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lucky boys歌词

时间:2024-07-22 12:53:33 编辑:莆仙君


Lucky Boys (张远)Ayol 2011!!   It's TC right here!   We got some new swagger for you this year!   Just put your hands up and follow my step!   Let's dance!!    (合) Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待   (张远) 遇见你 心中梦中的女孩   (合) Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待   (张远) 邂逅你 我命中命中注定的爱   (金恩圣)我不要周末也窝在房间里宅   也不想晚上只对着屏幕发呆   不愿生活每天都在重复倒带   闷得我整个人快爆胎   (马雪阳)   Rap:心情很差 胃口也坏 肝火很旺 倒头还栽   情绪也低 士气也败 越消沉沮丧越无奈   不懂搏出位 就只能被淹没 不能够被晋级 就只够被淘汰   总不够幸运 就还要继续爱 我不想要再被当做反面教材   (刘洲成)我也渴望有人关怀 赶走寂寞填补空白   更渴望一个女孩 发现我的内在 懂得欣赏对我有爱   (合)Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待   (李茂)遇见你 心中梦中的女孩   (合)Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待   (李茂)邂逅你 我命中命中注定的爱   (马雪阳)我不要双手没人牵只能插袋   也不想心事没人说只剩独白   我的生命需要添加一点色彩   耍花样不按常理出牌   (李茂)   Rap:要耍帅 但别耍赖 出风头 不等于搞怪   不要害怕 会被拒之门外 总有个人是你的菜   遇见Miss right出手一定要加快   把握好时机 不要再等待 转瞬之间 切中要害   (张远)我也渴望有人关怀 赶走寂寞填补空白   更渴望一个女孩 发现我的内在 懂得欣赏对我有爱   (金恩圣)爱的电流流过四肢百骸 打通了我的经脉   (刘洲成)心跳开始加快 呼吸乱了节拍 鼓起勇气上前Say Hi   (合)我的青春不要留白 我敢异想就会天开   爱就要爱个痛快 伤也伤得精彩 一句简单的开场白   (合)Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待   (金恩圣)遇见你 心中梦中的女孩   (合)Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待   (金恩圣)邂逅你 我命中命中注定的爱   (合)Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待   (刘洲成)就是你 日思夜想的女孩   (合)Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待   (刘洲成)想问你 是否和我一样期待


Lucky Boys (张远)Ayol 2011!! It's TC right here! We got some new swagger for you this year! Just put your hands up and follow my step! Let's dance!! (合) Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待 (张远) 遇见你 心中梦中的女孩 (合) Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待 (张远) 邂逅你 我命中命中注定的爱 (金恩圣)我不要周末也窝在房间里宅 也不想晚上只对着屏幕发呆 不愿生活每天都在重复倒带 闷得我整个人快爆胎 (马雪阳) Rap:心情很差 胃口也坏 肝火很旺 倒头还栽 情绪也低 士气也败 越消沉沮丧越无奈 不懂搏出位 就只能被淹没 不能够被晋级 就只够被淘汰 总不够幸运 就还要继续爱 我不想要再被当做反面教材 (刘洲成)我也渴望有人关怀 赶走寂寞填补空白 更渴望一个女孩 发现我的内在 懂得欣赏对我有爱 (合)Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待 (李茂)遇见你 心中梦中的女孩 (合)Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待 (李茂)邂逅你 我命中命中注定的爱 (马雪阳)我不要双手没人牵只能插袋 也不想心事没人说只剩独白 我的生命需要添加一点色彩 耍花样不按常理出牌 (李茂) Rap:要耍帅 但别耍赖 出风头 不等于搞怪 不要害怕 会被拒之门外 总有个人是你的菜 遇见Miss right出手一定要加快 把握好时机 不要再等待 转瞬之间 切中要害 (张远)我也渴望有人关怀 赶走寂寞填补空白 更渴望一个女孩 发现我的内在 懂得欣赏对我有爱 (金恩圣)爱的电流流过四肢百骸 打通了我的经脉 (刘洲成)心跳开始加快 呼吸乱了节拍 鼓起勇气上前Say Hi (合)我的青春不要留白 我敢异想就会天开 爱就要爱个痛快 伤也伤得精彩 一句简单的开场白 (合)Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待 (金恩圣)遇见你 心中梦中的女孩 (合)Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待 (金恩圣)邂逅你 我命中命中注定的爱 (合)Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待 (刘洲成)就是你 日思夜想的女孩 (合)Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待 (刘洲成)想问你 是否和我一样期待

