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不久前,我写过这篇 product lifecycle analysis 的论文.
The effects of advertising at different stages of the product life cycle
The product life cycle demonstrates the entire process of a product from its introduction to the market to its exit from the market. A regular example of the product life cycle consists of four stages: introduction, growth, maturity and decline. The advertising strategies used in the first three stages have important consequences in the extension of the product’s remaining life in decline phrase.
产品导入期是新产品正式投放市场的时期。在此阶段,消费者对新产品较陌生,缺乏全面了解和信任。所以在此阶段,充分利用不同的媒介组合,对全新的产品概念进行广告宣传,以培育产品市场认知度及提升产品知名度尤其重要。诱导消费者对新产品产生初步印象和需求, 愿意尝试新产品并逐渐接受新产品。
Product introduction period
Product introduction period begins at the launch of a new product into the market. In this period, the consumers lack knowledge and confidence in the new product and the product needs time to find acceptance by the consumers too. Therefore at this stage, effective use of a combination of different media is required to increase awareness on the concept of the new product with essential focus placed on the enhancing the recognition and impression of the product. This is done to attract initial attention and stipulation of the consumers’ so as to draw upon their willingness to experiment with the new product and eventually increasing their acceptance of it.
此时偏重于功能宣传的广告诉求,可培育出该产品的消费先驱,即前期购买者。例如宝洁公司的广告宣传, 刚向市场推出海飞丝去头屑、飘柔令头发光滑柔顺等, 就是强调产品的独特功效, 从而迅速提高产品知名度, 引起消费者注意, 激起购买欲。从而达到快速占领市场、影响产品认知、初步提升品牌知名度的目的,为产品以后的发展打下良好的基础。
If a great deal of concentration is placed on advertising about the functions of the new product at this time, it can stimulate the commencement of the product’s consumption hence the pioneer batch of consumers. For an example, the advertisements of Procter & Gamble for its new products with Head and Shoulder focusing on its anti-dandruff function and Rejoice focusing on its smooth and silky functions. This is done to give emphasis on the unique efficacy of these products in order to catch the attention of the consumers hence arousing the desire to purchase. From here, the company can increase market share rapidly, boosting product’s awareness, augmenting product’s recognition and build solid foundation for the future growth of the product.
产品成长期是产品逐渐或迅速被消费者了解并接受, 大多数消费者开始追随, 产品销售量快速增长的阶段; 但此时新的竞争者进入市场, 市场竞争开始激烈, 同类产品的差异性缩小, 产品价格降低。
Product growth period
Product introduction period occurs when the product is either slowly or rapidly accepted by the consumers and the initialisation of brand loyalty. Sales of the product will rise significantly in this period but at the same time new competitors will enter the market hence intensifying competitive rivalry. Differentiations between similar products will diminish and prices will start to fall.
在此阶段,描绘品牌形象比强调产品的具体功能特征重要得多,企业可通过提升品牌形象,占领有利的市场位置。如果品牌与消费者建立了某种情感上的联系, 那么消费者会慢慢被感化。而广告是争取社会公众对本产品的正确、全面了解,提高产品美誉度,树立良好的品牌形象的最快最重要的实现载体。
So, it is more important to concentrate on branding rather than product’s functions. Companies can base on enhancing brand image to gain competitive advantage in market position. For example, once a relationship is forged between the brand and the consumers, brand loyalty can be established. Advertising is the fastest and most critical method used to achieve full faucet of understanding from the public to increase the reputation of the product and create a good brand image.
由于品牌广告效应有所显现, 消费者口碑发挥重要作用, 新顾客在老顾客传递的口碑信息中不断加入购买者行列。例如万宝路运用品牌形象策略, 通过品牌形象与消费者建立情感联系, 从而使其成为全球第一香烟品牌。
It is obvious to know that word of mouth from the consumers has effective consequences on advertising. New customers will join the ranks of consumers based on the recommendations of the original customers. For an example, Marlboro branding’s strategy. Using the relationship fostered between the brand and the consumers, it has become the top brand of cigarettes in the world.
