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时间:2024-11-12 16:58:09 编辑:莆仙君


[《虎兄虎弟》观后感]brotherhood(兄弟情)当虎弟被别的动物欺负时,虎哥过来给他解围,两只虎的眼神交流,还有就是最后困兽之斗,在一瞬间认出了彼此,又开始童年嬉戏的游戏,互相追逐打闹,they enjoy themselves!it remind me of my brother and me!I feel proud to get abrother!Habit(习惯)虎弟是因为常年被圈在笼子里,突然出来不是很习惯,但是在虎哥的啸声中还是走了出来,而虎弟在马戏团学到的钻火圈也派上了用场,克服了自己的另一个障碍,怕火,最终也引领自己的虎哥跳过了火地!Impressive Natural love虎弟受到妈妈的特殊照顾,但是虎哥并不会因此恨妈妈和弟弟,因为它们是没有思维的,也就不会因此有人类兄弟之间的一些小我产生的问题,"为什么选他不选我啊!….诸如此类!虎哥依然爱着虎弟,最后见到虎妈时两只虎依然跟着妈妈!Mother love很欣赏虎妈妈的教育方式,貌似是无为而治,小问题是不会在意的,很耐的住性子,只会在一些大问题上教育,比如最后小虎不小心碰着猎人的网,虎妈妈会教训它的这种行为!虎妈妈的爱是令人动容的,虽然先把小虎救了,但是并没有放弃救大虎,拼命奔跑,由于众人不得不放弃救援!Friendship当然还有就是里面的两位主人公,小孩和猎人,以及他们的虎朋友,告诉我们人和动物是能够友好相处的!当然片子还是给我们启示的,要反省自己,要爱护自然,以及在片中,在虎兄弟这样令人动容的故事过程中,人们在意的只是金钱,利益!It make me wanna touch the tiger!the great king of the jungle!animals are our friends,we should love them,we share the same earth!看完很想去触摸老虎,丛林之王,动物天生就是我们的朋友,我们享受一个地球我们应该和睦相处!It remind me of the Chinese movie the Tangshan earthquake what about the compare between them,the same thing happen on both humanbeing and animals,the result is totally different!同时也让我想起了最近的一部电影《唐山大地震》,剧中的家庭状况细细想来和老虎家庭是一样的,但人们碍于自己思维的困扰,母女相认需要那么久的时间,然而我们的动物朋友却没有,也是值得我们学习的!()  〔《虎兄虎弟》观后感〕随文赠言:【人生舞台的大幕随时都可能拉开,关键是你愿意表演,还是选择躲避。】


The movie is about, have a happy tiger family, they are in the green forest have no fear to be alive. Especially the tiger brothers, play together and help each other, the day can be happy! But one day, human and into the forest, their happiness life has interrupted...... The mother tiger tiger escaped from carrying the brother which they live cave, but tiger tiger and the father brother is to escape from the cave, tiger dad to protect its children and the sacrifice, tiger brother is being brought to the circus. At that time, I suddenly understand, human beings are always in order to meet the needs of the individual and often destroyed an animal family happiness of life. Just like that, a happy tiger family so into the disaster and the abyss of pain.

The human really selfish because people think the Lord of all is to them, so he just to satisfy the human some demand, and kill some animals. If humanity is not so selfish, so, yangxian, mammoth, carved teeth beast these animals will not destroyed, think about the ecological balance of nature have leave us, really is grieved.

Later, the mother tiger tiger and the brother also did not escape bad luck, the mother tiger was shot in an ear, to flee to the woods, tiger brother was brought to the city.

A year later, tiger tiger brother all grew up brother majestic male tiger, they're just not freedom, they live in the city, in the human suffering under the whip up. However, the first time the chance, the circus to hold a "a tiger tiger" performance, the local governor elected the two most intrepid tiger tiger tiger-brother younger brother. A pair of brothers played up, dozen dozen, they recognize each other with the faces of familiar, warm up. Finally, they again and again escaped the human incendiary attacks, back to the forest, also found the mother tiger.

Two from the lost tiger, with their strong and brave and relatives and friends of the friendship between, finally reunited, they it is the lack of the human quality. The sunshine after the rain, they finally reunited and watch them happy picture, I to be the brother of tiger for happy, on the face had its tears...... Agree with 106 | comments

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