共发表论文200余篇,三分之一发表于国际病毒学一流杂志。1.Chen GM, Hung T, et a1.Identification and baculovirus expression of the VP4 protein of the human group B rotavirus ADRV.J Virol,1993,67(5):2730-82.Hung T, Xia SM, Zhao TX, et al. Hantaan virus related structures found in the kidneys of acute phase HFRS corpses. Arch mol,1992,122:187-1993.Chen GM, Werner R, Hung T, et a1. Expression of the major innercapsid protein of the group B rotavirus ADRV: primary characterization of genome segment 5. Virol,1991,182:820-94.Chen GM, Hung T, et al. cDNA cloning of each genomic segment of the group B rotavirus ADRB: Molecular characterization of the eleventh gene segment. Virol, 1990,175:605-95.Chen GM, Hunt T and Makow ER. Identification of the gene encoding the group B rotavirus VP7 equivalent: primary characterization of the ADRV segment 9 RNA. Virol,1990, 178:311-56.洪涛,周静仪,李镐汪等。在急性期肾综合征出血热尸体肾脏里发现的汉滩病毒和相关结构。中华实验和临床病毒学杂志,1990,4(4):381-37.Hung T. Rotavirus and adult diarrhea. Advances in Virus Res.1988,35:193-2188. Hung T, Xia SM, Chou ZY, et al. Morphology and morphogenesis of viruses of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome.-II. Inclusion bodies-ultrastructural markers of hantavirus infected cells.Intervirol,1987,27:45-529.Hung T, Chen GM, Wang CA Seroepidemiology and molecular epidemiology of adult diarrhea rotavirus. Ciba Foundation symposium,1986,128:49-5410.Hung T, Xia SM, Chou ZY, et al. Morphology and morphogensis of virues of HFRS-I.Some peliar aspects of the morphogenesis of various strains of HFRS virus. Intervirol, 1985,23:97-10811.Hung T, Chen GM, Wang CA, et al. Waterborne outbreak of rotavirus diaffhea in China caused by a novel rotavirus.Lancet,1984,I(8387):113912.洪涛,王长安,陈广牧等.在暴发的成人无菌性腹泻中发现新轮状病毒.中华微生物和免疫学杂志.1984,4(1):1-513.洪涛,夏诗茂,周静仪等.中国流行性出血热和轻型出血热病毒的形态学研究.中华微生物和免疫学杂志,183,3(2):19-2714.Hung T, Chen GM, Wang CA, et al. Rotavirus-like agent in adult non-bacterial diarrhea in China,Lancet,1983,II(8358):107815.Hung T., Xia SM, Chou ZY, et al. Morphologica characterization of the etiologic agents of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome isolated in China have similar Buniyavirus like morphology. Lancet,1983 I(834):58916. Hung T, Xia SM, Chou ZY, et al. Morphological evidence for identifying the viruses of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome as candidate member of the Buniyaviridae family. Arch Virol,1983,78:137-44
洪涛共主编或编著专业论著8本,共约500万字。1.医学病毒学基础和实验技术,科学出版社,1990年2.黄祯祥论文集,中华医学会,1990年3.流行性出血热图谱,科学出版社,1988年4.Atlas of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome, Science Press,19885.病毒性腹泻,中国煤炭工业部,1984年6.生物医学超微结构与电子显微镜技术,科学出版社,1980年第一版,1986年第二版7.病毒学研究的进展和方向,中国医学科学院医学情报研究所,1980年8.医学生物学电镜图谱,科学出版社,1978年
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