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joan osborne

时间:2024-06-30 17:44:58 编辑:莆仙君

Joan Osborne的《Spider Web》 歌词

歌曲名:Spider Web歌手:Joan Osborne专辑:RelishYou think that we connectThat the chemistry's correctYour words walk right through my earsPresuming I like what I hearAnd I'm stuck in the webYou're spinningYou've got me for your prey...Sorry, I'm not home right nowI'm walking into spiderwebsSo leave a messageAnd I'll call you backA likely story, but leave a messageAnd I'll call you backYou take advantage of what's mineYou're taking up my timeDon't have the courage inside meTo tell you please just let me beCommunication, telephonic invasionI'm planning my escape...And it's all your faultI screen my phone callsNo matter who callsI gotta screen my phone callsNow it's gone too deepYou wake me in my sleepMy dreams become nightmares'Cause you're ringing in my earshttp://music.baidu.com/song/499505


1995年,琼安·奥斯朋终于认识到商业合作的重要性,就与Mercury公司签约,第二张《意味》(Relish)由此发行。经过将近一年时间的等待,公众发觉了这张专辑的价值,单曲《我们中的一个》(One Of Us)成为排行榜首,并使她在1996和1997年获得诸多格莱美奖提名。琼安-奥斯本是一名非常具有社会责任感的女艺人,音乐创作之余,经常参与到一些认为重要的公众事业当中去。选举、投票、节育、妇女权益都是她感兴趣的主题。经由水星公司推出了自己的首张专辑《Relish》,其中的单曲One of Us不仅传遍全球也为她赢得了歌迷的喜爱。同时这张布鲁斯风格的专辑还给她带来了五项格莱美奖提名,其中最佳新人的提名具有格外重大的意义。此后的两年中,Osborne为推广《Relish》而走遍世界,其间她也经历了One of Us和St. Teresa所带来的宗教纠纷。1962 年生于Kentucky的 Joan Osborne 在自己的厂牌Womanly Hips发行了一张 LP 和一张 EP 之後,投入 major label 发行了这张 Relish 专辑。Joan Osborne 的嗓音,介於 Bonnie Raitt和 Janis Joplin之间,没有前者那般恬适悠闲的情趣,也没有後者那股纵欲过度、自我毁灭的倾向。CD侧标还提到了 Rolling Stone杂志所曾力捧的 Melissa Etheridge,我直觉这是对 Joan Osborne 的侮辱。由于天主教的信仰,Joan Osborne 深深体会精神与肉体的关系,以及人性中的许多矛盾与迷网。而多年於纽约市区的 club 演唱经验,更造就她成为一个成熟敏锐的 singer-songwriter。在这张使用多样传统乐器 (吉他、曼陀铃、风琴、萨克斯风...) 的专集中,Joan Osborne 藉著有点 bluesy 却又爆发力十足的嗓音,时而低沈沙哑、时而高亢清亮地传达出对於人性深入而细腻的观察。首先开场的 St. Teresa 藉著曼陀铃急促而深沈地铺陈,娓娓道出一则悲惨的故事。配合著後半段扬起的风琴声,期待能将阻街女郎内心的挣扎,升华成对St. Teresa 虔诚的祈祷。Man In The Long Black Coat 是 Bob Dylan 的作品,Dylan 曾在 Oh Mercy专辑唱过这首歌。只不过 Joan Osborne 的嗓音更显得铿锵有力,尽管我已经很努力地去听出它的歌词,但还是不大能理解 Dylan 到底是在指啥? 隐约觉得似乎是以一位良知被蒙蔽的少女,暗喻世人不能辨清真伪的现象。在 Right Hand Man 里,Joan Osborne 以极富挑逗性的歌词,搭配 RollingStones 式的蓝调摇摆舞曲,是这专辑里,较豪放、狂野的作品。在 gospel 味道浓厚的 Pensacola 里,一开始我们就听到 Joan Osborne 以呜咽的唱腔,哀怨地唱出一段在垃圾场与失散多年、拉著拖曳车的落魄父亲相遇的故事。到了One Of Us,Joan Osborne 则改以较为轻松、诙谐的口气,天真地唱出:Yeah,yeah,God is great. Yeah,yeah,God is goodWhat if God was one of us,just a slob like one of us,Just a stranger on the bus,trying to make his way home...Like a holy rolling stone... nobody calls him on the phone想像著上帝跟我们一样容易受伤害,且没人打电话安慰他。Ladder 是以强烈的节奏宣誓要坚强地从失败的感情里站起来; Let's Just Get Naked 则是以慵懒的唱腔,挑逗起每一个音符,在这里,似乎,理性与感性的界线就更模糊了。值得一提的是,在 Spider Web 里,大量的传统敲击乐器运用,伴随著诡异的提琴声,Joan Osborne 营造了一个梦幻空间,在里头,他看到盲歌手 Ray Charles与恶魔达成交易,换回了视力,却失去了对音乐的创意与才华。在这张探讨性、欲望并对信仰产生质疑的专辑里最後,Joan Osborne 以一首喃喃低吟的 Lumina 做了最好的注解。接续 Spider Web 里诱惑与得失的母题。Joan Osborne 彷佛扮演了上帝身旁的天使,以较为包容的态度看待人性的原罪,她唱到:Eve took the fruit...She'd never heard of sinEve had to askWhat is wrong with it?在这个英伦迷幻、美式硬蕊当道的九零年代,能够成功融合蓝调、民谣、与福音等传统草根音乐元素,重新赋予摇滚新生命,诚属难能可贵此专辑已加入mp3共享计划

