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  解读美国留学文书之Essay写作,美国是一个非常看重diversity、社会责任感、勇于挑战、团队合作精神、leadership的。它引领着人们的价值观。在学校申请中,录取委员会同样希望看到拥有这些特质的申请人。所以美国院校的essay类型也就分为这几种类型:   1、美国留学文书写作Essay:展现社会责任感   请描述你曾经在工作中遇到的道德困境,你又是如何解决的?   你参加过一些对你理解公益事业非常有帮助的志愿者活动吗?   请描述一个社会现象。假设你有权力和资源供你去解决这个现象,你将采取什么样的干预措施或者进行什么样的社会变革?   2、美国留学文书写作Essay:展现diversity   你能给学校的学术或者专业发展带来什么样贡献?   3、美国大学文书Essay写作:展现团队合作精神   你认为什么是成功的合作?请描述一次你认为最成功的与他人的合作。   请描述一件你跟你的同事观点非常不一致的事情。你们之间的不一致如何影响了你们的工作关系?又如何影响了你们一起在做的工作或项目?又如何影响了你完成这项工作的动机?   4、美国大学文书Essay写作:展现Leadership   是什么让你成为一个成功的leader?你又有什么样的弱点影响你成为一个成功的leader?   5、美国留学文书Essay写作:展现勇敢面对挑战   你遇到过什么样的挑战或逆境,你又是如何解决的?   你生命中遇到过什么样的事件或有什么样的经历对你影响巨大,塑造了你现在的这种性格?为什么你觉得这件事对你影响深刻?   6、美国留学文书Essay写作:长短期目标、择校原因   你的短期和长期目标是什么?我们学校的这个项目如何满足你的学习需求,以及帮助你实现你的职业目标?   7、Essay写作:英语学习的经历   如果你的母语不是英语,请描述你是如何学习英语的。


  最近,经常有同学问到我,美国留学申请essay怎么写,一般的书写流程是怎样的呢?针对这些问题,下面我给大家详细的介绍一下。     首先来看看常见的题目。   1、Evaluate a significant experience, achievement , risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you 对你的重大经历、成就、风险,或对你有重大影响的道德困境以及它对你的影响进行描述。   2、Discuss some issue of personal , local, national , or international concern and its importance to you.在美国大学本科申请essay中讨论一下对你有重大影响的个人的或当地的或国家的甚至是国际性的问题。   3、Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you , and describe that influence.在申请essay中描述一位对你有重大影响的人物,如何影响你!   4、Describe a character in fiction, a historical figure, or a creative work (as in art, music, science, ect) that has had an influence on you, and explain that influence.描述对你有重大影响的一名虚构人物、历史人物或一件创作型作品(可以是艺术、音乐、科学等作品)以及描述它对你造成的影响。   5、A range of academic interests, personal perspectives, and life experiences adds much to the educational mix. Given your personal background , describe an experience that illustrates what you would bring to the diversity in a college community , or an encounter that demonstrated the importance of diversity to you. 在你的个人教育背景之下,描述你的一个个人经历,这个经历能展现你个人与众不同的特质,可以是你的学习兴趣、个人观点、人生经历等。    接着来看看写作的步骤。   1.prewrite   这一步手写或者电脑打印都可以,写的没有调理也不要紧,只能罗列词句,不能形成段落也可以,但是,速度一定要快,内容一定要广,重要的是为接下来时间内要有充足的材料去挑选,找出与众不同之处,加以剖析。    