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时间:2024-10-31 04:57:39 编辑:莆仙君


1. 这是什么词?


英英释义:a person or thing that is similar to another

例句:There are many striking parallels between Shanghai and New York City.

2. 为什么选这个词?

“parallel”作形容词讲,本意是“与......平行的(A is parallel to B)”;作名词讲,本意是“平行线(a pair of parallel lines)”。它的名词意思可以引申为“相似处、共性”,由几何中的平行线而来,形象、有画面感。

在口语和写作中,如果想描述两个事物的共同特征,除了用 similarity 外,还常可以用“parallel”替换。

注意“parallel”的拼写:中间是两个 l,最后是一个 l。在托福写作和雅思听力、阅读、写作中要尤其注意,以免拼写错误。

很多年前在《英语沙龙》杂志读到现任北大光华学院金融教授 Michael Pettis 的一个访谈,主题是中美文化差异。他在回答“中国哪个城市最像纽约”的时候,是这样说的:

There are many striking parallels between Shanghai and New York City.

“striking”的意思是“明显的”,经常用来修饰 difference 和 similarity,也常用来修饰 parallel,这类常见搭配在《牛津英语搭配词典》中就可以查得到。我们可以在上面这句话的基础上,改写造句:

When many New Yorkers visit Shanghai, they can readily sense familiar parallels between Shanghai and the Big Apple.(“The Big Apple”是纽约市的昵称。)

2014 年底我从美国东海岸搬到旧金山,参加了当地两个 Toastmasters Club 公众演讲俱乐部。当时有会员问我喜不喜欢旧金山,我大概是这么说的:

I love San Francisco as much as I love New York City. In terms of cultural diversity and vibrancy, I see a lot of striking parallels between the two cities.

“parallel”最常见的一个用法是“to draw parallels/a parallel between A and B”,意思是“在 A 的身上可以看到 B 的影子”。当我们想表达“A 和 B 有很大的相似之处”时,就可以想到使用“parallel”。比如:

Many foodies try to draw a parallel between Chinese noodles and Italian pasta.

Some psychologists have drawn mind-boggling parallels between video gaming and casino gamble.



This book draws interesting parallel between traditional publisher and digital publishers.

(参考翻译:The book draws interesting parallels between traditional publishing and digital publishing. 或者 The book examines interesting parallels between traditional publishing and digital publishing.)


场景: There are many parallels between dumpling and ravioli.


parallels的读音如下:英 [ˈpærəlelz] 美 [ˈpærəlelz] 。n.(尤指不同地点或时间的)极其相似的人(或情况、事件等);相似特征;相似特点;(地球或地图的)纬线,纬圈。v.与…相似;与…同时发生;与…媲美;比得上。parallel的第三人称单数和复数。parallels的双语例句如下:"Now follow the parallel till you get to kazeh." “你沿着这条纬线一直走到卡结赫。”The new degree and the existing certificate courses would run in parallel. 新的学位课程和现有的证书课程将并行开设。The road and the canal run parallel to each other. 道路与运河平行。This tradition has no parallel in our culture. 这种传统在我们的文化中是没有的。It is possible to draw a parallel between their experience and ours. 在他们的经历和我们的经历之间找到相似点是可能的。


词:parallel 英英释义:a person or thing that is similar to another 例句:There are many striking parallels between Shanghai and New York City. “parallel”作形容词讲,本意是“与......平行的(A is parallel to B)”;作名词讲,本意是“平行线(a pair of parallel lines)”。它的名词意思可以引申为“相似处、共性”,由几何中的平行线而来,形象、有画面感。 在口语和写作中,如果想描述两个事物的共同特征,除了用 similarity 外,还常可以用“parallel”替换。 注意“parallel”的拼写:中间是两个 l,最后是一个 l。在托福写作和雅思听力、阅读、写作中要尤其注意,以免拼写错误。 下面通过几个例句体会这个词的用法。 很多年前在《英语沙龙》杂志读到现任北大光华学院金融教授 Michael Pettis 的一个访谈,主题是中美文化差异。他在回答“中国哪个城市最像纽约”的时候,是这样说的: There are many striking parallels between Shanghai and New York City. “striking”的意思是“明显的”,经常用来修饰 difference 和 similarity,也常用来修饰 parallel,这类常见搭配在《牛津英语搭配词典》中就可以查得到。我们可以在上面这句话的基础上,改写造句: When many New Yorkers visit Shanghai, they can readily sense familiar parallels between Shanghai and the Big Apple.(“The Big Apple”是纽约市的昵称。) 2014 年底我从美国东海岸搬到旧金山,参加了当地两个 Toastmasters Club 公众演讲俱乐部。当时有会员问我喜不喜欢旧金山,我大概是这么说的: I love San Francisco as much as I love New York City. In terms of cultural diversity and vibrancy, I see a lot of striking parallels between the two cities. “parallel”最常见的一个用法是“to draw parallels/a parallel between A and B”,意思是“在 A 的身上可以看到 B 的影子”。当我们想表达“A 和 B 有很大的相似之处”时,就可以想到使用“parallel”。比如: Many foodies try to draw a parallel between Chinese noodles and Italian pasta. Some psychologists have drawn mind-boggling parallels between video gaming and casino gamble. 1)使用《牛津英语搭配词典》查“parallel”,了解它的常用搭配。 2)翻译下面的句子: 这本书主要写的是传统出版业和数字出版业之间有趣的相似性。 (参考翻译: The book draws interesting parallels between traditional publishing and digital publishing. 或者 The book examines interesting parallels between traditional publishing and digital publishing. ) 3) 情景 造句 I like to watch the figure skating competition as much as the ice dancing competition.In terms of skating skill and artistic performance, I can see many parallels between them.


首先,analogous只做形容词,意思是sth similar in some way to another thing,即相似的,但程度轻,比如“睡眠在某种意义上类似于死亡”就用analogous,这个词比较正式,一般用在书面语。而counterpart只做名词,指a person or thing that has the same position or function as sb/sth in differ,也就是(作用相当的)人或物(但某意义上相对应),这个词一般用于指代前文提到的对应,比如前文提到了男鞋,那counterpart就可以代替女鞋,两者虽然相似,但又相对应,偏书面语。parallel可以作名词动词形容词,都有相似之意,这个词用得比较普遍,very similar or taking place at the same time,它的本意是平行的,所以强调程度很重,基本相等,可以认为是极其相似,平时说的相似,除了similar,就是这个词比较多。