Joan Osborne的《Lumina》 歌词

歌曲名:Lumina歌手:Joan Osborne专辑:RelishTwinkle stars Twinkle stars肩を寄せて见ていたTwinkle stars Shining lights无数の粒流れるMusic 响くメロディープラネタリウムのstarsLuminaryOVA「魔女っ娘つくねちゃん」ED作词:桃井はるこ作曲:片冈知子编曲:instant cytron歌:桃井はるこ行き先はひみつだと とくいげに ドアを闭めたこの桥を渡るたび 空を飞ぶ カーペットみたい流れるMusic 响くメロディー君の声がハミングして 何度も同じ歌 歌ってたTwinkle stars Twinkle stars肩寄せて见てた Shining lights 星はTwinkle Stars Twinkle Stars今でもTwinkle Stars かがやいてふたりの胸の中まだ惯れない 君のビーニー深くして とても似合う小さな嘘 すこし怒るわたしのこと机嫌直す 约束したねああ その笑颜Twinkle Stars Twinkle Stars肩寄せて见てた Shining lights星はTwinkle Stars Twinkle StarsいまごろはTwinkle Starsどこにいるの光る ミラーボール游星はおどるすれ违いも 演出よいつかきっと もういちど君とめぐりあうTwinkle Stars You're my star君は きっとTwinkle Stars 星になるよTwinkle Stars You're my starだれよりも 光る星になるよTwinkle Stars You're my starShow me You're smailingTwinkle stars Shining lightsin my heartTwinkle Stars You're my starsStop you're sweepingTwinkle stars Shining lights终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/434990

Joan Osborne的《Spider Web》 歌词

歌曲名:Spider Web歌手:Joan Osborne专辑:The Best Of Joan Osborne 20th Century Masters The Millennium CollectionMatt Pokora - SpiderwebTossin' and turnin'Every night been tryin' to sleepIt ain't the rain against my window keeping meAwake, weak inside lady I begin to shakeWhen I turn and look at your faceThis ain't the way we startedNot how it's supposed to goNor did I ever thinkYou have true colors you were trueThought I was living the dreamBut I'm a fly in a spiderwebThought I was living the dream, yeahI'm runningKeep gunningNo, I'm caught in a spiderwebI'm caught in a spiderwebSpiderwebOne shotCan't get outNo, I'm caught in a spiderwebI'm caught in a spiderwebSpiderwebCan someone save me?Can someone save me from this hellI gotta break freeI gotta break free from myselfI've been racking my brainThinking how to get outScreaming is useless when no one can hear you shoutIt's just a matter of timeBefore I breakBreak apart in a mistakeThis ain't the way we startedNot how it's supposed to goNor did I ever thinkYou have true colors you were trueThought I was living the dreamBut I'm a fly in a spiderwebThought I was living the dream, yeahI'm runningKeep gunningNo, I'm caught in a spiderwebI'm caught in a spiderwebSpiderwebOne shotCan't get outNo, I'm caught in a spiderwebI'm caught in a spiderwebSpiderwebCan someone save me?Can someone save me from this hellI gotta break freeI gotta break free from myselfCan't get out x7I'm runningKeep gunningNo, I'm caught in a spiderwebI'm caught in a spiderwebSpiderwebOne shotCan't get outNo, I'm caught in a spiderwebI'm caught in a spiderwebSpiderwebCan someone save me?Can someone save me from this hellI gotta break freeI gotta break free from myselfhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14861164

