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2017年四年级数学下册期末试卷(人教版)   大家想知道期末考试有哪些考试题吗?下面是我为大家整理的2017年四年级数学下册期末试卷人教版,欢迎大家阅览与学习!   一、“认真细致”填一填。(每小题2分,共20分)   1、100.0103读作( ),五十点五零写作( )。   2、一个数由5个十和10个百分之一组成,这个数写作( )。   3、在一个三角形中,已知∠1= 720,∠2= 480,∠3= ( );一个等腰三角形的底角是45o,这个三角形一定是一个( )三角形(按角分类)。   4、9.0968精确到十分位约是( ),保留两位小数约是( ),保留整数约是( )。   5、把25缩小为原来的 是0.025,把7.8的小数点向右移动两位是( )。   6、把306900写成以“万”做单位的数( ),把687430000改成用“亿”作单位的.数是( )。   7、在 填上“>”、“<”或“=”。   4吨50公斤 4.5吨 25×100 -1 25×99   8、小红、小青和小兰三人同时买了同样的一枝铅笔,三天后小红用去2.03厘米,小青用去2.45厘米,小兰用去1.9厘米,他们三人中( )剩下的铅笔最长。   9、一个两位小数取近似值后是3.8,这个数最大是( ),最小是( )。   10、2.15小时=( )小时( )分 3.05千克=( )千克( )克   二、“对号入座”选一选。(选出正确答案的编号填在括号里)(5分)   1、下面正确的是( )。   A.小数点右边的第二位是十分位。      B.   C.0.26和0.260的计数单位不同,但大小相同。   2、如果一个三角形的两条边分别是30厘米、40厘米,第三条边的长度要在下面的三个量中选出,只能选( )。   A.50厘米 B.70厘米 C.80厘米   3.一个圆形花坛的周长是30米,在它的边上每隔3米摆一盆花,一共需要( )盆花。   A.11 B.10 C.9   4、下面与10最接近的数是( )   A.10.01 B.9.998 C.9.9   5、用四个同样大小的等边三角形不能拼成一个( )。   A.三角形 B.平行四边形 C.梯形   三、判断下列各题正误。(5分)   ( )1、角的两边越长,这个角越大。   ( )2、1.3的小数点向右移动三位是1300。   ( )3、0.7万千米就是7千米。   ( )4、8时15分就是815分。   ( )5、14.090=14.09。   四、“神机妙算”对又快: (共36分)   1、直接写出得数:(每小题0.5分,共5分)   2.5+0.9= 4.7-2.8= 120×6= 5÷100 5.5-5=   0.3×1000= 0.4+6.7= 8-4.6= 72÷9×7= 35+24-12=   2、用竖式计算并验算。(每小题2分,共4分)   14.53 + 5.67 7.2-6.45   3、计算下面各题,怎样简便就怎样算。(每小题3分,共27分)   1.29+3.7+0.71+6.3 19 × 96 + 962 ÷ 74 400 -(1300 ÷ 65 + 35)   23.4 - 8.54 - 1.46 6.75 + 0.5 - 4.86 19 × 36 –36 × 9   425 ÷ 25 + 575 ÷ 25 (320 + 280)÷ 50 × 4 (117+43)×(84 ÷ 7)   五、“ 实践操作”显身手。(9分)   画出下图的轴对称图形,并整体向右平移5格。   六、走进生活,解决问题。(每小题5分,共25分)   1、小兰的妈妈带50元钱去买菜,买荤菜用去28.75元,买素菜用去6.35元。还剩多少钱?   2、冬冬体重38千克,表弟体重是他的一半,而爸爸体重是表弟的4倍。爸爸体重是多少千克?   3、王老师买了两本参考书。《数学教学指导》12.56元,《数学手册》比《数学教学指导》便宜2.5元。王老师应付多少钱?   4、粮店运进进大米和面粉各20袋,每袋大米30千克,每袋面粉25千克,运进的大米比面粉多多少千克?   5.春芽饲养场星期一收的鸡蛋和鸭蛋共重480千克,每15千克装一箱,鸡蛋装了20箱。再准备10个箱子装鸭蛋够吗?


