Rachel platten 的nothing ever happens歌词
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She dreams of where she's never been
Her story starts where it should end
She keeps a bible close and folds the pages down she needs the most
Her faded walls are closing in
So in her head she leaves again
They've painted ceilings blue and green
And brilliant colors she's never seen
But nothingeverhappens if you stay in your room
Nothingeverhappens if you leave the party too soon
Never be a winner if you're not in the game
And nothingeverhappens if you always play it safe
Make a little space and get out of your own way
A ticket out sits on her shelf and gathers dust upon itself
Cause chasing chance is for the brave
Maybe soon she'll feel that way
But nothingeverhappens if you stay in your room
And nothingeverhappens if you leave the party too soon
Nothingeverhappens if you don't get hurt
And nothingeverhappens if you never get dirty
Make a little space and go on, get out, go on get out
Leave what you don't need
You're free, and the pieces will fall into place
You and you only who can make a little space and
And get out of your own way
She sees the sunlight through the cracks
It's only her who holds her back
And so she takes her deepest breath,
Shuts the door and walks down the steps
And nothingeverhappens if you stay in your room
Nothingeverhappens if you leave the party too soon
Never be a winner if you're not in the game
And nothingeverhappens if you always play it safe
Make a little space and get out of your own
Oh get out of your own way
Get out of your own way
Oh get out of your own way
Get out of your own way
求Rachel platten take these things away 的歌词和翻译
I want someone to know my favorite icecream
I want someone to laugh when I act like I'm 13
Need someone to stay so I can fall asleep,
Make being awake, like living in a dream
and at the end of every day noone can take these things away
we all want love, and that's okay
maybe there's someone
也许身边有人陪伴cuz when my song has slipped away
and the darkness swallows the day
another one's not very far away
so baby just hold on
I want somewhere to go
when its too noisy in my head
当我脑子一片混乱,我想有一个宁静的地方可以去verbal vertigo,
i wanna hear my voice instead
need someway to lose
this fear of falling down
cause I can still dance
when my feet are on the ground
and at the end of every day noone can take these things away
当一天结束,没人能带走这些we all want love, and that's okay
maybe there's someone
cuz when my song has slipped away
and the darkness swallows the day
another one's not very far away
so baby just hold on
If you could see behind my eyes
如果你看到我的眼睛 and ivory
overwhelmed in outerspace
不知所措spinning round and round and chasing
fairy tales and shooting stars
how I wonder where we are
in this life, we'll be alright
All we gotta do is hold on tight
and at the end of every day noone can take these things away
当一天结束,没人能带走这些we all want love, and that's okay
maybe there's someone
cuz when my song has slipped away
and the darkness swallows the day
another one's not very far away
崭新的一天就要到来so baby just hold on
《fight song》Rachel platten中文歌词
Fight Song - Rachel Platten
Like a small boat
On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion
And all those things I didn't say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time
This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me
Losing friends and I'm chasing sleep
Everybody's worried about me
In too deep
Say I'm in too deep
And it's been two years
I miss my home
There's a fire burning in my bones
I still believe
Yeah I still believe
And all those things I didn't say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time
This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me
A lot of fight left in me
Like a small boat
On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion
This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me
Now I've still got a lot of fight left in me
十大经典励志歌曲有:1、红日:李克勤在迈入演艺圈之后,凭借一首旋律欢快积极励志的《红日》赢得了无数少男少女的心,《红日》作为一个时代的经典作品,也是李克勤坚持后的心声,让听众们看到粤语流行歌曲的魅力。它陪伴着无数观众走过了峥嵘岁月,歌词激昂上进,充满激励人心的励志能量,让听众感知到了红日精神的影响。2、光辉岁月:《光辉岁月》的歌词内容励志,歌曲旋律易于流行。在听这首歌曲时,一种从一个反叛青年到一个自由火炬的呐喊让人不由自主的心生感慨,那是一种来自心灵的震撼,让处在逆境中的人仿佛看到了一丝希望,让人不由自主的坚强起来。3、我相信:《我相信》曲调高昂,是一首激励人心的励志歌曲。无论是旋律还是歌词,都使人激昂振奋,具有鼓舞人心的力量。杨培安高亢清亮的声音把《我相信》的励志主题发挥到了淋漓尽致。4、最初的梦想:《最初的梦想》描诉人们在遭遇到困难、挫折的时候,只要坚持自己“最初的梦想”,回想当初立志实现梦想的那一份努力,就决不会轻言放弃。此曲延续了范玮琪《启程》、《那些花儿》、《可不可以不勇敢》等歌声表达的“温暖”和一种“向上的力量”。5、追梦赤子心:《追梦赤子心》完全将自己抛出去的唱法,以及源自Neil Young的“与其苟延残喘、不如纵情燃烧”这样的热血情怀,也是习惯玩范儿、玩曲风的中国摇滚乐,最为缺少的一种音乐内核。它没有批判和深邃,却不缺死磕与抗争,以及为了理想主义甘愿抛头颅、洒热血的气势。6、隐形的翅膀:《隐形的翅膀》歌词易记,旋律优美,歌中无论是旋律或是歌词涵义都给人希望、温暖与安定的力量,民谣曲风的歌曲能让很多听者动容,是一首温馨的励志歌曲。歌曲在张韶涵甜美又极具爆发力的嗓音演绎下给听者带来不一样的力量,歌手在演唱时收起了声音中锋利的力量,反而多了温情励志,甚至是轻快跳跃到接近儿歌的形态,感染人们要坚强地面对人生。7、淋雨一直走:《淋雨一直走》是音乐总监Angela与制作人Jae Chong将坚强意志化为旋律,由作词人姚若龙老师量身为张韶涵打造歌词,将挫折化为前进力量,传达出Angela历经过的低潮。如歌词中提到“有前面盘旋的秃鹰,有背后尖酸的耳语,黑色的童话,是给长大的洗礼”就算面对挫折也从未退缩害怕,以及重新出发的正面态度。8、夜空中最亮的星:《夜空中最亮的星》中投射出来的恬静意境与浪漫情怀,让人动容。聆听逃跑计划的音乐,都会听到那一些些对于梦想、理想的坚持与追随,很多人都会在这一首首作品中听到哪一个属于曾几何时的自己。9、勇敢的心:《勇敢的心》整体上使用汪氏惯用中音色摇滚的节奏,编曲的主题动机清晰,使人印象深刻,对音色的选用有汪峰一贯的气质。键盘乐器的选用凸显了音乐的高贵感,颗粒状电子的音乐使得音乐的拉伸起伏更有张力。在音乐的和声肢体上,虽然简单但直截了的表达了汪峰的情感和歌曲的主旨。10、怒放的生命:《怒放的生命》创作于2005年的5月份,在9月又进行了完善,是继《飞得更高》之后又一首激昂高亢、振聋发聩的乐坛强音,听觉上有足够的热情和足够的力量。汪峰希望能“真正进入到让生命怒放的、非常快乐的境界”,因为这种快乐无法用语言形容,这也是他想拿出来跟大家分享的生活态度。