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记录 英语

时间:2024-11-25 04:26:05 编辑:莆仙君

记录用英语怎么说 记录用英语的写法

1、记录[jì lù]的英语是take notes; keep the minutes; record; write down。记录是一个汉语词语,指把所见、所闻、所思、所想等通过一定的手段保留下来,并作为信息传递开去。

2、双语例句:(1)他的发言我都记录下来了。Ive taken notes on what he said.(2)警察把我说的每句话都记录下来。The policeman noted down every word I said.


记录的英语 record。读音:英 [ˈrekɔːd];美 [ˈrekərd] n. 记录,记载;唱片;(过去的)经历,履历;纪录,最佳成绩;前科,犯罪记录v. 记录,记载;录制;发表正式声明;(仪器)标明,显示;取得(成就)adj. 创纪录的n. (Record) (美)勒科尔(人名)词组短语world record 世界纪录of record 有案可查的 for the record 为正式记录在案目的medical record 病历卡;病史档案on record 记录在案的;公开发表的扩展资料:同近义词vt. 记录,记载;标明;将...录音register , keep track ofvi. 记录;录音keep track of , make notes ofn. 档案,履历;[电子]唱片;最高纪录disk , file , resume , disc


  记录是把所见所闻通过一定的手段保留下来,并作为信息传递开去。那么你知道记录用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    记录英语说法1:   record    记录英语说法2:   take notes    记录的相关短语:   时间记录 TimeRecord ; Time Recording ; timekeeping ; time recorder   打破记录 break the record ; break a record ; beat the record ; beat the mark   会计记录 accounting record ; accounting logging ; haha accounting records   事件记录 EVENT LOG ; event logging ; event recording ; Results Log   垂直记录 PMR ; perpendicular recording ; vertical recording ; perpendicular magnetic recording   记录台 scoring table ; scorer table ; recording board ; scorer s tablesec   记录纹理 Capture Texture   天气记录 Weather memory ; weather recording   保持记录 Look to One's Laurels ; keep a record ; hold record ; hold the record keep the record    记录的英语例句:   1. The volunteers kept a record of everything they ate for a week.   志愿者记录下他们一周所吃的所有食物。   2. The diaries are a mixture of confession, work in progress and observation.   这些日记里既有自白,也有当下工作记录,还有见闻评论。   3. He had even locked away all the videos of his previous exploits.   他甚至将记录他以前伟绩的录像带通通锁起来了。   4. There may be alternative methods of substantiation other than written records.   除书面记录外,可能还有其他方法可以证实。   5. A photographer recorded the scene on video for posterity.   摄影师用摄像机为后代记录下了这个场景。   6. Ferris has a rare ability to record her observations on paper.   费里斯具备把自己的观察结果记录下来的超强能力。   7. Temperature records have unequivocally confirmed the existence of global warming.   气温记录清楚无疑地证实了全球气候正在变暖。   8. She is transcribing, from his dictation, the diaries of Simon Forman.   她正根据他的口述记录西蒙·福曼的日记。   9. He had written the note from memory, word perfect, and spelled atrociously.   他凭着记忆作了记录,用词恰当但拼写错误百出。   10. The practice is to keep on record any analysis of samples.   习惯上要把所有的样品分析记录在案。   11. The test records the electrical activity of the brain.   试验记录下了脑电活动。   12. They are a priceless record of a brief period in British history.   它们是对英国历史上一个短暂时期的极为珍贵的记录。   13. The company has a track record of good employee relations.   公司有员工关系良好的记录。   14. Data recorders also pin-point mechanical faults rapidly, reducing repair times.   数据记录仪还能迅速查明机械故障,减少维修次数。   15. It is one of the most desperate cases on her files.   这是她记录的档案中最严重的案例之一。

英语句子翻译 1、这能让我爪理解保护湿地的重要性 2、他们将记录下他们的种类和数量上


This can make me understand the importance of protecting wetlands.
They will record their variety and quantity.
Sixty percent cranes live in other parts of the world.
The Chinese government has enacted laws to prevent all these things.