四年级下册数学期末试卷2017   考试是以标准程序和方式考核学生特定范畴知识的方法。于古代中国及古希腊,老师评估学生是根据其行为表现,并无固定“标准答案”。下面是我收集的关于四年级下册数学期末试卷,希望大家认真阅读!   一、填一填。(21分)   1、由9个十、4个百分之一、8个千分之一组成的数,写作( ),读作( ),保留两位小数约是( )。   2、590米=( )千米 4千克30克=( )千克   0.06公顷=( )平方米 1.23米=( )厘米   8元7分=( )元 5.74=( )元( )角( )分   3、一条红领巾的顶角是1300,它的一个底角是( )度。   4、把0.3扩大到它的100倍是( ),把22缩小到它的 是( )。   5、9.0868保留一位小数是( ),保留两位小数是( ),保留整数是( )。   6、将0.56、0.65、0.506、0.605四个数,按照从大到小的顺序排列是:   ( )。   7、 在□里填数字,使它分别符合下列要求:   (1)使这个数最大,这个数是( )。   (2)使这个数最接近61,这个数是( )。   8、如右图,把一个三角形的3个内角剪下来,可以拼成一个( ),所以,三角形的内角和是( )度。   二、仔细推敲,分辨是非。对的打“√”,错的打“×”。(10分)   (  )1、101×58=100×58+58。   (  )2、在小数点的后面添上或去掉“0”,小数的大小不变。   (  )3、1.5+0.9-1.5+0.9=2.4-2.4=0。   (  )4、长方形的内角和是三角形的2倍。   (  )5、钝角三角形中两个锐角的和小于直角三角形中两个锐角的和。   三、反复比较,慎重选择。(10分)   1、小于0.2,大于0.4的小数有(  )个。   A、1 B、10 C、100 D、无数   2、华兴小学春季运动会上三名选手跳远情况如下图,□里面的数是(  )。   A、6 B、7 C、8 D、9   3、下面与1.3分米不相等的是(  )   A、0.13米 B、1.30分米 C、1.03分米 D、13厘米   4、如果一个三角形中最大的角是锐角,它(  )是锐角三角形。   A、一定 B、可能 C、不可能   5、下面的物体是由5个小正方体搭成的`,从上面看到的图形是( )。   四、耐心细致、认真计算。34%(10+6+18)   1、直接写出得数。   88÷22= 11.7+3= 25×40= 3.03-1.9= 7×19+7=   8×125= 2.5+5= 900÷30= 10-0.03= 15-7.5-2.5=   2、竖式计算。   12.68-6.7= 4.86+6.34=   验算:   6. 计算下面各题,怎样简便就怎样算。   3200÷25×4 3.27+6.4+2.73+4.6   99+99×99 300-2730÷91-70   1600÷25÷4 720÷[(42-39)×26]   五、“实践操作”显身手。12%(6+6)   1、画出从不同方向看到的图形。   2、按要求画一画   1、 将梯形先向下平移两格,再向右平移三格。   2、 把三角形向下平移三格。   六、周密思考,解决问题。24%(4+5+5+5+5+5)   1、学校买足球用去了31.32元,买篮球用去了58.68元,王老师带了100元钱还剩多少钱?   2、光明小学排球队员的身高分别是:160cm、144cm、148cm、156cm、152cm,队员的平均身高是多少?做队服时按这个平均身高来做,合适吗?   3、 修路队修一条公路,第一天修了3.4千米,比第二天多修了0.6千米,两天   修了多少千米?   4、动物园推出“一日游”的活动价两种方案:   方案一:成人每人150元;儿童每人60元,   方案二:团体5人以上(包括5人)每人100元。   现在有成人4人,儿童6人要去游玩,想一想怎样买票最省钱?   5、下面是蓝天小学四(1)班和四(2)班同学参加课外活动小组的统计情况。   ①参加英语组的共多少人? ②你还能提出什么数学问题?(并解答) ;


