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时间:2024-10-29 09:55:11 编辑:莆仙君


表达方式英语是:rhetorical modes; expression; presentation; turn of phrase; terms。例句如下:(1)我不是书呆子,不想在英语语法和表达方式上过于教条主义.I am no pedant and avoid being dogmatic concerning English grammar and expression.那种表达方式已废弃不用.The expression has gone out of use. (2)笑是最具感染力的情感表达方式之一.Laughter is one of the most infectious expressions of emotion.一些常见的笑的表达方式包括LOL,意思是放声大笑,ROFL,笑得在地板上打滚.Some common expressions of laughter include LOL, meaning laugh put loud, and ROFL, rolling on the floor laughing. (3)英语中有很多与狗有关的表达方式.In English, people use many expressions with the word dog.对母亲的爱可以有不同的表达方式.Love for mothers can have different ways of expression.


英语表达方式如下:在正式的场合需要使用正式的表达方式,表达敬意和严谨;在非正式场合使用非正式的表达方式,拉近彼此之间的距离,提高谈话的弹性和舒适性。1、你好吗?How do you do? —— What’s up?解析:What's up 的发音还可以是 wassup 或 whaddup,在非正式场合中,”What's up“ 是一个非常随便的问候语,表面上译为”怎么了或发生什么事了“,实际上不涉及对某些事的具体更新信息,相当于 what is the matter 或 what is happening,例如:'What's up?', I said to him.—'Nothing much,' he answered.“怎么了?”,我对他说。—没什么,他回答。2、很高兴见到你。It is a pleasure to meet you —— Nice to meet you3、在你方便的时候尽早。At your earliest convenience —— As soon as you can4、担心你,关心你。Concerned about you —— Worried about you5、首先。Firstly, —— To start with/…, For a start6、代我向~问好。Give my regards to —— Say hello to7、你最近有她的消息吗?Have you heard from her lately? —— Heard from her lately?8、你看到过汤姆吗?Have you seen Tom? —— Seen Tom?9、我同意安娜~的看法/安娜是正确的。I agree with my colleague, Anna, that… —— Anna’s right.10、我想提醒你的是~。I would like to remind you that~ —— Don’t forget

over and over again什么时候用

adv. 一再地;反复不断地
In the time before books, children learned fairy tales by listening to them over and over again.
读法:英 [əˈɡen; əˈɡeɪn] 美 [əˈɡen,əˈɡeɪn]
adv. 又,此外;再一次;再说;增加

He kissed her again.

over and over again近义词:additionally

读法:英 [əˈdɪʃənəli] 美 [əˈdɪʃənəli]

adv. 此外;又,加之
1、read additionally 增听
2、prototype additionally 原型件
3、additionally alu alu元件
4、Additionally check 另外检查
5、Calculate Additionally 计另
6、Stop additionally 增停
7、additionally besides 加之
8、Please Report Couplet Additionally 有意者请电联
9、But Additionally And Crucially 但另外更为关键

over and over是什么意思

over and over的意思是转来转去;〔主美〕反反复复。例句:1、I've told you over and over again not to do that. 我一再跟你讲不要再那么做。2、She kept repeating his name softly over and over again. 她轻轻地一遍又一遍地重复着他的名字。3、The car skidded off the road and rolled over and over. 汽车滑出路面不断翻滚。4、She betrayed his trust over and over again. 她一次又一次地辜负了他的信任。5、The police replayed footage of the accident over and over again. 警察一遍又一遍地重放事故的片段。6、'I don't understand it,' he said, over and over again. “我不明白,”他反复不停地说。