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时间:2025-02-14 14:15:32 编辑:莆仙君


Penn Badgley饰 Dan Humphrey
Blake Lively饰 Serena van der Woodsen
Ed Westwick 饰演 Chuck Bass
Leighton Meester饰 Blair Waldorf
Chace Crawford饰 Nate Archibald
Taylor Momsen饰 Jenny Humphrey
Jessica Szohr 饰Vanessa Abrams
Connor Paolo饰Eric van der Woodsen
Matthew Settle饰 Rufus Humphrey
Kelly Rutherford饰 Lily van der Woodsen


  一条爆炸新闻最近在纽约富人区贵族预科学校里开始流传--Serena Van Der Woodsen (Blake Lively) 就要回城里来了。这条消息的来源是万事皆通但是超级神秘的"绯闻少女"的Blog--不知道为什么,这个"女孩"对富家子弟们的一举一动了如指掌。没有人知道这位"绯闻少女"的真实身份,但是在这个复杂的富家子弟关系圈里,每个人都依赖她发送的手机短信或者网上留言来获得第一手独家信息。这些人对"闲话女孩"已经上了瘾,欲罢不能,变成了恶性循环。
  Serena最亲密的朋友Blair见Serena突然结束了在寄宿学校的"自我放逐"生活而返回曼哈顿,和其他人一样感到惊奇,她甚至和Serena爆发了矛盾。Blair和Serena之间的紧张关系并没有影响"绯闻少女"发挥"威力",她似乎下定了决心,不揭露丑闻的真相誓不罢休--到底是什么丑闻呢?和Serena的弟弟Eric,Blair的男友Nate及Nate最铁的哥们儿Chuck有关吗?亦或是和Dan 及他的妹妹Jenny 有关?Dan和Jenny生长在中产阶级家庭中,他们还无法融入这个由上流社会富家子结成的小集团,只能游荡在"边缘世界"。
  难道事情的真相和父母们也有关联吗?Serena的母亲Lily从前是个摄影师;Nate的父亲Howie Archibald是个很有权势的人;Dan和Jenny的父亲Rufus从前是摇滚明星,现在转行开了一家艺术画廊。父母最近发现儿女们经常看手机,阅读"闲话女孩"发来的最新的所见所闻及小道消息,父母们也跟着开始疑神疑鬼……
  Based on the popular book series of the same name, this drama gives viewers a peek into the world of privileged teenagers on an elite private school in New York City. The story is written by The O.C.'s Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage, and directed by Mark Piznarski who has worked on series like Everwood and Veronica Mars....
  Gossip Girl虽然夏季暂停播出,但是这部CW电视台黄金时间播出的话题之作却一直绯闻不断。下面是从Gossip Girl剧组打探到的一些独家消息,这些剧透个个“绯闻”十足。
  你一定还记得第一季客串出演美丽又邪恶的G的Michelle Trachtenberg,第一个剧透就是关于她能否继续出演第二季。
  跟据可靠消息,我们不会再在Gossip Girl第二季中看到大魔女G了。Gossip Girl主创Josh Schwartz(也是TheO.C.和Chuck的主创)认为如果第一季所有演员都回归的话,那角色就会太多了。
  第一季结尾的最后五分钟几位主角的情感篇章都被改写。Dan (Penn Badgley)和Serena (Blake Lively)分手了,他的暑假将和Vanessa (Jessica Szohr)一起度过;打算面壁思过的Serana要和Nate一起度过漫漫长夏。Chuck (Ed Westwick)和Blair (Leighton Meester)准备一起前往意大利度假,结果却因为Chuck的花心本性而告吹。
  我们得到消息称,S和D这对从前的爱情鸟在第二季将中不会复合。至于B和C,这对邪恶组合的支持者终于如愿以偿了(好像有点不合天理,善良的一对被分开,邪恶的一对却可以happy after,按照Gossip Girl的风格,估计也长不了多久),我们得到的消息证实,B和C马上就会变成这部剧的核心情侣。是不是很有《危险性关系》的感觉啊?
  CW电视网的高层会经历一些重组,现任主席已经在找新工作了。但是这些都不会影响到Gossip Girl的拍摄计划。
  Welcome to New York's Upper East side where the wealthy and connected mingle at benefits and try to deal with their always dramatic love lives, not to mention picking colleges. Blair Waldorf is the so-called toast of adolescence in her world; she and her friends, Kati Farkas and Isabel Coates, go to a prep school and fancy parties with their rich parents. Blair is envied by her adversaries because she is thought to have the perfect life, not just because of her gorgeous boyfriend, Nate Archibald, but because she's also planning on getting into her dream college,Yale. With everyone worried about college(or procrastinating on worrying, which everyone seems to be doing), and senior year dragging along, her seemingly perfect life is interrupted by her ex-best friend, the beautiful Serena van der Woodsen, coming back into town after getting kicked out of boarding school. Serena comes back into her life, and into the eyes of Blair's boy friend. When everything Blair knows starts to fall apart, everyone will realize that her life is far from perfect. Will life in the the Upper East Side redeem itself of what it's really supposed to be? Or will the false facade reveal that the rich have the same problems as the not so rich (Jenny and Dan Humphrey), if not more. And just maybe Jenny and Dan are all the more happy with their simple, not so expectant lives. P.S.中文介绍可能有点长,楼主可以选择性的删掉一些