杭州 A Fairyland --- Hangzhou Hangzhou is one of the most famous tourist cities in China, not only famous for its natural beauty, but also famous for its history. There are so many tourist attraction in this city like the West Lake, the Temple of General Yuefei, the Six Harmonies Pagoda and Lingyin Temple. You can’t go to Hangzhou without visiting these places. Hangzhou is also famous for its silk and tea products. You can go to the Hangzhou Silk City to buy silk articles. And you can also go to the National Tea Museum to have some Chinese tea.
把旅游的经过写下来。Hello ,my friends ! I am going to travel to Hangzhou in August ! My mood is very excited. Because I am going to see the old house of Lu Xun. I am going to ecplore the secrst of history. Heart with a heart of curiosity will always be a good harvest. Can made me worry is that the recent weather is not good. I am afraid that the typhoon is coming. It is raining and natural disasters that make me unhappy when traveling. Anyway, i finished up the knowledge must be good to travel. To enrich myself !翻译:朋友们!我将要在八月份去杭州旅游了!我现在的兴起是非常的激动的!因为我将要去鲁迅的故居了。我要去探究历史的秘密居了。心中怀着好奇之心出发我相信总会有好的收获。可让我担心的是,最近的天气都不好。我担心台风的'来袭。打扰了我整个的旅游计划。因为旅游的时候让我最不开心的是下雨和自然灾害。不管怎么样等我补完知识后就一定要好好的去旅游。去充实我自己!
圆明园介绍 英语 加上中文翻译
Yuanmingyuan Park, situated in the northwest of Beijing, is the most magnificent royal garden of Qing Dynasty in the Chinese history. 圆明园位于北京西北部,是中国历史上最宏伟的清代皇家园林。Yuanmingyuan Park was named by Emperor Kangxi. "Yuanming" means round and brightness. 圆明园是由康熙皇帝命名的。“圆明”的意思是圆和亮。The implication of "Yuan" is moderate and the "Ming" means that the brightness can cover the whole nation. “元”的含义是温和的,“明”的意思是光明可以覆盖整个国家。Yuanmingyuan drew on the characteristics of Suzhou gardens and inherited the cream of Chinese ancient gardening. 圆明园汲取了苏州园林的特色,继承了中国古代造园的精华。Yuanmingyuan was also like an art museum which collected numerous curios and art works. 圆明园也像一个艺术博物馆,收集了许多古玩和艺术作品。Yuanmingyuan Park was the home of various sorts of exotic flowers and unusual trees. No wonder that Yuanmingyuan Park was reputed "the most beautiful garden in the world".圆明园是各种奇花异草和奇特树木的家园。难怪圆明园被誉为“世界上最美丽的花园”。
圆明园英文名称是Old Summer Palace。圆明园始建于1707年(康熙四十六年),占地面积3.5平方千米,建筑面积达20万平方米,有一百五十余景,最初是康熙帝给皇四子胤禛的赐园。康熙为之题匾“圆明园”,“圆明”为雍正法号。1722年雍正即位以后,拓展原赐园,并在园南增建了正大光明殿和勤政殿以及内阁、六部、军机处诸多值房,欲以夏季在此“避喧听政”。乾隆帝在位期间除对圆明园进行局部增建、改建之外,还在紧东邻新建了长春园,在东南邻并入了万春园。至此,圆明园的格局基本形成,嘉庆、道光年间又进行多次修缮和拓建。园林特色圆明园占地350多公顷,其中水面面积约140公顷,圆明园的陆上建筑面积比故宫还多1万平方米,水域面积又等于一个颐和园,总面积等于8.5个紫禁城。圆明园的园林造景多以水为主题,因水成趣,其中不少是直接吸取江南著名水景的意趣。圆明园后湖景区,环绕后湖构筑九个小岛,是全国疆域《禹贡》“九州”之象征。各个岛上建置的小园或风景群,既各有特色,又彼此相借成景。圆明园还有个显著特点,就是大量仿建了中国各地特别是江南的许多名园胜景。乾隆皇帝弘历曾经六次南巡江浙,多次西巡五台,东巡岱岳,巡游热河、盛京(即沈阳)和盘山等地。每至一地,凡他所中意的名山胜水、名园胜景,就让随行画师摹绘成图,回京后在园内仿建。据不完全统计,圆明园的园林风景,有直接摹本的不下四五十处。杭州西湖十景,连名称也一字不改地在园内全部仿建。正所谓:谁道江南风景佳,移天缩地在君怀。