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光明版:城 市 沿 革贵阳,贵州省省会。春秋时,贵阳属牂牁国辖地。战国时,属夜郎国范围。两汉隶属牂牁。唐朝在乌江以南设羁縻州,贵阳属矩州。宋代称贵阳为贵州,宣和元年(1119)更矩州为贵州。元至元二十九年(1292),顺元、八番两宣慰司合并,设八番顺元宣慰司都元帅府于顺元城(今贵阳)。明永乐十一年(1413)置承宣布政使司。1949年11月,贵阳解放。贵阳现辖云岩、南明、白云、乌当、花溪、小河六区,修文、息烽、开阳三县和清镇市,是西南铁路枢纽和出海通道。贵阳风景秀丽,森林环绕,气候温和宜人,是最适宜人居的城市之一。贵阳轻重工业发达,钢铁、铝土、化工、机械制造、电力、煤炭、烟草等在全国有重要地位,是高原秀丽的旅游城市。


[1] Huan-Wen Liu*, Xiao-Mei Zhou, Explicit modified mild-slope equation for wave scattering by piecewise monotonic and piecewise smooth bathymetries, Journal of Engineering Mathematics (工程数学杂志), 2014, Vol. 87, DOI: 10.1007/s10665-013-9661-6.[2] Bo Liao, Dun-Qian Cao, Huan-Wen Liu*, Wave transformation by a dredge excavation pit for waves from shallow water to deep water, Ocean Engineering (海洋工程), 2014, Vol.76, 136–143.[3] Xi-Yuan Zhai, Huan-Wen Liu*, Jian-Jian Xie, Analytic study to wave scattering by a general Homma island using the explicit modified mild-slope equation, Applied Ocean Research (应用海洋研究), 2013, Vol.43, 175–183.[4] Huan-Wen Liu*, Jiong-Xing Luo, Pengzhi Lin, Rui Liu, An analytical solution for long-wave reflection by a general breakwater or trench with curvilinear slopes, ASCE-Journal of Engineering Mechanics (美国土木工程师协会工程力学杂志), 2013, Vol.139(2), 229–245.[5] Huan-Wen Liu*, Dan-Juan Fu. Xiao-Ling Sun, Analytic solution to the modified mild-slope equation for reflection by a rectangular breakwater with scour trenches, ASCE-Journal of Engineering Mechanics (美国土木工程师协会工程力学杂志), 2013, Vol.139(1), 39-58.[6] Huan-Wen Liu*, Qiu-Yue Wang, Guoji Tang, Exact solution to the modified mild-slope equation for wave scattering by a cylinder with an idealized scour pit, ASCE-Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering (美国土木工程师协会航道港口近海与海洋工程杂志), 2013, Vol. 139, No. 5, 413-423.[7] Jian-Jian Xie, Huan-Wen Liu*, Analytical study for linear wave transformation by a trapezoidal breakwater or channel, Ocean Engineering (海洋工程), 2013, Vol.64, 49-59.[8] Huan-Wen Liu*, Jian-Jian Xie, Series solution to the modified mild-slope equation for wave scattering by Homma islands, Wave Motion (波浪运动), 2013, Vol.50, 869-884.[9] Huan-Wen Liu*, Jiong-Xing Luo, An analytical solution for linear long wave reflection by two submerged rectangular breakwaters, Journal of Marine Science and Technology (海洋科学与技术杂志), 2013, Vol. 21, 142-148.[10] Huan-Wen Liu*, Jian-Jian Xie, Zhang-Hua Luo, An analytical solution for long-wave scattering by a circular island mounted on a general shoal, ASCE-Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering (美国土木工程师协会航道港口近海与海洋工程杂志), 2012, Vol.138, 425-434.[11] Jian-Jian Xie, Huan-Wen Liu*, An exact analytic solution to the modified mild-slope equation for waves propagating over a trench with various shapes, Ocean Engineering (海洋工程), 2012, Vol.50, 72-82.[12] Huan-Wen Liu*, Jing Yang, Pengzhi Lin, Analytic solution to the modified mild-slope equation for wave propagation over one-dimensional piecewise smooth topographies, Wave Motion (波浪运动), 2012, Vol.49, 445-460.[13] Huan-Wen Liu*, Jian-Jian Xie, Discussion of ``Analytic solution of long wave propagation over a submerged hump by Niu and Yu (2011), Coastal Engineering (近海工程), 2011, Vol.58, 948-952.