A snowstorm is when snow falls from the sky as precipitation. A blizzard is the worst kind of snowstorm, in which strong winds blow snow into snowdrifts (huge piles) that can bury people and possessions. Its official definition is a tempestuous, frigid snow storm with blustery, piercing winds of 35 miles per hour or more and a windchill factor as low as -20º Fahrenheit. Transportation is difficult and dangerous during blizzards because air temperatures can be 10ºF or lower, with visibility less than 400-500 feet.
When there is no much snow that people and animals cannot tell the earth from the sky, it is known as a whiteout. In this disoriented state, humans and livestock can lose their way and freeze to death. Blizzards carry the risk of hypothermia, frost bite, suffocation, and being stranded. Sub-zero temperatures, arctic conditions, and 100 mph winds in mountainous regions pose additional threats.
In frontier territory, blizzard was "a knock-down blow," delivered at first by a fist or gun rather than by the weather. It must have been in use by the mid-1820s. We encounter it in an 1829 glossary in the Virginia Literary Museum: "Blizzard. 'A violent blow,' perhaps from [German] Blitz, lightning. Kentucky." Whatever its origin, the word was familiar to frontiersman Davy Crockett, who wrote in his 1835 Tour Down East that at dinner, asked by a parson for a toast, "Not knowing whether he intended to have some fun at my expense, I concluded to go ahead and give him and his likes a blizzard." In this case it was a blizzard of words.
Blizzard went to college too. A writer in 1881 recalled, "In 1836 I first heard the word 'blizzard' among the young men at Illinois College, Jacksonville. If one struck a ball a severe blow in playing town-ball it would be said 'That's a blizzard.'"
Meanwhile, back on the frontier, blizzard began to be the term for the severe blow struck by a snowstorm. An 1862 book called Forty Years on the Frontier recorded this entry: "Snowed in the forenoon. Very cold in afternoon. Raw east wind. Everybody went to grand ball given by John Grant at Grantsville and a severe blizzard blew up and raged all night. We danced all night; no outside storm could dampen the festivities."
During the particularly severe winter of 1880-81, this kind of blizzard struck the whole country, as a writer in the Nation of New York City commented in 1881: "The hard weather has called into use a word which promises to become a national Americanism, namely 'blizzard.' It designates a storm (of snow and wind) which men cannot resist away from shelter." In general usage ever since, the blizzard of snow has knocked out the former meaning of mere human violence.
关于它们的视频 http://vinnyswebsite.com/blog1/video-blizzard-snow-storm-south-dakota-110608/
snowstorm 与blizzard 区别
Things are slowly getting back to normal in Denver virtually shut down by blizzard conditions this week.
In response to the critics,an Activision Blizzard manager revealed his real name on a forum.
暴雪娱乐于1991年2月8日由加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校的三位毕业生 Michael Morhaime、Allen Adham、Frank Pearce 以 Silicon&Synapse 为名创立,1994年更名为暴雪(Blizzard),推出了《魔兽争霸》系列、《星际争霸》系列、《暗黑破坏神》系列、《魔兽世界》、《炉石传说》、《风暴英雄》和《守望先锋》等多款游戏系列作品,这些游戏被多个电子竞技赛事列为主要比赛项目。【回答】
美国。暴雪娱乐公司是美国的一家著名游戏制作和发行公司,1991年2月8日由加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校的三位毕业生Michael Morhaime、Allen Adham、Frank Pearce,以Silicon&Synapse为名创立;1994年品牌正式更名为“Blizzard”。【摘要】
美国。暴雪娱乐公司是美国的一家著名游戏制作和发行公司,1991年2月8日由加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校的三位毕业生Michael Morhaime、Allen Adham、Frank Pearce,以Silicon&Synapse为名创立;1994年品牌正式更名为“Blizzard”。【回答】