Roy Black的《Lucky》 歌词

歌曲名:Lucky歌手:Roy Black专辑:FüR Immer林俊杰&张婧 - Luckymusic...Do you hear me,I'm talking to youAcross the water across the deep blue oceanUnder the open sky, oh my, baby I'm tryingBoy I hear you in my dreamsI feel your whisper across the seaI keep you with me in my heartYou make it easier when life gets hardI'm lucky I'm in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againOoohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh oohThey don't know how long it takesWaiting for a love like thisEvery time we say goodbyeI wish we had one more kissI'll wait for you I promise you, I willI'm lucky I'm in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againLucky we're in love every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayAnd so I'm sailing through the seaTo an island where we'll meetYou'll hear the music fill the airI'll put a flower in your hairThough the breezes through treesMove so pretty you're all I seeAs the world keeps spinning roundYou hold me right here right nowI'm lucky I'm in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againI'm lucky we're in love every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayOoohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh oohOoooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh oohhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8567843


灵魂摆渡-(电视剧《灵魂摆渡人》主题曲) - 于毅不要试图 装模作样 地作祟撕掉你隐藏无辜伪装不要试图 逃开地狱 的折磨黑夜狂浪的只是逃亡别妄想魔鬼灵魂残留着欲望别挣扎疯狂 凌乱 罪恶统统地将要灭亡让死掉的灵魂再重生别再逞强就由我决定你的命别再奢望别妄想魔鬼灵魂残留着欲望别挣扎疯狂 凌乱 罪恶统统地将要灭亡让死掉的灵魂再重生别再逞强就由我决定你的命别再奢望摆渡的是命追逐的玩命别再想象天堂地狱听天由命化成灰烬统统地将要灭亡让死掉的灵魂再重生别再逞强就由我决定你的命别再奢望摆渡的是命追逐的玩命别再想象天堂地狱听天由命来世登场 来世登场

至上励合 还在 歌词

大雨后的天空 竟然这样的耐看 刚刚还为泥泞不耐烦失散过的拥抱 重逢后特别温暖 两对手何时再冷战相处若非这么难 岂不浪费相爱的勇敢天长地久要填满 怎么能少得了麻烦眼泪让眼睛不安 也是够把尘埃都冲散 让未来跟清楚地来 不管一路上从容或慌乱 那份坚持还在任风景的变换 沿途再多的阻碍 只要觉得幸福什么都不难不管一辈子平凡或灿烂 那种天真还在 再多的意外都笑着看 用每一个圆缺 拼凑出圆满终于转过几个弯 突然明白曲折得好玩 海枯石烂的结局 过程怎么能太平淡心如果不够孤单 两颗心又凭什么占有 人海中彼此那一半 不管一路上从容或慌乱 那份坚持还在任风景的变换 沿途再多的阻碍 只要觉得幸福什么都不难不管一辈子平凡或灿烂 那种天真还在 再多的意外都笑着看 用每一个圆缺 拼凑出圆满【拼凑出圆满 拼凑出圆满 】不管一路上从容或慌乱 那份坚持还在任风景的变换 沿途再多的阻碍 只要觉得幸福什么都不难不管一辈子平凡或灿烂 那种天真还在 再多的意外都笑着看 每一个圆缺 都能是圆满圆满只要爱还在 这就是圆满

至上励合 主角 歌词

词:陈立志 曲:nick cooper
编曲: nick cooper
制作人:nick cooper 司捷

空气 瞬间凝结
全场都在用 目光迎接
掌声热烈 尖叫声不绝
自我与本我 的对决

天赐的灵感永 不会枯竭
追求的美感近 似于幻觉
一针见血 亦正亦邪 后知后觉
Here We Go Here We Go
我就是主角 麻烦给个特写 近一些
偶尔诙谐 主打一种感觉 才不屑
我不是主角 不渴望被了解 So谢谢
思维跳跃 另类的很特别 很费解
从不跟主流妥协 孤傲不羁的很坚决
画面配上 紧张的音乐
烘托气氛更紧 张的情节
仅凭这些 侧面描写
就能感受 内在的强烈

意识流的形态 不受制约
形而上的信仰 异常纯洁
当世人戴着 假面游街
我的真心 无处安歇
我就是主角 历史将被改写 被超越
坚持不懈 态度决定一切 永不变
我不是主角 不在乎被忽略 被误解
偶尔顽劣 管它最后通牒 不变节
当一个时代终结 会为我们平反昭雪
想法被否决 说教是侵略
还美其名曰 是对我的关切
我们拒绝 拒绝 被分类
被归类 被一刀切
青春总会凋谢 成长没有攻略
不要苟且 要轰轰烈烈

