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时间:2024-10-31 20:36:11 编辑:莆仙君


脚的英文是foot。feet,英语单词,主要用作为名词,用作名词译为“脚(foot的复数形式);尺;韵脚”。弄清楚这一点,就不难发现,隔热膜常规的宽度1.524米其实可以换算成5英尺(Feet)。而反过来看长度,30米(其实是30.48米)等于100英尺(Ft),60米(60.96米)就是200英尺。短语搭配1、Happy Feet快乐的大脚;快乐脚;快乐大脚;欢乐的大脚。2、Chicken Feet凤爪;鸡爪;比如鸡脚;鸡脚。3、square feet平方英尺;平方呎;平方英呎。双语例句1、她把身体的重量从一只脚换到另一只脚上。She shifted her weight from one foot to the other. 2、她的脚在湿地板上一滑,重重地摔了一跤。Her foot skidded on the wet floor and she fell heavily. 3、发球时你的脚必须站在底线的外面。Your feet must be behind the line when you serve. 4、她的脚从毯子一端露出来。Her feet peeked out from the end of the blanket. 5、她脚未站稳,向后一仰掉进水中。She lost her footing and fell backwards into the water. 6、他在陡坡上到处试探,想找个蹬脚的地方。He was scrabbling for a foothold on the steep slope.

barefoot 和barefooted 的区别 ,求详细解释及例句

barefoot ['bεəfut] adj. 1. 赤脚的;不穿鞋袜的[亦作barefooted]
3. [美国英语](咖啡、茶)不加奶油(或牛奶、糖)的
4. [美国俚语]【铁路】(引擎、火车)没有刹车(或制动器)的
adv. 1. 赤着脚
2. [美国俚语]在民用电台发射功率法定范围之内[参较boots和apple]

e.g. Thisfamilywasthatof themerrybarefootboy. 这一家便是那快乐的赤脚小孩的家。

Of coursethe first thingwelook forishissandalsbut, disappointingly, he'sbarefoot.

我们知道,barefoot 的词根是foot,而 bare 只起修饰作用,所以其作为名词时,变为复数依旧依照foot 变复数的方法,把foot变为feet就可以了,所以barefeet 是barefoot 的复数形式,一般在形容或强调某种蹑手蹑脚的状态时着重于用barefeet,因为一般人都是两只脚。

如: She padded up in herbarefeetto thenextroom.
她赤着脚,蹑手蹑脚地走到隔壁房间里去。希望能帮到你,望采纳 谢谢!


脚的英文:foot。短语搭配:1、脚内侧。the insides of one's feet.2、一只脚。a foot.3、解放脚。liberated feet―half-bound feet; bound-feet unbound.4、崴脚。sprain one's ankle.5、脚刹车。foot brake.6、脚违例。foot fault.7、大脑脚。cerebral peduncle.8、跟脚的。follower; footman.9、踮起脚走。walk on tiptoe.双语例句:1、你的脚可以带你去最神奇的地方。Your feet can take you to the most amazing places.2、农民穿上纸靴在雪地里给脚取暖。The farmers wear paper boots to keep their feet warm in the snow.3、同样,我们的脚在水中也会起皱。Similarly, our feet also get wrinkled in water.4、赤脚走路实际上对你的脚更好。Walking around with bare feet is actually better for your feet.