2.drafts   每个学校的essay都有不同的topic和字数限制,不要企图用万金油去对付所有的学校,各个学校的东西有共性,但是差异化的东西更多,所以,个人认为,申请6—8所学校的同学,应该要有2篇不同方面的main essay,并且在投稿时需要一定的修改。而draft就是要从prewrite中筛选你不同的但是优秀的性格方面,有侧重学术的,有侧重社会活动的,有的可能仅仅是一个小故事,然后,形成一篇文章。   3.revise and format   检查字数,一定要复合要求,接近规定字数,不要超过。检查语法,拼写,用词不当的地方,要小心不要使用自己翻译的词,比如性价比这个词我们耳熟能详,但美国人表达这个意思一般用cost effective。格式上,美国大学写作一般用 8.5x11 inch的信纸,用time new roman字体,12号字,双倍行间距,首行缩进,作对齐,题目中置等一系列的小规则,提交纸质版的同学要注意啊。   最后给大家带来的是范文鉴赏。   It's like the wonderland of mine, I am not Alice, and the wonderland is not the underground world. However, life is always the fantastic adventures which filled with surprises and chances, and I am sure that Brandeis University would be the wonderland of mine which could help me to experience more and improve myself to be a better person.   I want to be a person who can help other people and contribute to the society, then I should have enough capabilities first and Brandeis attracts me. I'd like to study psychology and Brandeis offers students best education, researches opportunities and full support.   In Brandeis, psychology majors study varied aspects of both basic and applied areas of the field and focus on basic scientific research for undergraduate involvement. Brandeis offers a wide range of opportunities to participate in research, and I am looking forward to join in the researches with excellent professors there to write papers for publication in professional journals and books. What's more, there are undergraduate departmental representatives (UDR) there who can help every student individually to students' problems and suggestions to the faculty.   There would be thousands of words to describe my passion for the Brandeis students' life, organizations, clubs, athletics, community involvements, etc. However, there is also another reason why I eager to live in Brandeis besides of those outstanding academic advantages and campus diversities, I have a friend who joined in the college fair and shared with me her impressions for the school officer, harmonious, friendship, charming and attractive, I also wish to meet the wonderful friends there.


