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时间:2024-10-12 14:58:38 编辑:莆仙君


暂时的英文单词是 temporarily。Temporarily 是一个副词,意思是“暂时地”或“临时地”。它用来描述某件事情持续时间短暂,不是永久性的。例如,你可以说 “The office is closed temporarily for renovation”(办公室因装修暂时关闭)或 “He is living here temporarily”(他暂时住在这里)。总之,temporarily 是一个描述时间短暂、非永久性的英文单词。它用来强调某件事情的临时性和短暂性。


关于暂时的相关短语如下:暂时 for the time being ;暂时 for the moment暂时 for the moment暂时 for the present暂时保护 temporary protection;暂时程序库 temporary library;暂时出口 temporary export;暂时储存电路 temporary-storage circuit;暂时辍学 stopout;暂时磁化 temporary magnetization;暂时磁铁 temporary magnet;暂时存储 temporary memory;关于暂时的相关例句 1. If there was any disappointment it was probably temporary.即便有点儿失望,也肯定是暂时的。2. Lemon and lime juice were both temporarily out of stock.柠檬汁和酸橙汁暂时都缺货。3. Was it just a temporary blip on an otherwise healthy growth curve?这是否是原本良好的增长曲线中暂时的偏离?4. It is only an Elastoplast solution to a far greater constitutional pro-blem.对于一个非常严重的宪法问题来说,这只是个暂时的解决方案。5. I think you ought to give football a rest for a time.我认为你应该暂时停止踢足球。6. When the boat reached Cape Town, we said a temporary goodbye.客轮到达开普敦时,我们暂时分别。