拉康的发展阶段III 欲求、语言与象征界
拉康认为大它存在的概念是在想象阶段出现的(并联结于请求),是先于“自我”感,后者建构在大它性的概念基础上。儿童一旦构建起关于大它存在和关于一个认同于它自身的“它者”即它自身的镜象的自我的概念,就开始进入象征界了。与弗洛伊德的发展阶段所不同的是,象征界与想象界是重叠的,二者之间并无任何明确的边界或者区分,而且在某些方面二者总是共存。象征界的秩序是语言自身的结构,我们必须进入象征界才能成为言说的主体,才能用“我”指称我们自己。拥有一个自我的前提在于将自己想象地投射到镜象、即投射到镜子中的它者,并让自己通过说“我”而得到表达,这一表达只可能发生在象征界,这就是为什么想象界与象征界共存。弗洛伊德所记述的外甥“fort/da”游戏在拉康看来是一个进入象征界的标志,因为这个孩子是运用语言将缺席的概念和大它存在的概念作为一个范畴或者说一个结构的可能性加以处理。拉康指出线圈相当于一个“小它者客体”——即一个小“它者”的客体。通过将它扔出去,儿童接受了它者可能消失的事实;通过将它拉回来,儿童接受了它者可能回来的事实。拉康强调前者,强调孩子主要关心的是“小它者客体”的缺乏也就是缺席的概念。 “小它者”向儿童阐释了缺乏、丧失和缺席的概念,向儿童表明无论是在其自身中还是关于其自身它都不是具足的。此一事实也成了一个通向象征界的秩序、通向语言的门径,因为语言本身就是由缺乏和缺席的概念所引入的。拉康说这些概念——小它与大它,缺乏与缺席,将自我(错误地)认同于小它/大它——在每一个儿童那里都是在个体的水平上形成的,并且构成了象征界秩序的、也就是语言的基础结构,儿童必须进入这一结构才能成为文化的成年一员。因此在fort/da游戏中(同样在镜象阶段中的在自我与它者之间、母亲与孩子之间的区分)所表现出来的它者存在成为范畴性的也就是结构性的概念。于是,在象征界中有一个大它存在的结构(也就是结构形成原则)和一个缺口的结构形成原则。大它是一个位于象征界秩序的结构性的配置。它是一个场所,人人都试图达到它、与之融合,以摆脱在“自我”与“它者”之间的分离。在德里达的意义上它就是系统的中心,亦即象征界的、语言自身的中心。由于这个原因,大它是每个元素都要与之发生联系的东西。但是大它(注意,不是个人而是配置)作为中心是不能够被融合的。任何东西都不能够与大它并列于中心,尽管系统中的每一个元素(比如人)都想要如此并列。这样大它这一配置产生并维持了一个永不消失的缺口,拉康称之为欲求。欲求就是要成为大它的欲求。依定义,欲求永远不能满足:它不是对于某个客体的欲求(否则就是需求),也不是对于爱的欲求即得到另一个人对自己的承认的欲求(否则就是请求),它是成为系统中心、成为象征界的中心、语言自身的中心的欲求。拉康理论关于这一中心有种种名称。它是大它,也叫石祖。在此拉康再次借鉴了弗洛伊德首创的俄底浦斯理论。镜象阶段是前俄底浦斯的。自我是在与某个它者、即与大它的概念的关系中被构建的,自己想与大它融合。在弗洛伊德理论中儿童生命中极重要的它者是母亲,所以儿童想与母亲融合。这用拉康的话说,就是儿童的希望消除自我/它者分裂的请求。孩子坚信它只要成为母亲希望它成为的那个东西就能与母亲融合——用拉康的话说孩子试图满足母亲的欲求。母亲的欲求(由于她已是成年人所以其欲求已经通过进入象征界而形成)是不要有所缺乏,也就是不要有缺口(也就是成为大它、中心、什么也不缺乏的场所)。这与弗洛伊德的俄底浦斯情结的说法是一致的,孩子想通过与母亲性交而合二为一。在弗洛伊德的模型中缺乏的概念表现为阳具的缺失。想与母亲同床的男孩是想以他的阳具填充她而弥补其缺失。弗洛伊德认为对于男孩而言打断这种俄底浦斯欲求的是父亲,他以阉割相威胁。父亲威胁男孩如果他试图用阳具弥补母亲的阳具的缺失就将经历缺失,即阳具的缺席。以拉康的话说阉割威胁是一个对于缺口整体概念作为一个结构概念的隐喻。对拉康而言不是现实的父亲以阉割相威胁。相反,由于缺乏的、也就是缺口的概念为语言的概念所必须,由于缺口的概念是语言的基础结构的一部分,所以父亲就成了语言学结构的一个功能。