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slight heat

时间:2024-09-09 10:56:35 编辑:莆仙君


二十四节气英文如下: 《二十四节气 The 24 Solar Terms》立春 Beginning of Spring;雨水 Rain Water;惊蛰 Awakening of Insects;春分 Spring Equinox ;清明 Pure Brightness谷雨 Grain Rain;立夏 Beginning of Summer;小满 Grain Buds;芒种 Grain in Ear.;夏至 Summer Solstice;小暑 Minor Heat .大暑 Major Heat;立秋 Beginning of Autumn;处暑 End of Heat ;白露 White Dew;秋分 Autumn Equinox;寒露 Cold Dew;霜降 Frost’s Descent .立冬 Beginning of Winter;小雪 Minor Snow ;大雪 Major Snow ;冬至 Winter Solstice;小寒 Minor Cold ;大寒 Major Cold .


二十四节气英文表达(按顺序)如下:二十四节气 The 24 Solar Terms:立春 Spring begins.雨水 The rains.惊蛰 Insects awaken.春分 Vernal Equinox清明 Clear and bright.谷雨 Grain rain.立夏 Summer begins.小满 Grain buds.芒种 Grain in ear.夏至 Summer solstice.小暑 Slight heat.大暑 Great heat.立秋 Autumn begins.处暑 Stopping the heat.白露 White dews.秋分 Autumn Equinox.寒露 Cold dews.霜降 Hoar-frost falls.立冬 Winter begins.小雪 Light snow.大雪 Heavy snow.冬至 Winter Solstice.小寒 Slight cold.大寒 Great cold。


立夏英文Beginning of summer。例句:1、立夏后,庄稼长势良好。When summer began, the crops were doing well.2、立夏将带来丰富的降雨,并直接带来丰获。The Beginning of Summer will bring abundant rain and lead directly to the harvest.3、立春、立夏、立秋、立冬表示四季的开始。The Beginning of Spring , Beginning of Summer, Beginning of Autumn and Be-ginning of Winter mark the start of four seasons.4、立夏:立夏是指夏季的开始。The beginning of summer: it means the beginning of summer.5、下面哪一项不是立夏的传统习俗?Which one is NOT the Summer Begins'traditional customs?


下面是一篇关于立夏的英文介绍并附带翻译,希望给您带来参考:LiXia is the seventh solar term in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, marking the beginning of summer. It usually falls between May 5 and May 7 according to the Gregorian calendar. During this period, the sun's longitude is 45 degrees, and the weather gradually becomes hotter and more humid.In ancient China, people used to hold various ceremonies and rituals to pray for a good harvest and to protect themselves from disasters during the upcoming summer season. Nowadays, although these traditions have faded away, some customs still remain in some areas, such as eating mutton, drinking dogwood flower tea or wearing Mugwort leaves to prevent diseases.The arrival of Lixia also marks the time for farmers to plant their summer crops. As the temperature rises, varieties such as corn, rice, cotton, tomato, cucumber, watermelon and other fruits and vegetables begin to grow. The hot and humid climate provides favorable conditions for crop growth, but also brings challenges like pest control and irrigation management.Even though the weather becomes hotter, people still enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, swimming and barbecuing during this season. Some people also take this opportunity to cultivate their bodies and minds through sports, meditation or travel.In summary, Lixia signifies the official beginning of summer, bringing heat, growth and health to the earth and its people.立夏是中国传统农历二十四节气中的第七个节气,标志着夏季的开始。它通常在公历5月5日至7日之间。此时太阳经度为45度,天气逐渐变得更热、更潮湿。在古代,人们会举办各种仪式和祭祀来祈求好的收成,同时保护自己免受即将到来的夏季灾害。如今,虽然这些传统已经逐渐淡化,但某些习俗仍然留存于某些地区,例如吃羊肉、喝山楂花茶或戴艾草来预防疾病。立夏的到来也标志着农民开始种植夏季作物。随着气温的上升,玉米、稻米、棉花、番茄、黄瓜、西瓜等水果和蔬菜逐渐生长。炎热潮湿的气候为作物生长提供了良好的条件,但也带来了诸如病虫害防治和灌溉管理等挑战。尽管天气变得更加炎热,人们仍然喜欢进行户外活动,比如徒步旅行、野营、游泳和烧烤等。一些人还会趁此机会通过运动、冥想或旅行来培养身心健康。总之,立夏意味着夏季正式开始,为大地和人民带来了热量、生长和健康。