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灵经----下部 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:内容预览:第一卷 合则强,分则弱第一节 索求高学府的宗旨,教学者的博学,深知整个世界的内涵,深知自身所在及身边之间的关联,求索到整体系统的生存观而目标明确.开拓创新出智慧者的道路,做到有意义有价值的人生.小时,能听懂大人们的话语时,即当入学,多学而勤才变的聪明,当在小时知伦理,政治,哲学等.先学道理正己而后正人,修身养性,做一个良好的典范.世界本原是虚无的统一,互为始因互为终止,没有绝决单一的本原体,世界的一切都没有绝对单一的本原,包涵政治,社会论理,哲学,等其它科学分类,都是如此.一切的存在都在发展中变化,人类本身更应当弘扬光大先祖的道路,图新开拓未来,逐渐提高做人的境界至最终与宇宙共融为整体的心灵感悟.让人与这个世界统一中而完善.目标明确而有了一生所向的,意志才坚强而智慧更有自信,能够适应的以静制动,以动变静中求索到希望与美好,镇静中心安的面对所发生的一切事情,自然做到了临危不乱,思虑周详,这就已经得到了更大的收获.一切的"有无"都有……


灵经 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:内容预览:灵经作者:灵经灵经导言更新时间2005-5-5 8:43:00 字数:179 灵魂之音  去诚恳求索光明的道路,尊师就已来到心中告戒我,天地悠悠.心已融合.自然中来回归去,是始因更是去处。心平静.求那坚强.自信而再次站立起来,是自己的力量.有了安宁.祥和.平安.我心永恒,直到永远-----------  一切的现有就是这样的.  我还要虔诚的敬听尊师的教诲,直到永远,直到永远永远-------  灵魂之音更新时间2005-5-5 8:44:00 字数:141   我用心灵的力量祝愿我的亲人同胞们在逆境中走向光明,走向未来的顺畅,求到再生的光芒而久长,愿我们顺境中而平安的走向祥和,走向美好的未来。这是我真诚的祝愿,是我虔诚的祝福,让爱的光芒照遍天地间,来到每个人的心中,大家来歌唱起舞,同来祝福走向美好的未来,直到永远永远。  第一章更新时间2005-6-1 11:07:00 字数:952 第六节  51,存在的世界里.在某一局限内有绝对真理的存在,人的世界里,是感观的作用为基础,人们才对身边的世界有所认识,这种认识是事物在过去运动的变化存在的规律,这种规律有相对不变性,不是永远不变的,是某一时段性的规律。  52任一存在的规律都是某一存在过程中的规律,具体存在的瞬间有着不同的存在规律。  53用存在中的运动发展变化的互动关系为基础.认识到现有世界瞬时的规律性,而有了瞬时真理的 相对性。用静止,不变的思维来认识现有的世界……


灵经-下部 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:内容预览:灵经----下部作者:灵经第一卷 合则强,分则弱更新时间2005-5-5 10:16:00 字数:942   第一卷 合则强,分则弱  第一节 索求  高学府的宗旨,教学者的博学,深知整个世界的内涵,深知自身所在及身边之间的关联,求索到整体系统的生存观而目标明确.开拓创新出智慧者的道路,做到有意义有价值的人生.  小时,能听懂大人们的话语时,即当入学,多学而勤才变的聪明,当在小时知伦理,政治,哲学等.先学道理正己而后正人,修身养性,做一个良好的典范.  世界本原是虚无的统一,互为始因互为终止,没有绝决单一的本原体,世界的一切都没有绝对单一的本原,包涵政治,社会论理,哲学,等其它科学分类,都是如此.  一切的存在都在发展中变化,人类本身更应当弘扬光大先祖的道路,图新开拓未来,逐渐提高做人的境界至最终与宇宙共融为整体的心灵感悟.让人与这个世界统一中而完善.  目标明确而有了一生所向的,意志才坚强而智慧更有自信,能够适应的以静制动,以动变静中求索到希望与美好,镇静中心安的面对所发生的一切事情,自然做到了临危不乱,思虑周详,这就已经得到了更大的收获.  一切的"有无"都有开始与过程到最终,人的生命也是如此.就更不要等死亡时刻到来时,才知这些,再想享受生命的过程还是想去创造已经晚矣!  有作为而大品德的人,从小时就开始了生命未来的根基,才有后来创造财富,治理家族及治理好国家的能力,这些都将需要与时代性相符的做人品……应该是全本了