[14] Huan-Wen Liu*, Jian-Jian Xie, Pengzhi Lin, Analytical solution for long wave reflection by a rectangular obstacle with two scour trenches, ASCE-Journal of Engineering Mechanics (美国土木工程师协会工程力学杂志), 2011, Vol.137, 919-930.[15] Song-Ping Zhu*, Huan-Wen Liu, Timothy R. Marchant, A perturbation DRBEM model for weakly nonlinear wave run-ups around islands, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements (工程的边界元分析), 2009, Vol.33, 63-76.[16] Huan-Wen Liu, Yanbao Li*, An analytical solution for long-wave scattering by a submerged circular truncated shoal. Journal of Engineering Mathematics (工程数学杂志), 2007, Vol.57, 133-144.[17] Huan-Wen Liu*, Pengzhi Lin, An analytic solution for wave scattering by a circular cylinder mounted on a conical shoal, Coastal Engineering Journal (近海工程杂志), 2007, Vol.49, 393-416.[18] Pengzhi Lin*, Huan-Wen Liu, Scattering and trapping of wave energy by a submerged truncated paraboloidal shoal, ASCE-Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering (美国土木工程师协会航道港口近海与海洋工程杂志), 2007, Vol.133, 94-103.[19] Huan-Wen Liu*, Pengzhi Lin, An improved general dual reciprocity boundary element model for wave scattering by a truncated shoal, Journal of Coastal Research (近海研究杂志), 2006, SI39, 1463-1467.[20] Huan-Wen Liu*, Pengzhi Lin, Discussion of “Wave transformation by two-dimensional bathymetric anomalies with sloped transitions”[Coast. Eng. 50 (2003) 61-84], Coastal Engineering (近海工程), 2005, Vol.52, 197-200.[21] Pengzhi Lin*, Huan-Wen Liu, Analytical study of linear long-wave reflection by a two-dimensional obstacle of general trapezoidal shape, ASCE-Journal of Engineering Mechanics (美国土木工程师协会工程力学杂志), 2005, Vol.131, 822-830.[22] Huan-Wen Liu, Pengzhi Lin*, N.Jothi Shankar, An analytical solution of the mild-slope equation for waves around a circular island on a paraboloidal shoal, Coastal Engineering (近海工程), 2004, Vol.51, 421-437.[23] Song-Ping Zhu*, Huan-Wen Liu, Ke Chen, A general DRBEM model for wave refraction and diffraction, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements (工程的边界元分析), 2000, Vol.24, 377-390.


★著名学者,贵州文化老人陈福桐评价其《贵阳赋》说:“文句请新大气,结构错落有致,以骈文的形式将贵阳的人文、自然、经济、社会描写出来,可见作者具有较深的古典文学修养,有着良好的文字驾驭能力,是一个有才情的年轻学者”★著名学者,《贵州日报》原总编辑刘学洙先生评价《贵阳赋》时说:“内容有古有今,有人有事,作者把贵阳人文历史、自然生态用清晰的文字脉络统一起来,读来清新流畅,可见作者具有较高的文学素养和艺术品味。”★著名文史专家庞思纯认为:《贵阳赋》文字流畅优美,诵读琅琅上口,美文在全国性的报刊上发表,是对贵州多年来一个很好的宣传,对贵州旅游与文化在全国的推介将带来很好的影响效果。是又一扇向外推介贵州、展示贵州的窗口。它应该是一张响当当的贵阳“文化名片”。★著名作家龙志毅说:“《贵阳赋》内容和文字表述很完美”。★中国训诂学会副会长周复刚教授说:“《贵阳赋》展现出刘长焕的才情、学识和胆量。是用感情推动笔尖流淌而出的美文”。★著名写作理论家王强模教授说:在《贵州商报》看了《贵阳赋》很兴奋,感觉文采不错。表现了长焕的“才”、“胆”、“识”、“义”。★《青年时代》杂志社原总编辑刘彻东说:“从媒体同行的角度来看,佩服《贵州商报》刊发该文的独具慧眼。刘长焕之《贵阳赋》说明贵州大有人才,尤其是青年人才。”★著名诗词楹联专家萧锡义评价其诗词文章“行宗至圣,笔吐真香” 。★辞赋理论家王泽生对刘长焕评论道:“刘长焕的诗词和散文写得不错,书法也取得很大的成就。如今,长焕在辞赋骈文上也有了突破性的进展,创造了《贵阳赋》引起了巨大的轰动效应,并在《光明日报》上发表,并且由贵州省举行了《贵阳赋》的文艺座谈会。可以说,《贵阳赋》为刘长焕赢得了荣誉,更为贵阳市赢得了荣誉。”★中国骈文网总编锡东刀客曾评论道:“君之才情,似峰出群山之勃郁;兄之器度,若海纳百川之从容。君生于耕读之家,家学渊薮,书香薰染,吟哦童蒙。励志笃学,自强不息,踔厉风发,闳放专攻。游学东南,赏吴越之风情;薪传黔西,承师道于学子。耿介拨俗,豪迈倜傥. 负气争高,弹铗登峰。”——节选自锡东刀客《与刘长焕书》★当代诗人、辞赋学人蒋红岩评价道:“刘长焕是一个很有朝气的学者,他不但博览群书,而且热爱创作,书法写得很棒,诗词散文用词精炼。刘长焕能够潜心搞文化事业,在文学创作上也非常勤奋,他的文章中能够融入更多的古典文化和人文历史,创作态度上严肃认真,《贵阳赋》一篇令人称道,真不愧为黔中才子。