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False Alarm的介绍

False Alarm,香港乐队,在1999年10月成立,False Alarm在2002年夏天于乐队的Band房着手灌录首张同名专辑《false alarm》,由Monitor Records发行。一直以来,False Alarm对音量澎湃,同时极度坚持谱写美妙长青的流畅曲调,而无所拘束的音乐,才是真正的false alarm精神。2005年6月,false alarm推出第二张专辑《The Time Is Coming》,由维港唱片发行。


a false alarm
英[ei fɔːls əˈlɑ:m]美[e fɔːls əˈlɑrm]
虚惊一场; 杯弓蛇影; 虚惊

He was the victim of a false alarm.

Just a false alarm probably, I told myself.

The sky went very dark and we thought it was going to rain but it was a false alarm.

I already told you it was a false alarm.

false alarm什么意思

false alarm的意思是:假警报。今天我们要学的词是false alarm.意思是误报警,假警报。引起一场空喜欢的人或物。短语搭配:false alarm rate.虚警率,误报警率,报警失误率。False alarm的意思是乌龙,假警报。美国德州遭受龙卷风袭击,据说,On average,roughly 70% of all tornado warnings are false alarms.平均来说,大约有百分之70的龙卷风警报都是虚惊一场。报假火警会浪费公用资源,Some cities in the U.S.are considering starting to issue fines for false alarms.美国的一些城市在考虑,对报假火警的人予以罚款。美国联邦参议员莱文的办公室收到可疑信件,Preliminary FBI testing shows that the letter was not contaminated with poison and was a false alarm.FBI的初步化验显示信件并没有被下毒,是虚惊一场。双语例句:1、It turns out yesterday's poison scare at the Pentagon was a false alarm.昨晚的五角大楼有毒物质恐吓是虚假的。2、There is a very high leaking and false alarm rate in general IDS.在一般的IDS中存在着很高的漏报和误报率。3、Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) method is mainly used in SAR target detection.在图像目标检测阶段主要采用CFAR方法。4、The rumours of a petrol shortage turned out to be a false alarm.汽油短缺的谣传原来是一场虚惊.5、A lot of experiments have shown the good robustness and low false alarm rate.实验证明该算法具有较强的鲁棒性和较低的虚警率.6、There's more fallout from the missile alert false alarm that panicked Hawaii.夏威夷因错发导弹警报上演惊魂一刻,后续影响深远。7、All the air raid warnings,without exception,had been false alarm.所有空袭预告,毫无例外,都是虚假警报。8、Multiple-unit correlation detection is used to lower false alarm probability in most laser warning receivers.为了降低虚警概率,激光警戒接收机大多采用多元相关探测技术。9、Experimental results demonstrate that it can guarantee higher detection rate and lower false alarm rate.实验结果表明,该方法能保证较高的检测率和较低的误报率。10、This time in this day it was a false alarm.今天这一次是虚惊一场。