  我为大家介绍哈佛大学商学院essay写作解析,希望对出国留学的同学有所帮助。想了解更多留学精彩内容,为你详细解答。   下面专家对申请2005 年秋季入学的部分商学院论文一一分析,以帮助申请人提高写作质量。当然,每年的申请论文题目会有所变化,但是万变不离其宗,我相信,有了对这里要分析到的论文的深入理解,申请人再见到任何的论文就不会茫茫然而不知道如何入手了。要强调的是,这里作者只是作个简单的分析,以起到抛砖引玉的作用。    哈佛大学商学院申请论文 (Harvard Business School):   哈佛商学院要求申请2005 年秋季入学的申请人提供六篇论文,数量算是多的,但是每篇文章的字数限制在400 或者600 字之内,也算是比较短的论文了,所以对申请人的语言精炼程度是一个十分“严重”的考验,能在几百字之内把一个问题说清楚,还要展示自己的与众不同之处,确实要费大量的心思了,可以说是一字千金啊。下面就来看看每一篇文章题目与分析。   1. Describe a significant change that you brought about in an organization and its impact on your development as a leader. (400-word limit)   题目:描述一下你给某个组织带来的一个重要的变化,以及这对你拓展你的领导能力的影响。   分析:这篇文章主要是考察申请人对“领导能力”的理解,申请人的“领导作风”和申请人是否能否及时总结经验和教训来提高自己的领导能力。象前文说的一样,最好的表达方式是举例子说明,或者说是讲个“故事”,然后再加上适当的议论来说明自己的领导方式和自己对领导能力的理解。哈佛大学很注重学生的领导能力,所以把这篇放在第一位也不意外。   该论文的内容要突出以下几点:   ◆ 为什么你要给某个组织或者部门带来这个变化,它们存在什么样的问题;   ◆ 你觉得你的变化能给该部门带来什么好处,对该部门的长远发展有什么   影响;   ◆ 最关键的是你是如何实施你的“改变”计划的,是一帆风顺地推进你的计划呢,还是中间遇到什么挫折打击了你的积极性了呢?作者认为,后一种情况可能更好地来展现你的领导能力,更有故事可写。可以发挥的地方很多,人和组织都有习惯的作用,常常是安于现状不愿意接受新的东西,遇到问题的时候你是如何和同事沟通的,如何劝说别人接受你的   观点的,如何领导你的团队的。本书的第二章中讲到的第一个素质就是关于领导的风格的。在这篇文章中,你也可以说明一下自己是什么风格,是采取“逼迫”型的领导呢,还是能和员工打成一片,能采纳别人的加以的领导呢?所以,文章的主旨是表现出你的作为领导的“执行力”和协调各方面关系的能力。   ◆ 最后,文章还要强调一下你从这件事情中学到了什么,是否还有不足之处有待将来改进。有的人会问,是不是说正面的故事更好一些,表现自己已经具有高超的领导艺术,说到反面的教训会影响自己的形象?作者认为申请人完全没有这个担心的必要,反面的故事可能更有说服力,强调自己从中学到的东西也是发展自己的领导能力的重要一方面。这篇文   章要求用400 字来表述,还是有难度的,所以文章中不能有费话,可以直接且入主题。   2. What are your three most substantial accomplishments, and why do you view them as such? (600-word limit)   问题:你三个最重要的成就是什么,为什么你觉得它们重要。   分析:这篇文章要求600 字,但是要讲三个故事,平均下来每个故事只有两百字。要用两百字把一个故事讲清楚,还要说明自己为什么觉得它很重要也是一件不容易的事情。写这篇论文可以这么考虑,这三个故事可以是互相有联系的,也可以是三个独立的故事。但是不论如何,我觉得这三个故事要突出你的三个不同的方面,第一篇论文已经说过你的领导能力的,这篇就不用再重复了,而是要表明你在其它方面的能力,比如,你对社区服务的贡献,你在业余爱好中的成就,你在自己创业中的成就等等。每个人的经历都是多姿多彩的,所以每个人都能挖掘出自己的精彩之处。有的人说,我有七八个例子,怎么选三个出来?那就要根据你在这六篇论文中的布局来考虑选材了,要点是:不要重复,有代表性,有特色,能与众不同。比如说,你曾经爬过珠穆朗玛峰,你去过南极科学考察,你甚至去过火星,或者说你暑假到贫苦山区支教,这些都是能让你“鹤立鸡群”的事情,一定要写出来。最后,在你每一篇故事的结尾都要来个画龙点睛的论述:为什么我认为这个是我重要的成就。你可能是克服了千难万险才到了山顶,你去支边让你了解到了社会平衡发展和如何解决贫困问题的思路,你去南极发现了环境保护对社会的意义,你去火星让你领悟到了人生的另一种意义,等等。当然,有的事情虽然很小,你如果能把它表述地跟放卫星一样,能把它拔到一个跟珠穆朗玛峰一样的海拔高度,能描述出它对心灵的震撼之处,也是可以写出来的,但是这就对申请人的笔头工夫有很高的要求了。600 字写三个故事,可以说是字字矶珠。


