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vanity fair

时间:2024-09-09 00:19:23 编辑:莆仙君





《名利场》真实描绘了1810—1820年摄政王时期英国上流社会没落贵族和资产阶级暴发户等各色人物的丑恶嘴脸和弱肉强食、尔虞我诈的人际关系。故事主角蓓基·夏泼是一个机灵乖巧的漂亮姑娘。她尝过贫穷的滋味,一心要掌握自己的命运,摆脱困境。她不择手段,凭谄媚奉承、走小道钻后门,飞上高枝,构成一个引人关怀又动人情感的故事。《名利场》(Vanity Fair)是十九世纪英国批判现实主义作家威廉·梅克比斯·萨克雷创作的长篇小说。扩展资料:创作背景19世纪三四十年代以后,反映中产阶级的妇女观和家庭观大量涌现,宣称男女有清晰的性别角色分工,即男人属于外面商业和政治的公众世界,女人属于家庭的私人世界。女人是依赖者,管理家庭,是甜蜜的“家庭天使”。而中产阶级是萨克雷所熟悉和重点描绘的对象。作品赏析在《名利场》中,作者创造了两个视角,一个是傀儡戏的领班,另一个是编剧创造的傀儡戏的世界,这两者相互衬托,相互照应,共同成为了故事发生的背景。在傀儡戏领班的眼中,社会就像这傀儡戏一样,不存在道德,而是“名利”,有了名利,任何人都可以被我驱使,当做傀儡;在编剧的眼中,自己编排的傀儡戏,就是社会现实的真实写照。参考资料来源:百度百科——名利场

vanity fair的英文简介

Author:William Makepeace Thackeray (1811–1863) was born in Calcutta but sent to England at the age of six. A journalist for many years, he wrote many novels with a socially satirical edge, including The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon, Esq. and, most famously, Vanity Fair.Book Description:In Miss Pinkerton's academy for young ladies, the advantaged Amelia Smedley is in stark contrast to the poor, but sharp-witted Becky Sharp. However, fate is not always kind as their lives become entwined with the likes of the coarse bully, Sir Pitt Crawley and his brother.
From AudioFile:
The incomparable Miriam Margolyes applies her story-telling and histrionic gifts to this classic satire of two young English women, one bad but clever and the other good but stupid, who come to no good during the Napoleonic Wars. The abridgers have cut a bit too much at the expense of the characterizations. Although sounding somewhat forced, Margolyes, as always, gives an excellent performance.

the vanity fair是什么意思

the vanity fair名利场例句:1.But as the vanity fair report points out, we're still very much in the dark about his investments, some of which seem very mysterious. 然而,正如《名利场》这份报告指出的那样,我们对他的投资很不里了解,有些项目看起来非常神秘。2.Explaining why mr and mrs beckham are on the list, the vanity fair says: "because the whole is greater than the sum of the parts." 《名利场》杂志在解释为什么小贝夫妇能登上此榜时说:“因为两人的整体效果比单个人要好。”3.Zhang ziyi has successfully insinuated herself into the vanity fair in hollywood. 章子怡已经成功挤入好莱坞的名利场。4.It's been a subprime year for everyone, not least the vanity fair 100. 今年真是全民次级债的一年,对于《名利场100排行榜》上那100个人尤其是。5.It has a circulation four times the size of vanity fair. 它的发行量是《名利场》的四倍。


the vanity fair


It's been a subprime year for everyone, not least the vanity fair 100.

But as the vanity fair report points out, we're still very much in the dark about hisinvestments, some of which seem very mysterious.

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