输出flv格式的数据。(2)解封装分离音频和视频压缩编码数据,常见的封装格式mp4,mkv,rmvb,flv,avi这些格式。从而将已经压缩编码的视频、音频数据放到一起。例如FLV格式的数据经过解封装后输出H.264编码的视频码流和AAC编码的音频码流。

no valid sources are available for this video怎么翻译?

no valid sources are available for this video的意思是,此视频没有可用的有效源。视频播放提示源失效,怎么办?播放地址已经失效,是由于该频道的视频源在你选择的这个播放软件平台上已经失效,所以无法播放,因为这个平台所指向的该频道的链接已经失效了。建议更换播放软件来进行收看,升级是无法解决该问题的,该问题是需要该平台的维护人员来清理死链来维护解决的。 视频损坏了怎么修复 ?视频损坏丢失了,不是随随便便弄个修复工具就能弄好的,我们要讲究对症下药,一般数码摄像机DV拍摄的格式都是MP4,MOV格式,所以依照这两个格式,可以有下面两个修复工具。MP4格式:一般行车记录仪,无人机,索尼相机等常见视频设备所拍摄生成的视频格式均为MP4,所以想要如果你的视频里面以MP4格式为主,那么这里推荐使用闪电MP4视频恢复软件。MOV格式:MOV是一些专业的摄像机所拍出来的高清视频文件,一般都会比较大,但是不用怕这个Remo Repair MOV软件可以免费修复损坏的MOV视频。虽然软件是英文版的,但是没关系,操作简单的很。首先运行软件,在上方的框中添加一个正常的MOV文件作为参考,在下方的框中选择要修复的视频文件,最后点击Repair,等待修复完成即可。万能的视频修复:有时候视频格式不正确也可能会导致视频文件损坏而无法播放,想要恢复就要将其转换为正确的格式才能播放,但是转换格式不是单纯的改个后缀名这么简单,这个时候就需要用到格式工厂这个万能的格式转换器。

you must enter a valid zip/postal code

(you must enter a valid zip/postal code)

postal code - a code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail;

我觉得现在的平常用法里 zip code = postal code

Zip Code
A trademark used for a system designed to expedite the sorting and delivery of mail by assigning a series of numbers to each delivery area in the United States.

A ZIP Code is the postal code used by the United States Postal Service, which always writes it with capital letters. ZIP is an acronym for the Zone Improvement Plan, but was also meant to suggest that mail travels more efficiently (and therefore faster) when senders use it. The basic ZIP Code format consists of five numerical digits. An extended ZIP+4 code includes the five digits of the ZIP Code plus four more digits which allow a piece of mail to be even more accurately directed to a very small geography. ZIP Code was originally registered as a trademark by the U.S. Postal Service, but its registration has since expired.

The term "ZIP Code" is also used in the Philippines to name its postal codes. The Philippine ZIP Code is used by the Philippine Postal Corporation. Unlike American ZIP Codes, Philippine ZIP Codes are four-digit numbers without any extensions. While the cities of Metro Manila use more than one code, towns and cities outside Metro Manila are assigned only one code for every town and city.