我就是主角 历史将被改写 被超越
坚持不懈 态度决定一切 永不变
我不是主角 不在乎被忽略 被误解
偶尔顽劣 管它最后通牒 不变节
当一个时代终结 会为我们平反昭雪
我就是主角 燃烧心中热血 永不灭
天崩地裂 宇宙灰飞烟灭 全瓦解
当一个时代更迭 我就是接班的主角

有一首歌 歌词中带 o lucky lucky o lucky lucky

Lucky Boys作词 Lyricist:陈立志作曲 Composer:MASTER KEY编曲 Arrangement:MASTER KEY制作人 Producer:司捷(张远)Ayo! 2011It's TC right here!We got some new swagger for you this year!Just put your hands up and follow my step!Let's dance!!(合) Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待(张远) 遇见你 心中梦中的女孩(合) Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待(张远) 邂逅你 我命中命中注定的爱(金恩圣)我不要周末也窝在房间里宅也不想晚上只对着屏幕发呆不愿生活每天都在重复倒带闷得我整个人快爆胎(马雪阳)Rap:心情很差 胃口也坏 肝火很旺 倒头还栽情绪也低 士气也败 越消沉沮丧越无奈不懂搏出位 就只能被淹没 不能够被晋级 就只够被淘汰总不够幸运 就还要继续爱 我不想要再被当做反面教材(刘洲成)我也渴望有人关怀 赶走寂寞填补空白更渴望一个女孩 发现我的内在 懂得欣赏对我有爱(合)Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待(李茂)遇见你 心中梦中的女孩(合)Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待(李茂)邂逅你 我命中命中注定的爱(马雪阳)我不要双手没人牵只能插袋也不想心事没人说只剩独白我的生命需要添加一点色彩耍花样不按常理出牌(李茂)Rap:要耍帅 但别耍赖 出风头 不等于搞怪不要害怕 会被拒之门外 总有个人是你的菜遇见Miss right出手一定要加快把握好时机 不要再等待 转瞬之间 切中要害(张远)我也渴望有人关怀 赶走寂寞填补空白更渴望一个女孩 发现我的内在 懂得欣赏对我有爱(金恩圣)爱的电流流过四肢百骸 打通了我的经脉(刘洲成)心跳开始加快 呼吸乱了节拍 鼓起勇气上前Say Hi(合)我的青春不要留白 我敢异想就会天开爱就要爱个痛快 伤也伤得精彩 一句简单的开场白(合)Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待(金恩圣)遇见你 心中梦中的女孩(合)Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待(金恩圣)邂逅你 我命中命中注定的爱(合)Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待(刘洲成)就是你 日思夜想的女孩(合)Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky Lucky 我期待(刘洲成)想问你 是否和我一样期待

一首英文歌歌词是oh ma lucky lucky

《lucky strike》
歌手:maroon 5

You're such a motivator, I gotta get you where
So sick of saying yes sir, yes sir
You're such an instigator, you wanna play the game
Take it or leave it, that's her, that's her
And I can't wait another minute
I can't take the look she's giving
Your body rocking, keep me up all night
One in a million
My lucky strike

Got me so high, and then she dropped me
But she got me, she got me, she got me bad
Took me inside and then she rocked me
She keep up all night, this is what it sounds like

Oh oh oh my lucky strike
Oh oh oh my lucky strike
Your body rocking, keep me up all night
One in a million, my lucky strike

Stuck in an elevator, she take me to the sky
And I don't wanna go down, go down
She said i'll feel you later, go ahead and fantasize
She make me want her right now right now

And I can't wait another minute
I can't take the look she's giving
Your body rocking, keep me up all night
One in a million
My lucky strike

Got me so high, and then she dropped me
But she got me, she got me, she got me bad
Took me inside and then she rocked me
She keep up all night, this is what it sounds like

Oh oh oh my lucky strike
Oh oh oh my lucky strike
Your body rocking, keep me up all night
One in a million, my lucky strike

Hey, you're taking all my pain away
You're shaking like an earthquake
Hey, you're taking all my pain away
You're shaking like an earthquake

Got me so high, and then she dropped me
But she got me, she got me, she got me bad
Took me inside and then she rocked me
She keep up all night, this is what it sounds like

Oh oh oh my lucky strike
Oh oh oh my lucky strike
Your body rocking, keep me up all night
One in a million, my lucky strike

My lucky strike, my lucky strike
Your body rocking, keep me up all night
One in a million