灵经 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:内容预览:灵魂之音去诚恳求索光明的道路,尊师就已来到心中告戒我,天地悠悠.心已融合.自然中来回归去,是始因更是去处。心平静.求那坚强.自信而再次站立起来,是自己的力量.有了安宁.祥和.平安.我心永恒,直到永远-----------一切的现有就是这样的.我还要虔诚的敬听尊师的教诲,直到永远,直到永远永远-------;我用心灵的力量祝愿我的亲人同胞们在逆境中走向光明,走向未来的顺畅,求到再生的光芒而久长,愿我们顺境中而平安的走向祥和,走向美好的未来。这是我真诚的祝愿,是我虔诚的祝福,让爱的光芒照遍天地间,来到每个人的心中,大家来歌唱起舞,同来祝福走向美好的未来,直到永远永远。;第六节51,存在的世界里.在某一局限内有绝对真理的存在,人的世界里,是感观的作用为基础,人们才对身边的世界有所认识,这种认识是事物在过去运动的变化存在的规律,这种规律有相对不变性,不是永远不变的,是某一时段性的规律。52任一存在的规律都是某一存在过程中的规律,……免费的,直接下载就行


灵经诗集 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:内容预览:灵经诗集作者:灵经第十四章 二篇 驰拼更新时间2005-3-13 20:43:00 字数:407   纷乱的思绪里看到了远方那灿烂的光  浑浊的心  凝望海的那一边  凝望蓝天的深远处  无尽的生命在阳光下欢愉  绿叶花果  露出坦荡而洁净的面目在温暖的风中  奉献出丰富的是色彩与舞姿。  似乎有无限的生灵  都在欢呼跳跃  在享受生命的美好  柔风夹带着阳光  在叶片上闪烁舞动  在特有的时空里荡漾出质朴的笑容  我的心在片刻间沉默起来  略有伤感的看着万物的欢腾  智慧的生灵就如此多愁善感么  忧郁永远压抑心灵么  太阳已值中午  我终于有了彻悟  自己虽不能做到尽善尽美  一定能够争取到每件事情的更好  这就是我生命里的笑容  是我生命的所求  猛然立起,  驰拼在生命里。  第十四章 二篇 驰拼更新时间2005-3-13 20:45:00 字数:405   纷乱的思绪里看到了远方那灿烂的光  浑浊的心  凝望海的那一边  凝望蓝天的深远处  无尽的生命在阳光下欢愉  绿叶花果  露出坦荡而洁净的面目在温暖的风中  奉献出丰富的色彩与舞姿  似乎有无限的生灵  都在欢呼跳跃  在享受生命的美好  柔风夹带着阳光  在叶片上闪烁舞动  在特有的时空里荡漾出质朴的笑容  我的心在片刻间沉默起来  略有伤感的看着万……以上


灵经诗集 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:内容预览:灵经诗集最新章节TXT----- 太阳时刻放出无限光芒,海浪没有停止的瞬间。人生,却常会有停下来的时段。失败中人,常因逆境,坎坷,艰难险阻倒下了,永远的倒下了。用命为赌注的人,会从倒下去的人群中站立起来。也有,成功中人到了颠峰而喜悦,无尽的享受,停下来了,不再前行。只能低头看去,是脚下,是低谷处。那里,没有强者的足迹,也没有我的印痕。我们的灵魂是理智的结晶。不会因艰难而倒下,更不会因享乐而不前。只因生命中翻腾出,去拼中求出所以然的浪涛。求出生命中的动能,再次,证明出自己是人的所在。还要不停的搏,即是倒下了,爬著前行,也要,灵经诗集最新章节TXT----- 相识是缘,长相处是缘的持续。人间才有了这一特殊的存在,是无私的奉献与付出,才会同缘分相伴,化为真情敲开了心灵最深处的门。踏上长相依偎的旅途,缘者为情而奉献汗滴,奉献血液,更会奉献出心灵的全部。本是天涯人,既相识又要……

翻译 中译英 (在线等)

Hengshan name's nan Yue, is one of China's Five Sacred Mountains, is located in Hengyang City, Hunan Province, Southern Mountain Region, 1300.2 meters above sea level. As the climate is better than the other Si Yue, everywhere is Maolin tall bamboo, green year round; flowers and herbs, 4:00 fragrance, a very beautiful natural scenery, which has "Southern Yue Duxiu" reputation. Qing Wei, "Heng Yue Yin," said: "Hengshan, such as lines, Daishan such as sitting, such as Li Hua, Song, such as lying, only the Southern Mountain flying alone." This is the Hengshan praise.

