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时间:2024-12-08 07:28:17 编辑:莆仙君


Upper,英文单词,主要用作名词、形容词,主要意思为“上边的,上面的”等。短语搭配:upper limb [解剖] 上肢 ; 上缘 ; 上边upper arm [解剖] 上臂 ; 上臂围 ; 臂 ; 上腕upper part 上部upper limit 上限;最高极限upper bound 上界;最大值upper hand n. 优势,上风upper end 上端upper lip 上嘴唇upper layer 上层upper class 上等阶层,上流社会upper造句:1、He has a scar on his upper lip他的上唇有一道疤痕。2、Boys are taught to keep a stiff upper lip even during times of adversity.男孩自幼被教导在困难时候仍然要(绷紧上唇)处变不惊。3、Calming down wasn't a possibility for this man - his emotions so clearly had the upper hand.让其平静下来对于这样的人没有可能性——他的情绪已经占了上风。4、Upper gastrointestinal opacification and gastroscope are safe and effective methods.上消化道造影及胃镜检查是安全、有效的检查方法。5、Our stiff upper lip seems to be something that gives us strength as a society when we most need it.在我们最需要的时候,缄默似乎能给我们带来力量。


upper的意思如下:adj.上面的;上部的;上边的;上层的(尤指同类或一对中的一个);靠上部的;内陆的;高地的;向北部的。n.鞋帮;靴面;兴奋剂。双语例句:Lying flat on the floor, twist your body on to one hip and cross your upper leg over your body。平躺在地板上,屈体侧躺,把上面的一条腿搭在身上。The upper data structure table is only for your reference。上面的数据结构表格只为用户提供参考依据。Her family is very upper class。她的家庭地位显赫。Her novels poke fun at the upper class。她的小说嘲弄上流社会。Headings should be in upper case。标题应该大写。It was easy to see who had the upper hand。不难看出谁占上风。