Joan Osborne的《Crazy Baby》 歌词

歌曲名:Crazy Baby歌手:Joan Osborne专辑:The Best Of Joan Osborne 20th Century Masters The Millennium CollectionCrazy BabyJoan OsborneCrazy Baby LyricsArtist(Band):Joan OsborneAnd your hands are really shakin' somethin' awfulAs you light your twenty-seventh cigaretteOh, how long have you been sittin' in the darknessYou forget...Oh, you know you're gettin' really hard to be withAnd you're cryin' every time you turn aroundAnd you wonder why you cannot pick your head upOff the ground...Oh, my crazy babyTry to hold on tightDon't put out the light...The light, the light, the lightAnd they look at you like they don't speak your languageAnd you're living at the bottom of a wellAnd you've swallowed all the awful bloody secretsBut you can't tell...Oh, you know you ought to get yourself togetherBut you cannot bear to walk outside your doorNo, you cannot bear to look into the mirrorAnymore...As your worries climb around inside your clothesOh, how long will you be sittin' in the darknessHeaven knows...The light...http://music.baidu.com/song/14861166

Joan Osborne的《Spooky》 歌词

歌曲名:Spooky歌手:Joan Osborne专辑:The Best Of Joan Osborne 20th Century Masters The Millennium CollectionSpookyDoktor ZoilDoktor Zoil--SpookyIn the cool of the eveningWhen everything is getting kind of GroovyYou call me up and ask meWould I like to go with you and see a movie?First I say no, I've got some plans for tonightAnd then I stop and say all rightLove is kind of crazy with a spooky little boy like youYou always keep me guessingI never seem to know what you are thinkingAnd if a girl looks at youIt's for sure your little eye will be a-winkingI get confused, I never know where I standAnd then you smile and hold my handLove is kind of crazy with a spooky little boy like you SpookyIf you decide some day to stop this little game that you are a playingI'm gonna tell you all the things my heart'sJust like a ghost you're a haunting my dreamsLove is kind of crazy with a spooky little boy like you Spookyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14861168

crazy baby中文歌词

  crazy baby中文歌词

  Crazy baby, the spirit of the motion   
  Don’t let me feel devotion,   
  And every day I’ll always love you   
  Baby, so let me see the fire   
  Better step a little higher   
  And every day I keep on moving   
  Baby.... you always on my mind   
  So darling ... I miss you every time   
  Hey hey baby baby, I feel the motion   
  To hold me lady   
  And I will always Miss you darling   
  I want you laughing   
  You left me crying   
  Our secret love.....   
  Crazy baby, the spirit of the motion   
  Don’t let me feel devotion,   
  And every day I’ll always love you   
  Baby, so let me see the fire   
  Better step a little higher   
  And every day I keep on moving   
  How I live for you ......How I live for you   
  Don’t play... don’t play my will my heart   
  But sometimes   
  We couldn’t fight to start   
  Hey hey baby baby, you’d better with me   
  My dreams will hold you,   
  And I will love you   
  Miss you darling   
  I want you laughing   
  You left me crying   
  It’s not enough...   
  Crazy baby, the spirit of the motion   
  Don’t let me feel devotion,   
  And every day I’ll always love you   
  Baby, so let me see the fire   
  Better step a little higher   
  And every day I keep on moving   
  Crazy baby, the spirit of the motion   
  Don’t let me feel devotion,   
  And every day I’ll always love you   
  Baby, so let me see the fire   
  Better step a little higher   
  And every day I keep on moving   
  baby, the spirit of the motion   
  Don’t let me feel devotion,   
  And every day I’ll always love you   
  Baby, so let me see the fire   
  Better step a little higher   
  And every day I keep on moving   
  baby, the spirit of the motion   
  Don’t let me feel devotion,   
  And every day I’ll always love you   
  Baby, so let me see the fire   
  Better step a little higher   
  And every day I keep on moving   

