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时间:2024-10-02 10:18:52 编辑:莆仙君


invaluable: 意思是“非常贵重的invaluable是一个英语单词,意思是无价的,非常宝贵的。invaluable英 [ɪnˈvæljuəbl] 美 [ɪnˈvæljuəbəl]adj:无价的;非常宝贵的;无法估计的;金不换love is invaluable 爱心无价an invaluable collection of paintings 珍品画的收藏invaluable help advice etc 宝贵的帮助invaluable spiritual treasure 中国女足精神this set of ancient china is invaluable 这套古瓷器非常珍贵invalidname 无效名 不正确名称invalidly 无价值地; 无用地invaluableners 宝贵invalidity pension 伤残养老金invaluably 非常贵重; 无法评价invalidity of treaties 条约的无效invar n. 【冶金】因钢,因瓦(铁镍)合金,不胀钢,恒范钢。invalidity of a contract 合同的无效在那一年里我有幸获得了非常宝贵的经验。2.Theresearchshouldproveinvaluableinthestudyoflinguistics该调查研究在语言学研究领域的重要性应该会得到证实。3.Theiradvicewasinvaluabletomeatthatstageofmywork.他们的建议对我那一阶段的工作非常宝贵。


invaluable的意思:无价之宝。一、基本解释无价之宝,汉语成语,读音为wú jià zhī bǎo,指极珍贵的东西。出自唐鱼玄机《赠邻女》诗:“易求无价宝,难得有心郎。”用法:偏正式;作宾语;含褒义。二、近反义词1、近义词:奇珍异宝、价值千金、稀世之宝、吉光片羽、价值连城。2、反义词:粪土不如、牛溲马勃、一钱不值、马勃牛溲、一文不值。三、无价之宝的造句1、为了赚多一点钱,就把你给冷落了,我应该用更的时间来陪伴你,因为我知道你的爱是无价之宝。2、的眼中,你们永远不会丧失价值。在他看来,肮脏或洁净,衣着齐整或不齐整,你们依然是无价之宝。3、蔺相如机智地从秦王手中夺回了无价之宝和氏璧。4、博物馆中陈列的几件商周时的青铜制品,都是无价之宝。5、出土文物不少是无价之宝,我们应当好好地保护。6、他把这块玉石看作无价之宝,当然待价而沽了。7、一个好性格至关重要,它将决定一生的前程。开朗愉快的天性是无价之宝。


valuable,invaluable,priceless,valueless,worthless的区别:1、valuable:贵重的, 珍贵的, 值钱的2、priceless:无价的, 贵重的, 无法估价的3、invaluable:无法估计的, 非常宝贵的4、valueless,:无价值的, 没有用处的5、worthless:无价值的, 没有用处的拓展资料valuable1、Many of our teachers also have valuable academic links with Heidelberg University 我们的很多老师也和海德堡大学保持着有益的学术联系。2、Just because a camera is old does not mean it is valuable. 古旧的相机不一定就值钱。3、If you decide to do you own make-up, here are a few valuable tips that will help you look your best 如果你决定自己化妆,这里有一些有用的小窍门,可以帮助你呈现最美的一面。4、The experience was very valuable. 这一经验很宝贵。5、We have purchased some valuable jewelry. 我们购置了几件贵重的珠宝饰物。invaluable1、I was able to gain invaluable experience over that year 在那一年里我有幸获得了非常宝贵的经验。2、The research should prove invaluable in the study of linguistics 该调查研究在语言学研究领域的重要性应该会得到证实。3、Their advice was invaluable to me at that stage of my work. 他们的建议对我那一阶段的工作非常宝贵。4、The book is an invaluable aid to teachers of literature 这本书对于教授文学的老师来说帮助非常大。5、The video has become an invaluable teaching tool 录像已经成为非常有用的教学手段。priceless1、They are priceless, unique and irreplaceable. 它们是独一无二、不可替代的无价之宝。2、They are a priceless record of a brief period in British history 它们是对英国历史上一个短暂时期的极为珍贵的记录。3、The influence of someone like David York will be priceless. 像大卫·约克这样的人能带来非常积极的影响。4、The house is crammed with priceless furniture and works of art 房子里摆满了昂贵的家具和艺术品。5、Works of art and priceless historical records were ruthlessly destroyed. 艺术品和珍贵史料全被无情地毁掉了。


valuable,invaluable,priceless,valueless,worthless的区别:1、valuable:贵重的, 珍贵的, 值钱的2、priceless:无价的, 贵重的, 无法估价的3、invaluable:无法估计的, 非常宝贵的4、valueless,:无价值的, 没有用处的5、worthless:无价值的, 没有用处的拓展资料valuable1、Many of our teachers also have valuable academic links with Heidelberg University 我们的很多老师也和海德堡大学保持着有益的学术联系。2、Just because a camera is old does not mean it is valuable. 古旧的相机不一定就值钱。3、If you decide to do you own make-up, here are a few valuable tips that will help you look your best 如果你决定自己化妆,这里有一些有用的小窍门,可以帮助你呈现最美的一面。4、The experience was very valuable. 这一经验很宝贵。5、We have purchased some valuable jewelry. 我们购置了几件贵重的珠宝饰物。invaluable1、I was able to gain invaluable experience over that year 在那一年里我有幸获得了非常宝贵的经验。2、The research should prove invaluable in the study of linguistics 该调查研究在语言学研究领域的重要性应该会得到证实。3、Their advice was invaluable to me at that stage of my work. 他们的建议对我那一阶段的工作非常宝贵。4、The book is an invaluable aid to teachers of literature 这本书对于教授文学的老师来说帮助非常大。5、The video has become an invaluable teaching tool 录像已经成为非常有用的教学手段。priceless1、They are priceless, unique and irreplaceable. 它们是独一无二、不可替代的无价之宝。2、They are a priceless record of a brief period in British history 它们是对英国历史上一个短暂时期的极为珍贵的记录。3、The influence of someone like David York will be priceless. 像大卫·约克这样的人能带来非常积极的影响。4、The house is crammed with priceless furniture and works of art 房子里摆满了昂贵的家具和艺术品。5、Works of art and priceless historical records were ruthlessly destroyed. 艺术品和珍贵史料全被无情地毁掉了。