产品成熟期是产品在市场上已经被广泛了解接受, 产品销售量达到最大,市场进入相对饱和状态, 潜在顾客已很少, 产品销售增长非常缓慢的阶段。而市场上出现更多的竞争对手,市场竞争更加激烈,利润下降。
Product maturity period
The product has been widely accepted and used in the market and its sales volume has reached the maximum capacity. Mature market becomes stable with little potential new customers and the growth of its sales volume is increasing very gradually. More competitors are entering the market with rivalry competition further intensifying hence reducing profitability of the product.
At this stage, the strategy of protraction, reminding consumers should be used in conjunction with advertisements against competitors. Focus is placed on branding and corporate image increasing the reputation of both the brand and the image of the company so as to activate brand loyalty to attract consumers to repurchase the product. Advertisements should highlight the differences between dissimilar brands and increasing promotional advertisements will also play a role in enhancing sales volumes.
Based on the above analysis of the effects that advertisements have on the companies, consumers and products at different stages of their life cycle, we can conclude that advertising is fundamental in process of the product’s realisation of sales and detrimental to the product. Advertising is not the single solution to all the problems in marketing. If there is a problem with the product itself, sales will only be temporary and false advertising can generate bad publicity for a company as well as inducing bankruptcy. Taking into consideration of today’s highly competitive market, advertising is an indispensable marketing tool. Adhering to the market’s economy and set of regulations, making good use of advertising methods and strategies will bring better results using lesser efforts.
朋友,很高兴为你翻译! Good afternoon! I am very pleased to participate in this interview. My name is XXX, and I come from XXX.I graduated from Hunan Agricultural University majored electronic business professional.In May,2005,I participated in work.Successively I acted as a senior system engineer and terminal product manager in Guangzhou Gefeng Raiment Co. Ltd, and Xingcheng Info-Tech Ltd, of Hunan province.Years of work experience has made me more mature and stable,meanwhile,gaining the work experience, I have got a better understanding of responsibility and gratitude. I am strict in work, at the same time, enthusiastic, cheerful, good at communication and exchange with others. Because of this, in my recent work experience, I have the opportunity to make exchanges and cooperation with people from different fields and posts, from which I benefited a lot , and I have made certain achievements.This feeling is very great! I also have many hobbies in my daily life, such as playing badminton, singing, and practising calligraphy when I have free time, which I think are derived from my parents' good education to me. I love my family and my parents very much . In my next occupation designing, probably due to my personality and experience of a product manager , I will pay more attention to the work in sales and management fields. Because the process, through the communication and collaboration between people, can improve my enthusiasm and can also make me excited to achieve the goal . Finally, I want, in a word, to end my self introduction. That is: In the future I will continue to study hard, actively participate in work and challenge my limit of life goal. Thank you. 自己亲自翻译的,用了大概一个小时时间,并且斟酌了数遍。感觉比较规范、流畅、符合英语的表达习惯。有几处按照英语表达要求做了英语的文字处理。很可能存在错误,请指正并商榷!希望对你有所帮助。如满意,采纳哟……
三个耶鲁大学的教授在今晚的一个讨论会上一致同意,汽车是这个国家公共卫生的头号敌人。除了污染空气、使城市拥挤化,汽车是造成伤残事故的主要原因。另外医学和公共卫生学教授h.richard weinerman博士认为,由于我们不再步行,汽车同时也会引起心脏病。
生物学教授Arthur w.galston认为,汽车是这些危害的罪魁祸首,而制造出尽量减少烟雾的煤油燃机汽车也是可能的。然而他怀疑美国人是否愿意在回乡下时放弃90英里/小时的出行方式。他说:“美国人似乎已将自己托付给汽车了—每家人都有至少两辆汽车,其中一辆还必须是300马力的敞篷车。正因这些价值,我们选择了这种生活方式?”