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时间:2024-08-21 02:43:16 编辑:莆仙君


审判的英语:judge;judgen. 法官;裁判员;鉴定人;v. 判断;猜测(大小、数量等);裁判;评价;审判,判决双语例句1.预计他将成为审判时的关键证人。He is expected to be the key witness at the trial.2.媒体对这次审判进行了全面报道。The trial was fully reported in the media.3.他们因叛国的阴谋而被交付审判。They were brought to trial for treasonable conspiracy.4.每个人都有权获得公正的审判。Everyone has a right to a fair trial.5.新的证据表明警方在审判时撒了谎。New evidence showed the police lied at the trial.6.他被委以在审判期间保护她的任务。He was given the task of protecting her for the duration of the trial.

《最后的审判》 除了米开朗琪罗。还有哪位画家画过?


1. 扬.凡.埃克(Jan van Eyck, 1395-1441),文艺复兴时代法兰德斯画家

2. 弗拉.安吉利科(Fra Angelico, 1400-1455),文艺复兴时代意大利佛罗伦萨画派画家

3. 克里斯图斯(Petrus Christus, ca.1410-1473),文艺复兴时代荷兰画家
馆藏:德国柏林 Staatliche Museum

4. 包希(Hieronymus Bosch, ca.1450-1516),文艺复兴时代荷兰画家
馆藏连结:http://www.vlaamsekunstcollectie.be/zoom.aspx?title=Last Judgement&image=brugge/0000.GRO0208.I.jpg

5. 普伏斯特(Jan Provost, 1465-1529),文艺复兴时代法兰德斯画家
馆藏连结:http://www.vlaamsekunstcollectie.be/zoom.aspx?title=Last Judgement&image=brugge/0000.GRO0117.I.jpg

6. 科西(Michiel van Coxcie, 1499-1592),文艺复兴时代法兰德斯画家
馆藏连结:http://www.vlaamsekunstcollectie.be/zoom.aspx?title=The Last Judgement&image=gent/S-54.jpg

7. 彼德.波布司(Pieter Pourbus, 1523-1584),文艺复兴时代法兰德斯画家
馆藏连结:http://www.vlaamsekunstcollectie.be/zoom.aspx?title=Last Judgement&image=brugge/0000.GRO0110.I.jpg

8. 约克伯扬?凡?埃克.狄.贝克(Jacob de Backer, ca.1555-1585),文艺复兴时代法兰德斯画家
馆藏连结:http://www.vlaamsekunstcollectie.be/zoom.aspx?title=The Last Judgement&image=antwerpen/653.jpg


审判的英文:trial资料扩展:bring to trial; try:公开审判open trial;因... 受审判stand one's trial for...;刑事审判criminal trial;举行模拟审判hold a mock trial;那位法官在一天之内主持了4次审判。The judge conducted four trials in one day.他因盗窃罪受到审判。He was on trial for theft.同时,计划第一次在美国民事法庭审判关塔那摩监狱的囚犯&一名在1998年制造美国驻非洲大使馆爆炸事故的嫌疑犯。Meanwhile, plans were made to bring to trial for the first time in a civilian court in the United States a detainee from Guant á namo Bay, a suspect in the1998 bombings of American embassies in Africa. club.topsage.com因为如果他们要审判你,他们就会绞死你。Because if they try you, they'll hang you. provided by jukuu他被送交法庭审判,并被裁定有罪。He was brought before the court and found guilty.