  下面是为您整理的小学五年级英语下册期末考试题(附答案),供您参考!   小学五年级英语下册期末考试题(附答案)    一.看图片,选词组,请将序号写在相应括号里。(10分)   A. February B.fight C.get up D. summer E.do an experiment    二.找出不同类的单词。(6分)   ( )1.A.morning B.evening C.dinner D.afternoon   ( )2.A.usually B.best C.often D.sometimes   ( )3.A.drink B.trunk C.swing D.fight   ( )4.A.December B.February C.Sunday D.May   ( )5.A.second B.eighth C.fifth D.which   ( )6.A.swim B.play C.noon D.skate    三.请你为下列图片选择正确的词组,注意书写规范(6分)   四.按要求完成下列各题(10分)   1.September(缩写形式)_________ 2.third(简写形式)____________   3.one(序数词)_________________ 4.run(现在分词)______________   5.leaf(复数)___________________ 6.butterfly(复数)______________   7.are not (缩写形式)___________ 8.writing(动词原形)_________   9.November(缩写形式)_________ 10.spring(同类词)_________    五.火眼金睛,选出最佳选项。(15分)   ( )1. ----What's your favourite season?   ---____________   A.I like fall best. B. February is my favourite. C. I swim in summer.   ( )2. My parents usually get up ________ 6:40.   A.on B. in C. at   ( )3 . ----What's the date today?   ----____________   A.It's Tuesday. B. It's cool C. It's April 1st.   ( )4 . ----Is Amy answering the phone?   ----____________   A. Yes, he does. B. No, she is writing a letter. C. No, he isn't.   ( )5. August is the ________ month of the year.   A. seven B. ninth C. eighth   ( )6. ---- What is Mike doing?   ---- He ____________   A. running B. swims in the river C. is walking   ( )7. ----______ do you like summer?   ----______ I can swim in the river.   A. Why, Because B. Why, And C. Which, Because   ( )8. There is a call ____ you.   A. for B. on C. at   ( )9. ----__________?   ----They are listening to music.   A. What do they do? B. What are you doing? C. What are your grandparents doing?   ( )10. Apples are sweet _______ fall.   A. on B. in C. at   ( )11.---Can you see the monkeys ?----__________________.   A. Yes ,I can. B.Yes , she is . C.No, I don’t.   ( )12.Do an experiment _____ ,please.   A. me B. I C. my   ( )13.Amy is playing_______ piano , but Chen Jie is playing ______ chess .   A.the ; the B. the ; / C. / ; the   ( )14.Come and have a look _______ the ants .   A. on B.at C. in   ( )15.My mom ______ cooking. I ____ reading . We ______ busy now .   A.is ; is ;are B. is ;am ; are C. am ;is ;are    六.英汉互译。(10分)   1.have English class__________ 2.弹钢琴__________________   3.collect leaves _____________ 4.五月____________________   5.climb mountains____________ 6.采摘树叶 _______________   7.eat breakfast______________ 8.捉蝴蝶_________________   9.over there ______________ 10.去远足________________    七.将单词根据提示归类。(12分)(只填序号)   A. spring B. March C. elephant D.walking E.lion F.January G.swinging H.summer I.flying J.April K.tiger L.winter   1.季节_______________________ 2.月份_______________________   3.动物_______________________ 4.现在分词___________________    八.句子配对,找出最佳应答语。(10分)   ( ) 1. What do you do on the weekend? A. No, I'm going hiking.   ( ) 2. When is Children's Day? B. I'm doing homework.   ( ) 3.Which season do you like best? C. June 1st.   ( ) 4. Are you climbing the mountain? D. Winter. I can play with snow.   ( ) 5. What are you doing? E. I often do homework and go hiking.    