请你用最多450个字(或800个字符)写出:你为什么要读这个专业? 你自己认为你就读这个专业的优势在哪里? 美国有这么多开设这个专业的学校,你为什么要选择我们学校? 你对我们学校所开设的那些课程特别感兴趣、你将来的研究方向是什么? 要是你在我校就读对你将来的职业规划有什么重要的意义?要是你成为我校的一员,你将会给我校带来什么新意?要是你从我校毕业后,你将会怎么样回报我们学校或回报社会?




  College: Duke University

  Question: Why do you consider Duke a good match for you?

  “Tenting with Internet Access.” This concept epitomizes the balance between academics, athletics and enthusiasm that I have been seeking in my college experience and which has worked well for me during high school. While the Duke student body is spirited enough to participate in Krzyzewskiville, they are also committed to their academics. It is not sinks and showers they need, but outdoor internet hookups to continue to meet their academic challenges. Duke’s student population—intellectual, involved, and ethnically diverse—is one of the major reasons why the university is a good match for me.

  My consideration for choosing Duke includes not only the quality of my four undergraduate years and classmates, but also my postgraduate goals. Duke will equip me to become a leader in my field by expanding my set of skills and enabling me to become involved in pharmaceutical research. With Research Triangle Park close by, I will definitely pursue and internship or a job at what Fortune Magazine described as “the top place in the U.S. to do business.” Duke offers a large number of exciting classes in the field of biology. I am most intrigued by the classes in genetics and cellular biology.

  With all that Duke offers its students, I would be very committed to giving back to the community. Having had such learning and service opportunities as the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Program and the Economic Leadership Summer Program at Northwestern University, I feel that I can make a positive impact within the Duke community. I would hope to continue my commitment to disabled children through Pegasus or a similar organization.



Harvard Business School Essay:What are your three most substantial accomplishments and why do you view them as such?


During my third year in college, I set up the first student-run legal aid hotline in my city, offering legal assistance to female migrant workers, many of whom were plagued by domestic violence and unequal treatment in the workplace.

Shocked by their situation when doing social work, I came up with the idea of a legal aid hotline. I recruited a team of law students, led the initial fundraising of $1500, and secured time commitment from our professors for legal advice. The hotline started operation two months later.

The success of the first case was a huge encouragement. A young girl, who lost her finger in a work accident, was refused compensation by her employer, citing no formal contract. I spent months traveling across the city and going through papers to collect evidence of contractual relationship, and finally won her the deserved compensation.

I continued to lead the hotline until my graduation, when it had grown to handle more than 400 calls a year and won funding from several Foundations. Fourth year in operation, it is now part of the largest NGO network in my province. This accomplishment fulfilled my dream of helping the underprivileged.


I was the only "amateur" of a seven-girl team that won the gold for women's gymnastics in the Beijing University Games.

After an injury in the team, the coach asked me to join because I was the "best amateur". But I quickly discovered the big gap with a professional. Seeing my teammates easily bend their legs over head or jump with a perfect split, I could barely keep up with their pace.

I was extremely nervous to become a drag to the team, and ruin their "golden dream". So were my teammates. I begged the coach for extra intensive training in body flexibility. Everyday I trained two hours more than the team in the midst of heavy law curriculum. I got blisters on both feet and almost injured myself from forcing too hard on a split. The rest of the team gradually changed their attitude towards me and we bonded more closely.

Four months later, I could perform as well as anyone else in the team. When we finally won first place, the team threw me in the air. Tears in my eyes, I could see big smile on everyone's face. Through relentless effort I earned respect from the team and together we achieved the best.


In my second year as a consultant, I helped a multinational pharmaceutical company bring affordable medicine to more than one million people in rural China.

The project was to find new growth areas for the company. Accustomed to "the usual ways of business", the client initially only focused on large cities. However, my experience told me that "capturing rural China" would not only pose a long-term growth opportunity, but also fill a major gap of medical supply in rural areas. I convinced the client to make "rural growth" a priority.

The most challenging part was to design a cost-effective model to serve the vast and dispersed rural market. Having selected thirty representative rural areas, I led a client team across China to interview local distributors, pharmacies and hospitals. Armed with firsthand knowledge, I proposed a model using innovative tools like mobile clinics, makeshift workshops and promotion-on-the-van. We further backed up our ideas with concrete cost-benefit analysis.

The CEO was impressed by the "local ways" of selling medicine. He authorized a pilot model in five areas across China. The initial results showed good financial return, but more importantly, brought access to quality medicine for over one million rural people.


Three most substantial accomplishments(三个最重要的成就)是美国哈佛大学商学院mba申请essay最经典的题目,而且已经持续了多年。很多申请人看到这个题目都很头痛。第一,什么样的经历才能算是substantial accomplishment(重要成就),如何选材成为一个难点;第二,文章限定是600字,那么每个小故事就只有200个字左右的空间来发挥,要求言辞简练精确而精彩。

