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时间:2024-12-24 00:06:18 编辑:莆仙君


靠近袁娅维歌词如下:我猜你也想靠近吧直到我睫毛轻刷着你脸颊直到你低头就闻到我长发这想法只需要你一句话海风吹过的夏天仿佛从来你都在我视线晚安前想念闭上双眼梦里的相见看见你孩子般微笑的脸再靠近一点幸福无限蔓延心开始悄悄在改变你是否用心发现我猜你也想靠近吧直到我睫毛轻刷着你脸颊直到你低头就闻到我长发这想法只需要你一句话更靠近吧两手的热量把距离都融化在你身边黑夜就不会害怕你说好吗多么想下一刻下一秒有你回答打开记忆的相片看见那年的夏天留在海边微笑的瞬间吻我的脸dadadada世界在改变唯独有你babe傻傻在我身边外面太危险我们要勇敢一点心开始悄悄在改变你是否用心发现我猜你也想靠近吧直到我睫毛轻刷着你脸颊直到你低头就闻到我长发这想法只需要你一句话nanana to youoh别害怕我早就准备好给你回答去到对岸没有想象中的复杂oh这一路等着你说yes i doit's the truthi love you我猜你也想emm


第一首:《Whistle》,歌手:Flo Rida。《whistle》是一首音调以c大调为主的流行说唱歌曲,背景音乐的伴奏乐器主要是吉他和口哨。歌曲以洗脑的哨声开头,十分完美。这种做法和魔力红乐队的《moves like Jagger》很相似。但《whistle》给人的影响更加深刻。副歌十分简单,但听众们不会在意,因为他们已经被节奏所征服。弗洛·里达是可以把口哨这种小东西弄成一首完整的歌的大师。
第二首:《Shivers》,歌手:Rachel Platten。美国创作歌手rachel Platten相较于当今欧美音乐界横空出世的小鲜肉们,可谓是大器晚成,不是因为其出道晚,而是早年创作不够盛产,在其30岁前,仅仅发布了两张独立的专辑,反响不温不火,并未受到主流市场及大众们的关注,在2015年签约哥伦比亚唱片公司后,歌唱事业才开始取得不错成绩,倍受关注,给人一种甜而不腻的感觉。
第三首:《Skin》,歌手:Rag’n’Bone Man。Rag 'n' Bone Man,英国创作歌手。2017年全英音乐奖颁奖仪式于2017年2月23日举行,获得最具突破艺人。 2018年2月,Rag 'n' Bone Man获得2018全英音乐奖最佳单曲奖。《skin》舒缓浑厚的男声让人听了非常有感觉,非常振奋人心,整曲跌宕起伏,让人充满激情,给人一种思念与怀旧的感觉。
第四首 :《Mi Gente》,歌手:Kiko Franco。小编听这首歌一开始想到的是代古拉K,后面想到的是酋长,你们呢?
第七首:《 I'm Living to Love You》,歌手:DJ Bobo。4年前开始听他的歌,这首歌当时听着感觉走路都是飞得。
第八首:《Here With You》,歌手:Asher Monroe 。这首歌太独特,开头模糊不定的钢琴,像温馨的童话,特别欢快时却又很小的患得患失。欢乐得很纯粹,就像放假时非常开心,却要担心时间和作业有没有完成。和声尖叫都是一个人的声音,结尾乐器人声直接转化,变成一种处理过钢琴声音,照应了开头,整首歌的声音,都来源于幻觉了,就像MV里的那样……
第九首:《We Will Rock You》,歌手:Queen。即便在不了解皇后乐队的人,即使你不喜欢足球,但是《we will rock you》这首歌的旋律你一定听过,这首歌带来的震撼度绝无仅有。整齐的鼓掌声与口号一般的合唱,怎么会不洗脑?即使你不是摇滚控,但是当这首歌的节奏响起来,你能感到的,只是摇滚乐所带来的的强烈震撼。
第十首:《Superstar》,歌手:Beatrich。2017年崛起的立陶宛超燃新星,beatrich向世人完美地诠释了“gold will Glitter Sooner or Later”。其出道经历与美国的翻唱小王子异曲同工,在ins上的惊艳表现为其开启了星途,这首superstar是她不折不扣的成名单曲,M.A.M.A(立陶宛的grammy)颁奖礼上获得年度最佳单曲的提名。一副惹人怜爱的慵懒迷嗓,犹如chanel No.5般芳香四溢,沁人心脾。


