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时间:2024-12-27 11:06:27 编辑:莆仙君


justinbieber歌曲推荐的有《Mistletoe》《2U》《Baby》《Sorry》《As Long As You Love Me》以及《Despacito》等等。1、《Mistletoe》比伯在圣诞节创作的歌曲《圣诞树》,听起来感觉就是圣诞节的欢快和爱情的浪漫相伴的一首歌,听到这首歌仿佛看到了大雪纷飞的季节,圣诞树下,一个男孩向女孩的告首配肆白,幸福感爆棚。2、《2U》比伯的性感嗓音加上塔叔的电子乐让这首歌简直完美,这首歌最好听的地方就是那几声“Comes to you”,让人沉醉。3、《Baby》当年火遍大江南北的歌,感觉走到哪里都有人在哼着这首歌,听到这首歌会想起当年干干净净的小贾拿着自己专属的左撇子吉他。4、《Sorry》这首歌无与伦比卖谈的节奏感和比伯自带电音的嗓音足以单曲循环很久,这种在热带度假般轻快舒适的音乐风格,平稳却令人振奋,这种轻松欢快的歌曲氛围,竟然是用于表达比伯对于自己无法挽留住心爱之人的懊悔。5、《As Long As You Love Me》对这首歌熟悉的人一定会被比伯“lo—lo—lo—lo—lo—lo—”的声音洗脑者轿了,这首歌其实是比伯唱给粉丝听的,当时也是比伯最叛逆的时期,他想表达他承受了太多压力,但是只要粉丝爱他,他会一直坚持下去。6、《Despacito》这首歌可以说是比伯最成功的歌曲,连冠B榜16周打破记录,去年夏天的洗脑神曲。有人说原版更好听,原版开头一段西班牙语rap,将歌曲的节奏慢慢带向高潮,在比伯的版本,比伯用尽可能温柔的有点金属质感的嗓音唱despacito,节奏拿捏的刚刚好,将激烈的节奏慢了下来,温柔的水遇到了激情的火,躁动不安瞬间消失了。


截止2020年3月,贾斯汀·比伯歌曲分别是:《11Somebody To Love》、《love me》、《One Less Lonely Girl》、《Baby》、《Somebody To Love》、《Stuck In The Moment》、《U Smile》、《Runaway Love》、《Never Let You Go》。《Up》、《That Should Be Me》、《pray》、《Born To Be Somebody》、《rich girl》、《ride》、《one time》、《Favourite Girl》、《Down To Earth》、《Bigger》。《One Less Lonely Girl》、《First Dance》、《Dr bieber》、《pick me》、《where are you now》、《Never say never》、《Overboard》、《Eenie Meenie》、《latin girl》、《Speaking In Tongues》、《This dream is too good》。扩展资料贾斯汀·比伯代表作品1、《Baby》加拿大男歌手贾斯汀·比伯演唱的一首流行歌曲,歌词、曲谱由贾斯汀·比伯、卢达·克里斯、The-Dream、Tricky Stewart、克里斯蒂娜·米兰制作完成。该歌曲作为推广其所属专辑的首波单曲,于2010年1月18日通过小岛唱片公司发布。2、《Boyfriend》加拿大流行男歌手贾斯汀·比伯演唱的一首流行歌曲,词曲由迈克·波斯纳、马修·马斯托、梅森·莱维、贾斯汀·比伯共同编写,音乐由迈克·波斯纳、MdL、库克·哈瑞尔负责。该歌曲作为推广专辑的首支单曲,于2012年4月20日通过小岛唱片公司发布。

求Justin bieber的一首歌

Justin Bieber – Heartbreaker Lyrics/歌词
You broke me into pieces
I don’t know what to do no more
I just thought that i’d let you go
You crawled back, in my life
I love you girl but i just don’t know
I don’t wanna be hurt no more
My head keeps telling me no
My head keeps telling me no
my heart just says lets go
cause boy you’re a fool in love
and don’t know who to trust
Cause i don’t really know
Cause i don’t really know
Whats right whats wrong
Whats right whats wrong
Whats right whats wrong
Whats right
What right i don’t know who to trust
Nana,I don’t want you back in my life
I see the way you’ve been looking at them other guys
Making me feel like i’m not your type and i feel you’re using me
and all i’m just a lie bitch i won’t be blamed, bitch
bitch i won’t be blamed i see you found a rhythm so i play the same game i’m trying not to worry,about all
I’m trying not to worry about all these other lames so girl i just don’t know
My head keeps telling me no
My head keeps telling me no
my heart just says lets go
cause boy you’re a fool in love
and don’t know who to trust
My head keeps telling me no
My head keeps telling me no
my heart just says lets go
cause boy you’re a fool in love
and don’t know who to trust
Cause i don’t really know
Cause i don’t really know
Whats right whats wrong
Whats right whats wrong
Whats right whats wrong
Whats right
What right i don’t know who to trust
I gave you everything that a woman needs to be and feel loved
sorry that i didn’t give you the money that comes and the cars i got treated like a star,guess that wasn’t good enough guess i wasn’t,enough guess i wasn’t good enough cause
you treated me like shit and that’s a thing you do to much
Girl i fell in love,see Girl i fell in love
and now that you are the one
i’m trying to get rid of
you are the one i’m trying to get rid of
My head keeps telling me no
My head keeps telling me no
my heart just says lets go
cause boy you’re a fool in love
and don’t know who to trust
Cause i don’t really know
Cause i don’t really know
Whats right whats wrong
Whats right whats wrong
Whats right whats wrong
Whats right
What right i don’t know who to trust

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