  its my life中文歌词:
  This ain't a song for the broken-hearted   
  No silent prayer for the faith-departed   
  I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd   
  You're gonna hear my voice   
  When I shout it out loud   
  Chorus:   It's my life   
  It's now or never   
  I ain't gonna live forever   
  I just want to live while I'm alive   
  (It's my life)   
  My heart is like an open highway   
  Like Frankie said   
  I did it my way   
  I just wanna live while I'm alive   
  It's my life   
  This is for the ones who stood their ground   
  For Tommy and Gina who never backed down   
  Tomorrow's getting harder make no mistake   
  Luck ain't even lucky   
  Got to make your own breaks   
  Chorus:   It's my life   
  It's now or never   
  I ain't gonna live forever   
  I just want to live while I'm alive   
  (It's my life)   
  My heart is like an open highway   
  Like Frankie said   
  I did it my way   
  I just wanna live while I'm alive   
  'Cause it's my life   
  Better stand tall when they're calling you out   
  Don't bend, don't break, baby, don't back down   
  Chorus:   It's my life   
  It's now or never   
  I ain't gonna live forever   
  I just want to live while I'm alive   
  (It's my life)   
  My heart is like an open highway   
  Like Frankie said   
  I did it my way   
  I just wanna live while I'm alive   
  Chorus:   It's my life   
  It's now or never   
  I ain't gonna live forever   
  I just want to live while I'm alive   
  (It's my life)   
  My heart is like an open highway   
  Like Frankie said   
  I did it my way   
  I just wanna live while I'm alive   
  'Cause it's my life   


crazy baby 歌词是什么意思

CRAZY BABY--Fantasy Prouject Crazy baby, the spirit of the motion疯狂的宝贝,舞动的精灵Don’t let me feel devotion不要让我沉溺于你And every day I’ll always love you每一天我都永远爱你Baby, so let me see the fire宝贝,让我看到你的热情Better step a little higher更华丽的步伐会感觉更好And every day I keep on moving每一天我都持续前行Baby.... you always on my mind宝贝..你总是在我的脑海中So darling ... I miss you every time   亲爱的...我每刻都在想念你  Hey hey baby baby, I feel the motion   嗨,宝贝,我感受到了(运动/速度/节奏)   To hold me lady  女孩,抱紧我,  And I will always Miss you darling   我会永远想念你  I want you laughing   我渴望你的微笑  You left me crying   你却留下我独自哭喊  Our secret love.....   我们隐密的恋情..   Crazy baby, the spirit of the motion   疯狂的宝贝,舞动的精灵  Don’t let me feel devotion,   不要让我沉溺于你  And every day I’ll always love you   每一天我都永远爱你  Baby, so let me see the fire   宝贝,让我看到你的热情  Better step a little higher   更华丽的步伐会更high   And every day I keep on moving   每一天我都持续前行。  How I live for you ......How I live for you   我是如此的,为你而活着  Don’t play... don’t play my will my heart   不要拿我的真心开玩笑  But sometimes   但是,有时  We couldn’t fight to start   我们不能够很好的开始  Hey hey baby baby, you’d better with me   嗨,宝贝,多希望你和我在一起  My dreams will hold you,   我多梦想能够拥抱你  And I will love you   我将永远爱你  Miss you darling   想念你,亲爱的  I want you laughing   我渴望你的微笑  You left me crying你却留下我独自哭喊It’s not enough...这远远不够Crazy baby, the spirit of the motion疯狂的宝贝,舞动的精灵Don’t let me feel devotion不要让我沉溺于你And every day I’ll always love you每一天我都永远爱你Baby, so let me see the fire宝贝,让我看到你的热情Better step a little higher更华丽的步伐会感觉更好And every day I keep on moving每一天我都持续前行Crazy baby, the spirit of the motion疯狂的宝贝,舞动的精灵Don’t let me feel devotion不要让我沉溺于你And every day I’ll always love you每一天我都永远爱你Baby, so let me see the fire宝贝,让我看到你的热情Better step a little higher更华丽的步伐会感觉更好And every day I keep on moving每一天我都持续前行baby, the spirit of the motion宝贝,舞动的精灵Don’t let me feel devotion不要让我沉溺于你And every day I’ll always love you每一天我都永远爱你Baby, so let me see the fire宝贝,让我看到你的热情Better step a little higher更华丽的步伐会感觉更好And every day I keep on moving每一天我都持续前行baby, the spirit of the motion宝贝,舞动的精灵Don’t let me feel devotion不要让我沉溺于你And every day I’ll always love you每一天我都永远爱你Baby, so let me see the fire宝贝,让我看到你的热情Better step a little higher更华丽的步伐会感觉更好And every day I keep on moving每一天我都持续前行。