1.can you feel the love tonight

2.call you tonight

3.don't cry

4.wonderful tonight


歌手:beat crusaders

woke up with yawning, it's dawning
i'm still alive
turned on a radio
to start up new day

as goddamned d.j. chattered
how to survive
amazing news got over
on that air wave

love is rationed
across the nation
love reflects world wide
almost another day

woke up with yawning, it's dawning
i'm still alive
turned on a radio
to start up new day

as goddamned d.j. chattered
how to survive
amazing news got over
on that air wave

love is rationed
across the nation
love reflects world wide
almost another day

almost another day
she's a shooting star
she's a shooting star

love is rationed
across the nation
love reflects world wide

love is rationed
across the nation
love reflects world wide
almost another day

see you some other day

6.come to me ,i love you can you see
why do you turn your back,pretending not to hear.
still i wish someday,i'll make you turn my way
in my arms you stay

valentine is such a special day
can i have your love just today
if she ask you i want you tell her please to wait
just for one day

give me your love tonight, just tonight
when all my sads tomorrow's out of sight
give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do
in the morning i'll be on my way

take what i give tonight, just tonight
missing him on my pillow hold me tight
take what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrow
so take me what you can

take my hand,i love can you see
why do you turn your head,pretending not to see
still i wish someday,i'll make you turn my way
in my arms you stay

i love you ,i miss you everyday
can i have your love just today
if she ask you I want you tell her pleased to wait
just for one day

give me your love tonight, just tonight
when all my sads tomorrow's out of sight
give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do
in the morning i'll be on my way

take what i give tonight, just tonight
missing him on my pillow hold me tight
take what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrow
so take me what you can

forever i wait,wait for the day
the day that you say ,say that you say
give me your love tonight, just tonight
when all my sads tomorrow's out of sight
give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do
in the morning i'll be on my way

take what i give tonight, just tonight
missing him on my pillow hold me tight
take what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrow
so take me what you can



歌曲名:Only Tonight歌手:JLS专辑:JlsWhy do you have to leavePlease stayForgive me if I thinkThat you’re making a bad decisionForgive me if I tryPlease don’t go awayDon’t blame me if I wantThe two of us to stay togetherSo let me tell you whyCHORUS:If only tonightIf this is all I gotIf I can’t have your loveI won’t get back up this timeIf only tonightI’ll race you to the sunBefore the morning comesIf I can’t change your mindIt’s only tonightAnd tomorrow you’re goneAnd we’re just a songI’m singing aloneAnd tomorrow you’re goneAnd we’re just a songI’m singing aloneDon’t tell me all this timeThat you weren’t mineAnd I meant nothingWhy would you end this dreamDon’t wanna wake up just yetDon’t ask me just to forgetDon’t rip the heart out of meIf only tonightIf this is all I gotIf I can’t have your loveI won’t get back up this timeIf only tonightI’ll race you to the sunBefore the morning comesIf I can’t change your mindIt’s only tonightAnd tomorrow you’re goneAnd we’re just a songI’m singing aloneAnd tomorrow you’re goneAnd we’re just a songI’m singing aloneI need you, I need you in my lifeNobody, nobody loves me like youIf there was something I could doTo stop you from leaving, coz we’re not throughIf only tonightIf this is all I gotIf I can’t have your loveI won’t get back up this timeIf only tonightI’ll race you to the sunBefore the morning comesIf I can’t change your mindIt’s only tonightAnd tomorrow you’re goneAnd we’re just a songI’m singing aloneAnd tomorrow you’re goneAnd we’re just a songI’m singing aloneIf only tonightIf only tonightIf only tonight