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时间:2024-11-25 06:45:29 编辑:莆仙君


n.到达;抵达;到达者;抵达物;(新技术、新思想的)引进,采用,推行造句:1.A computer screen shows arrival and departure times.电脑屏幕显示出到达和离开的时间。2.All visitors must report to the reception desk on arrival.所有参观者到达后务必在接待处报到。3.We're expecting a new arrival in the family soon.我们家很快就会添一个新生婴儿。4.The arrival of canals was of great value to many industries.运河的出现对许多行业具有重大的意义。5.The first arrivals at the concert got the best seats.最早来到音乐会的人坐上了最好的座位。6.The goods were examined for damage on arrival.货物到达时检查是否有破损。


rival的意思是:n.竞争对手。vt.与…相匹敌;比得上。adj.竞争的。rival的造句如下:1、Jumped the team and signed with a rival club.离开球队并与竞争对手的俱乐部签约2、He is my main rival in the game.他是我运动会上的主要对手。3、Art cannot rival this pomp of purple and gold.浮华的金紫,绝非画师所能描绘。4、He is engaged in a bitter struggle with his rival to get control of the company.为取得对公司的控制权,他正同对手进行一场激烈的斗争。5、a gang fight between two rival teenage gangs.两个敌对的少年团伙间的打斗。6、The largest data centres now rival aluminium smelters in the energy they consume.最大的数据中心所消耗的能量可以和炼铝厂的能耗相匹敌。


arrival是:抵达的意思。语法:arrival是动词arrive派生的名词,基本意思是表示“到达”这一行为,不可数,表示具体的某人或某物“到达”时可加限定词修饰。arrival还可以表示“到达的人或物”。用法示例:I am impatient for his arrival.我渴盼着他的到来。The secretary informed me of his arrival.秘书通知我他来了。相关词组:delay the arrival 拖延…到达的时间。expect the arrival 期待…的到来。greet sb's arrival 迎接某人的到来。time one's arrival 测定到达的时间。early arrival 早到。late arrival 迟到。new arrival 新来的人,新到的货物。timely arrival 及时到达。on one's arrival 一到达就。arrival at 抵达。arrival from 从…来。

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