Mountain of mountains of China's Five Sacred Mountains, one of the main peak is located within the territory of Hengyang City in Hunan Province, peaks 72, the endlessly rising Diego peaks, magnificent. Known as "Five Yuedu Xiu", "religious sites", "Wen Ming Ao Area", "in Hua Shouyue" known to the world. Now a national key scenic spots, national demonstration civilized tourist district and state level tourism AAAAA.

For the religious and cultural center of southern China, China Southern Zen Sect, Cao and Zen Southern Mountain, the birthplace of two-line blue of the original. The South's most famous Taoist shrine, there are Taoist 36 Cave of the Third Cave - ZHU Ling Cave, Taoism 72 blessed blessed land of jade altar, light the Temple of Heaven blessed, the hole source blessed soul.

1982, Hengshan as China's famous natural landscape and cultural landscape, Heng Shan Scenic Area name, Bei Yi Pi State Council approved to be the first national key scenic spot list; in 2000 to become the first batch of 4A 级 旅游 District; 2001 Huode National top, Hunan's only "National Scenic Area civilized demonstration" award; in February 2006 elected the first national natural and cultural Natural and Cultural Heritage List; in 2006 was named the most worthy of the 50 foreigners to one of ; in March 2007 became the first Class 5A scenic spots; August 1, 2007, approved by the State Council as the Mountain National Nature Reserve; in 2008 was named the most popular there ten scenic spots in China.

From the Mountain South, "Goose cold shock, the sound of breaking Hengyang Pu" in Hengyang Huiyan Peak (Mountain of the first peak), the North only "stop sitting love Fenglin late Red Leaves in Flowers" in Changsha Yuelu Mountain ( the end of the Mountain peak), from the towering stands composed of 72 peaks, was also called "blue sky 72 Hibiscus." Eight cities and counties across Hunan Province, the Mountain, winding 800, the total of 72 peaks, of which 43 peaks within the Southern Mountain Region, towering peaks. Magnificent Huiyan Peak Mountain of the first peak is located in Hengyang city, east of Xiangjiang River, south Hampshire Avenue, west of steam Yang Road, north on Zhongshan South Road. From the "world first peak Nanyue" starting north along the North Zhengxiang driving an hour by car from the front flashed dozens of statues as graceful peaks Hibiscus, entered the heart of the Mountain scenic area.

Zhu Rongfeng high, the show Tripitaka Temple, Water Curtain Cave of the Church, Canton Temple of the deep side is called "Mountain of four no"; spring and flower, summer at the clouds, autumn Wangri winter to see the snow as the "Mountain of Four When Belle. "

There are many historical sites and the Mountain of legends, has attracted all kinds of people ages form a colorful cultural deposits, like a vast landscape of human and cultural harmony and unity, harmony of the giant park.

Hengshan majestic mountains, hundreds of miles, boasts 72 peaks, of which Vulcan, Tianzhu, hibiscus, purple cover, the most famous stone intrinsic 5. Nanyue four must be: "Zhu Rongfeng high, Fang Guang Temple deep, the show Tripitaka Temple, Water Curtain Cave of Mickey."

Mountains Zhurong Feng, elevation 1300.2 m, Teng Teng Vulcan will Hengshan. Tang dynasty writer Han Yu's poem: "Vulcan saying goes, pull the ground, Yu Xian not see is smoke inside." These two lines both written Zhu Rongfeng the high and steep, majestic, but also wrote a wonderful Hengshan smoke. Boarding on it, can be seen north of Dongting Lake Yanbo transitory man, indeed, the southern peaks of the list, such as barriers such as screens, east of Xiangjiang River winding, like jade, west Xuefeng Peak, Silver Waves churn, thousands of images, panoramic view.