这篇文章可以成为大多数尝试写HBS essay的申请者学习的范文。首先看作者的选材,3个小故事的选材非常全面:从内容上看,volunteer work(志愿者活动),extracurricular work(课外活动)和professional work(专业领域)三个方面各取其一。从每个故事反映出来的作者的优秀品质上看:分别从社会责任感、坚忍不拔和创新性思维等多角度塑造出一个完整而优秀的人格形象。从三个故事的排列来看,作者把工作的例子放在最后是很用心的安排。



  在申请美国商科过程中,书写美国大学essay是最重要的申请材料。那么如何书写出出彩的美国大学essay呢?下面是为大家介绍的一些写作技巧,以供参考。    essay写作内容   一、头脑风暴   我们都知道写文章的时候,开头其实是最难的!所以一定要对自己的研究经历、个性、品质、优缺点等等进行很好的思考,从而产生一个好的思路来开始你的Essay。   二、第一稿准备   在考虑好自己想要写的内容之后,可以先根据自己的想法列一个提纲来决定各个部分的内容和例子。开始准备写第一稿的时候,要顺着自己的思路来写,不要想着一次性写好而不敢动手。可以在成稿之后再多修改几次。   三、结构扩充   一篇Essay通常是分为三大板块:介绍+主体+结尾;主体部分可以多写几个段落来介绍自己的研究背景和经历。   四、要详细   文章要围绕问题集中陈述,选取一个合适的角度来展示和自身品质的相关性。要确保我们写的所有内容都是围绕观点论证的。   五、要新角度   根据自己的真实想法,尽可能的寻找新的角度来表达自己的观点。比如你对一个学校的喜爱,可以从他的知名校友对你的影响入手。   六、要诚实   不要想着去“讨好”录取委员会的老师们,也不要尝试去写一些你认为的他们想听到的答案。按照自己的想法,如实回答Essay的问题即可。   七、多听反馈   可以将你的Essay内容给你的家人、朋友或者老师们来看,问问他们的意见。从这个Essay中是否可以了解到你的真正的想法和观点,并做适当的修改。   八、校对更正并成稿   仔细阅读你的Essay,认真审核拼写失误、打字以及语法错误。可以找别人来校对一下,会更容易发现其中的问题。    书写技巧   1.仔细阅读说明   很多人可能认为仔细阅读说明是多余的,但事实并非如此。如果美国留学申请者不能按照要求来写文书,那么招生官很有可能就认为将来申请者被录取后也不能够守纪律。正确的做法应该是多读几次说明,记下重点,然后再开始着手构架ESSAY。   2.保持真实性   大学很重视学生想法的真实性,所以文章中所要体现的一定是基于自己的真实情况。而不要总是用别人都已经用了无数次的语言和观点。申请文书是申请者向招生官展示自己对专业的已有决心和知识储备。一定要确保文书能够全面展现自己的技能和目标,同时要说明所申请的项目能够如何的帮助自己实现将来的目标。   3.写一个吸引人的开头   写作语言很难在短时间内有所提高,但是如果足够用心,也能够写出不错的美国留学文书。如果我们问一个记者写作的诀窍是什么,几乎每一个记者都会说只要有一个好的开头就会很容易吸引读者。   录取委员会的工作人员只会用很短的时间来看申请者的文章,所以我们所写的文章一定要有一个吸引他们的开头,这样才能够让他们愿意继续读下去。我们可以用一句名言或者是一个有意思的故事来展示自身的闪光点,给招生官提供一个契机,让其想要知道有关自己的更多的细节。   4.避免陈词滥调   当我们写申请文书的时候,大部分都会搜集各种好文书的模板。但这其中隐藏的风险是模板对申请者影响过大,意图用许多的陈词滥调来给招生官留下深刻的印象。   因此打算去美国留学的朋友们千万要记得,有成千上万个学生在申请我们所心仪的大学,所以申请者必须要让自己卓尔不群。反复阅读自己的文章,删除所有陈词滥调,并试着找一个新的角度。   招生官每年都会看成千上万的申请,他们只会注意到申请者独特的东西,所以我们必须要“不一样”。   5.整洁的排版   创新是写作必要的一部分,但是不要认为一个创新的ESSAY就不是一个逻辑清晰的文章。很明显我们不是想堆砌许多没有意义的词语,所以要确保每一段都写同一个主题。   每个学校的ESSAY都是有字数限制的,所以秘诀之一就是不要想着涵盖所有。在提笔之前,一定要列出一个清晰的提纲,把你的文章分为三部分(Introduction,body and conclusion),清晰的列出自己想要表达的要点。   6.用充实的例子来支持自己的观点   用来申请学校的文书要展现自己的思想和世界观。如果我们想让文章可信度高,就得用足够的例子来支持你的观点。有必要先想明白怎样把ESSAY Question跟自己的个人品质结合起来,然后就从一个确切的角度来写作。   这就意味着每当我们想要表达自己想法的时候,绝对不能简单的陈述事实,要列举出自己的实际经历,写一写自己是怎样被激励的、是怎样建立信条的。   7.找人帮忙校对   申请者肯定会一遍又一遍的读自己的文章,来确保其没有排版、拼写和语法错误。但的选择还是找一个从来都没看过自己这篇文章的人来帮助检查,这样就更容易检查出自己看不出来的错误。    范文分享   My grandmother hovers over the stove flame, fanning it as she melodically hums Kikuyu spirituals. She kneads the dough and places it on the stove, her veins throbbing with every movement: a living masterpiece painted by a life of poverty and motherhood. The air becomes thick with smoke and I am soon forced out of the walls of the mud-brick house while she laughs.   As for me, I wander down to the small stream at the ridge on the farm’s edge, remembering my father’s stories of rising up early to feed the cows and my mother’s memories of the sweat on her brow from hours of picking coffee at a local plantation.   