九.情景反映(5分)   ( )1.打电话时,你想说自己是张鹏,你应该这样说:____________   A.Hello!This is Zhang Peng . B. Hello!I am Zhang Peng .   ( )2.当你想问“你在做什么的时候?”你应该说:__________________   A.Who is she ? B.What is he doing. C. What are you doing ?   ( )3.你想问对方什么时候过生日,你应该说:_________   A.When is your birthday ? B.When is your mother’s birthday ?   ( )4.你想说大象正在喝水,你这样说:__________________   A.The elephant is taking a bath . B. The elephant is drinking water .   ( )5.你问“老虎真的会游泳吗?”你这样问:_______________   A. Can tigers really swim ? B. Tigers can swim .    十.给下列句子找到自己的位置。(6分)   ( )1.He’s in the woods .   ( )2.Yes , he is . They are playing together .   ( )3.Where is Zhang Peng ?   ( )4.Is John playing chess ,too ?   ( )5.No, he isn’t .He is playing chess.   ( )6.Is he taking pictures ?    十一.阅读欢乐岛。(10分)   (A)   Mike: Hello. This is Mike. Is that Wu Yifan?   Wu: Yes, this is Wu Yifan. What are you doing, Mike?   Mike: I'm watching TV. What are you doing? And how is everybody doing?   Wu: Just fine. I'm doing the dishes. My father is writing an e-mail in the study. My mother is sweeping the floor. And my brother is playing chess with my sister.   Mike: What do you do on the weekend?   Wu: I visit grandparents and go shopping.   Mike: Do you want to go to the nature park?   Wu: Sure. What time?   Mike: At 1:30.   Wu: OK. See you later.   Mike: Bye.    根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。.   ( ) 1. Wu Yifan is watching TV and Mike is doing the dishes.   ( ) 2. Wu Yifan's father is writing an e-mail in the bedroom.   ( ) 3. Wu Yifan visits grandparents and goes shopping on the weekend.   ( ) 4. Wu Yifan wants to go to the Children's Park at 1:30 with Mike.   (B)   My name is Amy. I'm from Canada. I usually get up at 6:30, and I often go hiking on the weekend. I like spring best. It's windy and warm. And I like winter, too. Because my birthday is in December, and I can play with snow. Today my parents are going shopping. My brother is swinging in the garden. I'm watching TV. Do you want to be my friend. My QQ is 408981124, and my telephone number is 6678115.    根据短文内容,选择正确答案。   ( ) 1. Amy often goes hiking______.   A. on Sunday B. in spring C. on the weekend.   ( ) 2. Which is Amy's favourite season?   A. Spring. B. Winter. C. Spring and winter.   ( ) 3. ----Why does Amy like winter?   ----Because_______.   A. her birthday is in December B. she can play with snow C. A and B   ( ) 4. Is Amy's brother going shopping?   A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn't. C. Yes, he is swinging in the garden.   ( ) 5. What's Amy's telephone number?   A. 408981124 B. 6678115 C. 408981124 and 6678115    五年级英语答案 :一.E B C D A 二.C B B C D C 三.省略 四.1.Sept. 2. 3rd 3.first 4.running 5.leaves 6. butterflies 7.aren’t 8 . write 9.Nov. 10.summer/fall/winter五.1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.A 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.B 六.1.上英语课 2.play the piano 3.收集树叶 4.May 5.爬山 6.pick uo leaves 7.吃早饭 8.catch butterflies 9.在那边 10.go hiking 七.1A H L. 2.B F J 3. C E K 4.D G I 八.ECDAB 九.ACABA 十.261543 十一.FFTT CCCBB




