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时间:2024-12-09 23:46:35 编辑:莆仙君


晴朗的一天英文:Sunny day;晴朗,阳光充足,天空没有云雾:晴朗的天空|晴朗的秋天。晴朗的一天的双语例句1.我们在那度过最后几天晴朗的天。We spent the last few sunny days there.2.不管是在下雨的天,还是在晴朗的天!Either on a rainy day or on a sunny day!3.晴朗的天,艳阳天。Sunny day, bright day.4.那是一个晴朗的天,树绿绿的,花红红的、黄黄的。It was a fine day.The trees were greenthe flowerswerered and yellow.5.如果我们在春天的一个晴朗的天去农村,我们会看到树变绿了,花儿盛开了If we qo to the countryside on a sunny day in Springw'll find tree tuning green and flowersblooming.6.这是晚冬晴朗的一天,只有零上几度。It's a sunny late winter day, just a few degrees above zero.7.昨天是晴朗的一天。It was a sunny day yesterday.


Today is a sunny day。这句话可以用过去时和现在正在进行时来表现。现在进行时时,Today is a sunny day,或者是The weather is sunny today。过去式是Today was a sunny day,或者是It was a sunny day。这样的表达一般是用在日常的口语中,或者是作文和日记中,一般是以这样的句子开头,例如,今天是晴朗的一天,温度为二十度,现在我们即将开始两节有趣的英语课,同学们都来上课了,更为巧合的是我有个同学今天过生日,因此我也很高兴,我打算在放学后买件礼物送他,英文表达方式是Today is a sunny day,the temperature is 20 centigrades.We are going to have two interesting English courses,and the students are all ready.What's more today is the birthday of one of my classmates,therefore I'm quite happy and plan to buy him a present after school.


晴朗的一天用英语说是A Sunny Day.1、sunny释义:(形容词)阳光充足的;晴朗的;阳光明媚的;采光好的;光线充足的;向阳的;(颜色等)像太阳的,金黄色的。常见句型:用作定语。It was a warm sunny day.那是个温暖的阳光明媚的日子。At 60,he remains a sunny optimism.他已是60岁的人了,可是他仍充满朝气,乐观愉快。He always looks on the sunny side of things.他对事物总是抱乐观态度。用作表语This room is very sunny.这房间阳光充足。This place is too sunny.这地方阳光太强。His nature was sunny.他性情开朗。2、day释义:一日;一天;一昼夜;昼;白天;日常活动日;(尤指)工作日;时期;时代;鼎盛时期;风光时期;斗争;战斗;比赛;日(行星自转一周的时间);地面土层。常见句型:Many programmers work for ows after they finish their day jobs.许多程序员在完成了白天的工作后,才会开始为占领运动工作。Not bad for a day's work.真是不错的一天。Unfortunately,that day has come.不幸的是,这一天到来了。day的英文短语1、You made my day你让我好受多了。比如你今天迟到了,来到办公室还一大堆活儿,心情不太好。但是你同事问你:哎你最近有运动吗?你看起来瘦了!可以说:Thanks,you made my day!2、Call it a day今天就到这里吧!因为工作完了,这一天就算结束了,才能算是完整的一天,所以说call it a day就变成结束今天工作的意思。例句:I'm tired.Let's call it a day!我累了,咱们今天就到这吧!3、Day in and day out日复一日。强调重复性,比如你每天做同样的事,上学,工作,就可以用这个。例句:Day in and day out,I pass that same woman walking her dog.日复一日,我路过那位遛狗的女士。4、Seize the day把握机会。指把握今天,及时行乐,后来也可以引申为“把握机会”。例句:Let's seize the day!We may never get a chance to do this again.把握住机会吧!我们可能再也没有这么好的机会了!