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时间:2024-09-21 01:28:28 编辑:莆仙君


bloom和blossom区别如下:bloom和blossom的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、指代不同1、bloom:开花。2、blossom:花朵。二、用法不同1、bloom:bloom用作动词的基本意思是“开花”,用于比喻可作“繁荣,兴旺,健康成长”等解。2、blossom:blossom的基本意思是“开花”,指植物达到了开花的状态特别指开始要结果的状态。三、侧重点不同1、bloom:指仅供观赏但不结果实的花。2、blossom:指果树的花,常用复数。1.[c]常指供观赏的)花a flower (usually one on a plant that people admire for its flowers)2.[sing][u]健康有精神的面貌a healthy fresh appearance1.a flower; a lot of flowers or plants together2.the time or the condition of being young, healthy, and attractive


一、两者区别:1、动词 “bloom” 既可以表示 “观赏性、装饰性强的花朵盛开、怒放”,也可以泛指 “树木等开出花簇”,但前者更常用;2、而动词 “blossom” 则特指 “果木、灌木等在结出果实前开出花簇”。二、例句:1、When I buy a bouquet, I always pick the flowers that are about to bloom.我买花束的时候,总挑那些即将盛开的花朵。2、It’s said that these flowers usually bloom just one night a year and all at once.据说,这些花一年通常只会在一个晚上同一时间绽放。3、Most peach tree varieties blossom in spring.大多数桃树品种在春天开花。

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