Joan Osborne的《One Of Us》 歌词

歌曲名:One Of Us歌手:Joan Osborne专辑:RelishIf God had a name, what would it be?And would you call it to His faceIf you were faced with Him in all His glory?What would you ask if you had just one question?Yeah, yeah, God is GreatYeah, yeah, God is GoodYeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeahWhat if God was one of us?Just a slob like one of us?Just a stranger on a busTrying to make His way homeIf God had a face, what would it look like?And would you want to seeIf seeing meant that you would have to believeIn things like heaven and in JesusAnd the Saints and all the ProphetsYeah, yeah, God is GreatYeah, yeah, God is GoodYeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeahWhat if God was one of us?Just a slob like one of us?Just a stranger on a busTrying to make His way homeTrying to make His way homeBack up to heaven all alone.Nobody callin' on the phone'Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome.Yeah, yeah, God is GreatYeah, yeah, God is GoodYeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeahWhat if God was one of us?Just a slob like one of us?Just a stranger on a busTrying to make His way homeLike a holy rolling stone.Back up to heaven all aloneJust tryin' to make his way HomeNobody callin' on the phone'Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome.http://music.baidu.com/song/1726394

Joan Osborne的《One of Us》 歌词

歌曲名:One of Us歌手:Joan Osborne专辑:1996 Grammy NomineesIf God had a name, what would it be?And would you call it to His faceIf you were faced with Him in all His glory?What would you ask if you had just one question?Yeah, yeah, God is GreatYeah, yeah, God is GoodYeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeahWhat if God was one of us?Just a slob like one of us?Just a stranger on a busTrying to make His way homeIf God had a face, what would it look like?And would you want to seeIf seeing meant that you would have to believeIn things like heaven and in JesusAnd the Saints and all the ProphetsBack up to heaven all alone.Nobody callin' on the phone'Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome.Like a holy rolling stone.Back up to heaven all aloneJust tryin' to make his way HomeNobody callin' on the phone'Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome.http://music.baidu.com/song/59781827


《遇见》填 词:易家扬谱 曲:林一峰歌曲原唱:孙燕姿听见 冬天 的离开我在某年某月醒过来我想 我等 我期待未来却不能因此安排阴天 傍晚 车窗外未来有一个人在等待向左 向右 向前看爱要拐几个弯才来我遇见谁会有怎样的对白我等的人他在多远的未来我听见风来自地铁和人海我排著队拿著爱的号码牌阴天 傍晚 车窗外未来有一个人在等待向左 向右 向前看爱要拐几个弯才来我遇见谁会有怎样的对白我等的人他在多远的未来我听见风来自地铁和人海我排着队拿着爱的号码牌la …………我往前飞飞过一片时间海我们也曾在爱情里受伤害我看着路梦的入口有点窄我遇见你是最美丽的意外总有一天我的谜底会揭开扩展资料:《遇见》收录在孙燕姿2003年8月1日发行的《The Moment》专辑中。2003年该歌曲获得Hitfm年度百首单曲第一名。2004年获得最受欢迎港台地区歌曲第11届中国歌曲排行榜 。2004年该歌曲获得亚洲最高点播率金奖。2008年3月17日,孙燕姿在第二届亚洲电影大奖颁奖典礼活动上自弹自唱了歌曲《遇见》。创作背景这首歌是孙燕姿为电影“向左走向右走”献”声”的作品,歌词也朝着“向左走向右走”电影剧情做设计填写。歌曲MV电影《向左走,向右走》中播放这段音乐的时候是梁咏琪和金城武两个人在池塘边上坐着的时候,两个人是一人一边,背对着对方。MTV当中依旧是梁咏琪和金城武在演绎一段唯美的爱情故事,简化了电影中的故事,讲述了一对相爱的人却总是在生活中鬼使神差的错过,到头来爱情无疾而终。


歌名:遇见演唱:孙燕姿作词:易家扬作曲:林一峰听见 冬天 的离开我在某年某月醒过来我想 我等 我期待未来却不能因此安排阴天 傍晚 车窗外未来有一个人在等待向左 向右 向前看爱要拐几个弯才来我遇见谁会有怎样的对白我等的人他在多远的未来我听见风来自地铁和人海我排著队拿著爱的号码牌阴天 傍晚 车窗外未来有一个人在等待向左 向右 向前看爱要拐几个弯才来我遇见谁会有怎样的对白我等的人他在多远的未来我听见风来自地铁和人海我排着队拿着爱的号码牌la …………我往前飞飞过一片时间海我们也曾在爱情里受伤害我看着路梦的入口有点窄我遇见你是最美丽的意外总有一天我的谜底会揭开赏析《遇见》是电影《向左走,向右走》的主题曲,是由易家扬作词,林一峰作曲,孙燕姿演唱的歌曲。收录于2003年8月1日发行的《The Moment》专辑中。这首歌是孙燕姿为电影“向左走向右走”献”声”的作品,歌词也朝着“向左走向右走”电影剧情做设计填写。这部电影让孙燕姿相当有感觉,所以她在唱这首《遇见》的时候用了非常多的感情 。


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