City Lights 歌词

歌曲名:City Lights歌手:Bridgit Mendler专辑:Hello My Name Is...Bridgit Mendler - City Lights.It''s a long road and it gets windingFog is real low and it''s so blindingOh I''m tryna steer, tryna take the leadBut I feel like the road is steering meGetting so lost, like a cast awayFeeling so crossed, like a renegadeAnd I''m tryna call out in the big cityJust a small voice and no one''s listening to me.Oh tell me where to goTell me that you knowJust how bright I glow.Every time that you think you''ve lost your shineJust remember nothing''s brighterYou''re the city lightsEvery time that you fade into the nightJust remember you''re the fireYou''re the city lightsThat shine into the night, night, night, night, ohShine into the night, night, night, night, ohShine into the night, night, night, night, ohShine into the night, night, night, oohh.Oh I''m blending in and I''m sticking outLike a sore thumb that they don''t know aboutWanna make peace, wanna just breatheWanna be the light that makes them all believeI''m the race car, not the spectatorI''m the hero, not the narratorHercules, battlingConquering everything, yeah.Oh tell me where to goTell me that you knowJust how bright I glow.Every time that you think you''ve lost your shineJust remember nothing''s brighterYou''re the city lightsEvery time that you fade into the nightJust remember you''re the fireYou''re the city lightsThat shine into the night, night, night, night, ohShine into the night, night, night, night, ohShine into the night, night, night, night, ohShine into the night, night, night, oohh.Everybody knowsThat everybody glowsLike the city lightsEverybody knowsThat everybody glowsLike the city lightsEverybody knowsThat everybody glowsLike the city lightsEverybody knowsThat everybody glowsLike the city lights.The city lights oohhOohh city lightsYou are.Every time that you think you''ve lost your shineJust remember nothing''s brighterYou''re the city lightsEvery time that you fade into the nightJust remember you''re the fireYou''re the city lightsThat shine into the night, night, night, night, ohShine into the night, night, night, night, ohShine into the night, night, night, night, ohShine into the night, night, night, oohh.http://music.baidu.com/song/29013759

City Lights 歌词

City lights作词: Eduard swoboda 作曲: 张咪编曲: Mike Ottis演唱: 张咪When the sun goes downAnd the night comes than I feel aloneSo I’m searching for you out thereIn the streets of this cityMemorys are everywhereThousend dreams with you to shareAnd I feel you so deep in meYou are always in my mindTears are making me just blindAnd I can’t stop thinking of youOu ou ou ouI wanna tell youHow much I need youHow much I want you – tonightI wanna touch youI wanna kiss youI wont you – with me - tonightAhhhhhhhh city lightAhhhhhhhh city lightI walk alone by nightWithout you is this city so quietAnd I see your eyes around meIn the lights of this cityI don’t know what’s going onI’m waiting for you by the phoneAnd I wish you – come back to meIf I hurt you with my wordsPlease give me one more chanceAnd I don’t want stop loving youOuouououI wanna tell youHow much I need youHow much I want you - tonightI wanna touch youI wanna kiss youI wont you - with me - tonightAhhhhhhhh city lightAhhhhhhhh city lighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/10301470

Touchmyheart的歌词是啥 Touchmyheart是啥意思Lucky Boys是啥意思,

Touchmyheart的歌词 是她,就是她,凶手是她 把我的心绑架 要我拿爱交换 她很傻,她真傻,她真的傻 爱早就放在那 毫无保留给她 模仿她说话,表情夸张,吃饭不加辣 我慢慢也被她同化 吃蛋糕也装惊讶 Touch My Heart Touch My Heart 心像冰淇凌渐渐融化 Touch My Heart Touch My Heart 穿透我所有的想法 画面全都是她 是她吧,是我吧,巧合吧 每天造型很搭 默契好到爆炸 模仿我搞笑,像个傻瓜,说着冷笑话 她慢慢也被我同化 卧蚕跟我一样大 Touch My Heart Touch My Heart 心被她甜蜜微笑秒杀 Touch My Heart Touch My Heart 她像我我像她 就让 爱把我们同化 Touch My Heart Touch My Heart 心像冰淇凌渐渐融化 Touch My Heart Touch My Heart 穿透我所有的想法 画面全都是她 Touch My Heart Touch My Heart 心被她甜蜜微笑秒杀 Touch My Heart Touch My Heart 她像我我像她 就让 爱把我们同化 (《touch my heart》原唱为泰国歌手film) Touchmyheart意思是触动我内心 Lucky Boys意思应该是幸运儿吧