Life here juxtaposes itself profoundly against the life I live in America; the scourge of poverty and flickering prosperity that never seem to coalesce. But these are the two worlds I have inherited, and my existence in one is not possible without the other. At the stream, I recollect my other life beyond this place. In America, I watch my father come home every night, beaten yet resilient from another day of hard work on the road. He sits me and my sister down, and though weary-eyed, he manages the soft smile I know him for and asks about our day.   My sister is quick to oblige, speaking wildly of learning and mischief. In that moment, I realize that she is too young to remember our original home: the old dust of barren apartment walls and the constant roar outside of life in the nighttime.   Soon after, I find myself lying in bed, my thoughts and the soft throb of my head the only audible things in the room. I ponder whether my parents — dregs floating across a diasporic sea before my time — would have imagined their sacrifices for us would come with sharp pains in their backs and newfound worries, tear-soaked nights and early mornings. But, it is too much to process. Instead, I dream of them and the future I will build with the tools they have given me.   Realizing I have mused far too long by the water’s edge, I begin to make my way back to the house. The climb up the ridge is taxing, so I carefully grip the soil beneath me, feeling its warmth surge between my fingers. Finally, I see my younger cousins running around barefoot endlessly and I decide to join their game of soccer, but they all laugh at the awkwardness of the ball between my feet. They play, scream and chant, fully unaware of the world beyond this village or even Nairobi, but I cannot blame them. My iPhone fascinates them and they ask to see my braces, intently questioning how many “shillings” they cost. I open my mouth to satisfy their curiosity, but my grandmother calls out, and we all rush to see what she has made.   When I return, the chapatis are neatly stacked on one another, golden-brown disks of sweet bread that are the completion of every Kenyan meal. Before my grandmother can ridicule me in a torrent of Kikuyu, I grab a chapati and escape to find a patch of silky grass, where I take my first bite. Each mouthful is a reminder that my time here will not last forever, and that my success or failure will become a defining example for my sister and relatives.   The rift between high school and college is wide, but it is one I must cross for those who have carried me to this point. The same hope that carried my parents over an ocean of uncertainty is now my fuel for the journey toward my future, and I go forward with the radical idea that I, too, can make it. Savoring each bite, I listen to the sound of neighbors calling out and children chasing a dog ridden with fleas, letting the cool heat cling to my skin.

