亲人就是至亲至爱的人,不曾想起却永远不能忘记的人。那么你知道亲人的英文单词是什么吗?下面我为大家带来亲人的英文单词和相关例句,欢迎大家一起学习。 亲人的英文单词: relative 英 [ˈrelətiv] 美 [ˈrɛlətɪv] 亲人相关英文表达: 故乡亲人 Hometown Folk 亲人组 Family group 亲人的英文单词例句: 1. An employer can demand written certification that the relative is really ill. 雇主可以要求出具书面证明,证实员工的亲人确实病了。 2. He had no one in the world but her. 除了她,他再也没有任何亲人。 3. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to all the relatives. 我对所有的亲人表示由衷的慰问。 4. Poor Emily. Her kinsfolk should come to her. 可怜的埃米莉,她的亲人应该到她这来。 5. Does he have any family? 他有什么亲人吗? 6. the pain of an emotional crisis such as divorce or bereavement 诸如离婚或痛失亲人等情感危机的痛苦 7. The loss of relatives is among the most frequent trials in life. 失去亲人是人生最常遇到的痛事之一. 8. Kinsman helps kinsman, but woe to him that hath nothing. 亲人帮亲人, 无亲愁煞人. 9. The old woman was anxiously awaiting the return of her relatives. 老妇人望眼欲穿地盼望亲人归来. 10. I sympathize with you in your bereavement. 我对你痛失亲人表示同情. 11. She has no living relatives. 她没有活着的亲人. 12. My uncle is my nearest relative. 叔叔是我最近的亲人. 13. Send our dear ones the happy news. 寄语亲人报喜讯. 14. He has neither friends nor relatives. 他没有朋友也没有亲人. 15. None of the four people killed was identified pending ( the ) notification of relatives. 四个 被害者 身份尚未确定,正待亲人前来辨认.
亲人的英语单词是family。family,英语单词,主要用作名词、形容词,作名词时意为“家庭;亲属;家族;子女;[生]科;语族;[化]族”,作形容词时意为“家庭的;家族的;适合于全家的”。短语搭配Simpson family 辛普森家族。Kadoorie family 嘉道理家族。Family Man 绝世好爸 ; 有家室之人 ; 居家男人 ; 有家室的人。Family Portrait 太阳系全家福 ; 全家福 ; 四十不惑。The Family 家 ; 家庭 ; 一家人 ; 黑帮家族。First Family 第一家族。Family Matters 凡人琐事 ; 法庭俏佳人 ; 家庭对抗 ; 家庭生活用语。Bernoulli family 伯努利家族 ; 白努利家族 ; 努利家族。双语例句1、How do you like your family?你怎样看待你的家庭?2、How do you like you like your family?你想要怎样喜欢你的家庭?3、I like him and all his family.我喜欢他,也喜欢他全家人。
家人是世界上对我们最重要的人。那么你知道家人的英文是什么吗?一起来学习一下吧! 家人的英文单词1 :family 家人的英文单词2: folk 家人的英文例句: 1. The family was often in flight, hiding out in friends' houses. 这一家人常常东躲西藏,在朋友家里避风头。 2. Each family farms individually and reaps the benefit of its labor. 各家经营各自的农场,收获各自的劳动成果。 3. Ah yes, but think of all the family life they're missing. 是这样,不过别忘了他们错过了多少天伦之乐。 4. Sonia, we are reliably informed, loves her family very much. 我们从可靠的消息来源获知索尼娅非常爱自己的家人。 5. We encountered the pathetic sight of a family packing up its home. 我们目睹了一家人正在收拾家当准备离开的凄惨景象。 6. A smallholding in the hills could not support a large family. 山间的一小块耕地是不可能养活一大家人的。 7. Family values are suddenly the name of the game. 家庭价值观突然变得重要起来。 8. His family tried to assimilate into the white and Hispanic communities. 他一家人试图融入白人和西班牙裔社区。 9. Today's organic wine producer is typically a small, quality-conscious family concern. 现今的有机葡萄酒生产商一般是注重品质的小型家族企业. 10. His family was subjected to a hideous attack by the gang. 他的家人遭到了匪帮的恐怖袭击。 11. Family therapy showed us how to communicate with each other. 家庭疗法指导我们彼此之间的沟通交流。 12. He was too proud to ask his family for help and support. 他自尊心太强,不愿向家人寻求帮助和支持。 13. He was gored to death in front of his family. 他在家人眼前被野兽活生生地戳死了。 14. I was anxious to get him here, away from family and friends. 我急于把他带到这儿,远离家人和朋友。 15. Our lives are bounded by work, family and television. 我们的生活囿于工作、家庭和电视中。 同义词辨析: family, home, house 这些名词都有"家"之意。 family : 指构成一个家庭的全体成员,与家里的房子无关。 home : 侧重人们生长或长期居住或组织家庭的地方或房子,含感情色彩。 house : 指家里人居住的房屋,不带感情色彩。
家人的英文是family。释义:n.家庭;亲属;家族;子女;[生]科;语族;[化]族adj.家庭的;家族的;适合于全家的变形:复数families短语搭配:Simpson family辛普森家族Kadoorie family嘉道理家族Family Man绝世好爸;有家室之人;居家男人;有家室的人Family Portrait太阳系全家福;全家福;四十不惑双语例句There are three members in my family.我家共有三名成员。We are all looking forward to more family films and TV series.我们都期待有更多老少咸宜的影视剧。The Indo-European language family is currently the largest language family in the world.印欧语系是当前世界上最大的语系。
family英 [ˈfæməli] 美 [ˈfæməli] n. 家庭;亲属;家族;子女;[生]科;语族;[化]族adj. 家庭的;家族的;适合于全家的短语family name 姓氏 ; 姓 ; 光宗耀祖Family Guy 居家男人 ; 恶搞之家 ; 家庭伙伴 ; 恶弄之家近义词:race英 [reɪs] 美 [reɪs] n. 属,种;种族,人种;家庭,门第;赛事,赛跑vt. 使参加比赛;和…竞赛;使急走,使全速行进vi. 比速度,参加竞赛;全速行进n. (Race)人名;(英)雷斯;(塞)拉采短语relay race 接力赛跑 ; 接力 ; 接力跑arms race 武器竞赛 ; 武备比赛 ; 军火竞赛