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risk of

时间:2024-09-27 16:38:58 编辑:莆仙君

at the risk of等于risking吗

n. 风险;危险;冒险
vt. 冒…的危险

at the risk of冒…的危险
at the risk of doing sth.做某事有危险

at the risk of sounding too direct虽然可能过于直接

at the risk of(=with danger of)冒……的风险

màozheshēngmìngwēixiăn] at the risk of one's life冒着生命危险

run a risk of = at the risk of冒……险

run a risk of =at the risk of冒

But Ill repeat myself at the risk of being crude但病患重复不惜冒粗俗

at the risk of (=with danger of)冒…的风险

Do sth.at the risk of one's life冒生命危

take the risk of 什么意思

Take[Run] the risk of doing sth. 冒险做某事
at one's own risk 自担风险
at risk 有危险
run risks 冒险 (= take risks)
a poor risk for insurance 风险大的保险户
at all risks (=at any risk) 无论冒什么危险; 无论如何
at one's own [the owner's, the buyer's] risk (损失、风险等)由自已[物主、买主] 负责
at the risk of (=at riskto) 冒...之险; 不顾...之风险
run [take] a risk(s) 冒险
run[take] the risk of doing sth. 冒险做某事
take no risks 慎重行事

at the risk of

at the risk of冒…的危险
at the risk of doing sth.做某事有危险
at the risk of sounding too direct虽然可能过于直接
at the risk of(=with danger of)冒……的风险
màozheshēngmìngwēixiăn] at the risk of one's life冒着生命危险
run a risk of = at the risk of冒……险
run a risk of =at the risk of冒
But Ill repeat myself at the risk of being crude但病患重复不惜冒粗俗
at the risk of (=with danger of)冒…的风险
Do sth.at the risk of one's life冒生命危