  听 力 部 分(共五大题,30分)

  Ⅰ.Listen and circle.听录音,圈出相符的图片。(5分)

  ⅡListen and tick or cross.听录音,判断下图是否与录音内容相符,相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”。(5分)

  1. 2. 3. 4.

  Ⅲ. Listen and choose.听录音,选出最合适的答句。(5分)

  ( ) 1. A: That’s right. B: That’s great . C. That’s big.

  ( ) 2. A: Yes, he can. B. No, she can’t. C. No, I can’t.

  ( ) 3. A: The closet is in the room. B. There’s a closet . C. It’s a closet.

  ( ) 4. A: Yes, she’s tall. B. She’s short and thin.

  C. She’s an English teacher.

  ( ) 5. A: Yes, there is. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, they are.

  Ⅳ. Listen and tick or cross.听音,判断对错,对的打√,错的打×。(5分)

  ( ) 1. John can clean the bedroom.

  ( ) 2.John can cook the meals.

  ( ) 3. John can’t sweep the floor.

  ( ) 4. John can’t do the dishes.

  ( ) 5. John can wash the clothes.

  Ⅴ.Listen and write.听音,写出句子所缺的单词。(10分)

  1. A: ___________ you ___________ the floor? B: No, I ___________.

  2. There are two ____________s in the bedroom.

  3. A: Are there __________ ___________s in the village ? B: Yes, there are.

  4. A: What day is it today ? B: __________ ___________.

  5. A: What’s your ___________ vegetable ? B: _____________.

  读 写 部 分(共九大题,70分)

  Ⅰ. Read and choose.从下列各组单词中选出划线部分读音与例词相同的一个。(5分)

  ( ) 1. snow A. now B. boat ( ) 2. plate A. place B. pray

  ( ) 3. this A. thin B. clothes ( ) 4. whole A. who B. white

  ( ) 5.shirt A. nurse B. doctor

  Ⅱ.Read and choose.读一读,选出不同类的一项,将其序号填入题前括号内。(5分)

  ( ) 1. A. sour B. salty C. tasty D. sunny

  ( ) 2. A. five B. eight C. kite D. eleven

  ( ) 3. A. panda B. ruler C. monkey D. horse

  ( ) 4. A. science B. art C. nose D. music

  ( ) 5. A. pear B. carrot C. potato D. eggplant

  Ⅲ. Read and choose.读句子,选择合适的图片,将其编号填入题前的括号内。(5分)

  A B C D E

  ( ) 1. There is a picture over the bed.

  ( ) 2. I am helpful at home. I can sweep the floor.

  ( ) 3. ---What do you do on Saturdays? --- I often play the computer games.

  ( ) 4. ---What’s he like? --- He is very kind.

  ( ) 5.---What would you like for lunch? ---I’d like some chichen and cabbage.

  Ⅳ.Read and choose. 选择填空。(10分)

  ( ) 1. ---Who is your new teacher? ---______________________________.

  A. She is kind. B. Miss White. C. She is 23 years old.

  ( )2.---Today is Tuesday. What day is it tomorrow(明天)?---___________.

  A. Friday B. Thursday. C. Wednesday.

  ( )3.Apples are my favourite ___________.

  A. fruit B. sports C. teacher

  ( )4. What do you _______ for lunch?

  A. do B. have C. has

  ( )5.There ______ a bed, a desk and a closet in my bedroom.

  A. is B. am C. are

  ( )6.There are no _________ in our village.

  A. lake B. river C. tall buildings

  ( )7. I don’t like grapes. They are ________.

  A. tasty B. sour C. fresh

  ( )8.I can put _______ the clothes.

  A. in B. on C. away

  ( )9.This is a picture _____ my room.

  A. at B. of C. in

  ( )10.---Is there a river in the nature park? ---_______________________.

  A. Yes ,there isn’t. B. No, there is. C. Yes, there is.

  Ⅴ.Read and choose.从B栏中选出A栏问句的最佳答句。(5分)

  A B

  ( )1. Where is my English book? A. We have math and computer on Friday.

  ( )2. What do you do on Saturdays? B. It’s on the desk.

  ( )3. Who’s your Chinese teacher? C. Miss green.

  ( )4. What would you like four lunch? D. I often read books.

  ( )5.What do you have on Friday? E. I’d like some noodles.

  Ⅵ. Look and write.看图完成下列句子,没空一词。(10分)

  1. A: What do they have for dinner? 1.

  B: They have __________ _________.

  2. A: ____ is the man? 2.

  B: He’s our Chinese teacher.

  3. There ________ a _________ and a trash bin 3.

  in the room.

  4. I often ________ _____ _________ on Wednesdays.

  5. A: Where is the computer? 5.

  B: It’s __________ the desk,_____ the


  Ⅶ. Read and order.将下列句子排成一段通顺的对话。(5分)

  ( ) What can you do?

  ( ) Are you helpful, Amy?

  ( ) Great. You’re helpful.

  ( ) I can set the table. I can sweep the floor.

  ( ) Sure.

  Ⅷ. Look, read and tick or cross.看下面表格,补全句子。(10分)


  Name sweep the floor wash the clothes clean the room set the table

  Zhang Peng √ ×

  Chen Jie × √

  Amy √ ×

  Mike × √

  Sarah √ ×

  1. Zhang Peng can _______________. But he can’t ___________________.

  2. Chen Jie can __________________. But she can’t ___________________.

  3. Amy can _____________________. But she ________________________.

  4. Mike ________________________. But he _______________________.

  5. Sarah ________________________. But ___________________________.

  Ⅸ. Read and choose.阅读短文,选择合适的答案。(10分)

  This is a big nature park. In the park, there is a forest and some mountains. On the mountains there are many trees and some beautiful flowers. There is much grass, too. There is a long path on the mountain. We can walk there. There are two lakes in the park. One is big, and one is small. We can swim and fish there. What can you see in the lake? Wow, there are many fish swimming in it. What a nice park!

  ( ) 1. The nature park is _________.

  A. small B. not big C. beautiful

  ( ) 2. There are some trees, flowers, _________ on the mountains.

  A. grass and a path B. a lake C. a river

  ( ) 3. We can walk on the _________ path.

  A. short B. long C. clean

  ( ) 4. We can see ________ lakes in the park.

  A. 2 B. 3 C. 4

  ( ) 5. A: Are there any fish in the lake? B: __________.

  A: Yes. B. No. C. Sorry, I don’t know.

  Ⅹ. Read and copy. 规范抄写。(5分,其中每句正确为1分,整体整洁分为1分。)

  1. The football is behind the trash bin.

  2. What’s your P.E. teacher like?

  3. The bread is tasty and the orange juice is healthy.

  4. I can cook fish and potatoes.


  一、 听录音,圈出相符的图片。

  1. What’s your favourite food? I like chicken.

  2. What do you have on Tuesdays? We have art class.

  3. Can she do the dishes? Yes, she can.

  4. What’s your teacher like? She’s tall.

  5. Is there a river in the picture? Yes, and there’s a lake near the river.

  二、 听录音,判断下图是否与录音内容相符,相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”。

  1. What can your sister do? She can wash the clothes.

  2. Do you often do sports on Sundays? Yes, I do.

  3. Is the man funny? No, he isn’t.

  4. What day is it today? It’s Wednesday.

  5. What’s your bedroom like? There’s a bed and three desks in it .

  三、 听录音,选出最合适的答句。

  1. Let’s play ping-pong this Saturday.

  2. Can your father cook the meals?

  3. Where is the closet?

  4. What’s our English teacher like?

  5. Are the flowers beautiful?

  四、 听音,判断对错。

  A: Can you do housework, John?

  B: Yes, I can.

  A: What can you do?

  B: I can clean my bedroom.

  A: Can you cook the meals?

  B: No, I can’t.

  A: Can you sweep the floor?

  B: No, I can’t. But I can do the dishes.

  A: Can you wash the clothes?

  B: Yes, I can.

  五、 听音,写出句子所缺的单词。

  1. Can you sweep the floor? No, I can’t.

  2. There are two closets in the bedroom.

  3. Are there any mountains in the village? Yes, there are.

  4. What day is it today? It’s Thursday.

  5. What’s your favourite vegetable? Eggplant.







  Ⅴ. 1. Can you sweep the floor? No, I can’t.

  2. There are two closets in the bedroom.

  3. Are there any mountains in the village? Yes, there are.

  4. What day is it today? It’s Thursday.

  5. What’s your favourite vegetable? Eggplant.







  Ⅵ 1. green beans 2. who 3. is closet 4. water the flower 5.on near

  Ⅶ 31542

  Ⅷ 1. sweep the floor set the table

  2. wash the clothes sweep the floor

  3. clean the room can’t set the table

  4. can set the table can’t wash the clothes

  5. can wash the clothes she can’t clean the room


  Ⅹ 略