阳具,石祖与父亲。父亲不是一个人,而是象征界秩序的一个结构形成的原则。对于拉康而言,弗洛伊德所说的怒气冲冲的父亲变成了父亲的名义,或者父亲的法律,有时干脆就是法律。只有服从了语言自身的规则——父亲的法律——才能进入象征界秩序。为了成为言说的主体你必须屈服、服从于语言的法律和规则。拉康将语言结构的概念和语言规则看成是特别的男性化的。他称语言规则为父亲的法律,其目的是将象征界的、语言规则的入口与弗洛伊德的俄底浦斯情结、阉割情结联系起来。父亲的法律,或者父亲的名义,只是叫法不同,其实就是大它,是系统的中心,是那个控制着整个结构的东西——控制着结构的样式、控制着系统中所有元素怎样运动、怎样形成关系。此一中心也称石祖,甚至奠基了象征界秩序的父权性质。石祖作为中心约束了元素的游戏,赋予整个结构以稳定性。石祖锚定了能指链,在无意识中能指链漂浮不定、不断地滑动和漂移。石祖阻止了游戏,能指因此而拥有些许的稳定意义。正是因为石祖是象征界秩序的、亦即语言的中心,所以“我”这一个词就能够指称自我的概念(并且附带地所有其它的词也因此而拥有稳定的意义)。石祖不等同于阳具。阳具属于个体,而石祖则是属于语言自身的结构。没人拥有石祖,就如没人能够控制语言或者语言规则。相反石祖就是中心。它控制了整个结构,它是每个人都想成为的(或者想拥有的),但是没人能够达到它(系统中的任何元素都不能取代中心的位置)。这就是拉康所谓的欲求:永不被满足的、永不能够被满足的、成为中心的、控制系统的欲求。拉康说男孩们认为自己有过一个尝试去成为石祖、去占据中心的位置,乃是因为拥有阳具。女孩们要做这样的尝试就困难多了,乃是因为她们(如弗洛伊德所言)生来就有、就是缺乏,即缺乏一个阳具,而石祖则是一个场所——在那里什么都不缺。然而拉康说每个在语言中的主体生来就有、就是缺乏,即缺口。我们拥有语言的唯一原因就是因为丧失、缺乏与母亲身体的合一。事实上正是这种成为“文化”的一部分、成为语言中的主体的急迫性促成了上述的缺席、丧失、缺乏。两性区分在拉康理论中具有重要意义,尽管不是弗洛伊德的意义。他曾在《无意识中字母中介》一文中讲过一个故事,说的是两扇相同的门(所指),门上的字不一样,一个写“女厕所”,一个“男厕所”。故事是这样的:一个小男孩(哥哥)和一个小女孩(妹妹)坐在火车的包厢里,面面相对,靠着窗口。火车启动了,站台上的建筑一一闪过。哥哥:“瞧,我们到了女厕所!”妹妹:“白痴!你难道没看见我们正路过男厕所。”这个故事表明男孩与女孩进入象征界秩序、进入语言结构的方式如何不同。拉康认为每一个孩子只能看见异性的能指;作为看见“它者”的结果,每一个孩子都在构造它自己的世界观、构造它自己对于男女厕所的命名、以及对于在此命名过程中能指与所指之间的关系的理解。拉康说,“对于这些孩子而言,男厕所和女厕所成了两个世界,孩子的灵魂扑打着翅膀努力接近对方的世界。每个孩子都有一个确定的性别,在象征界中具有一个具体的位置;每一性别从这个位置出发都只能看见(也就是指称)异性的它者样态。可以从字面意义上理解拉康所说的两扇门:它们区分性别,每一个孩子必须通过各自的门才能进入象征界。
Eminem is at #10 with "Stan", #50 with "The Way I Am" and #94 with "The real slim shady" and 50 Cent is @ #29 with "In Da Club" .
Heres the full list:
1. White Lines (Don't Do It) - Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five
2. Walk This Way - Run DMC & Aerosmith
3. Rappers Delight - Sugar Hill Gang
4. Fight The Power - Public Enemy
5. Fight For Your Right - Beastie Boys
6. Gangsta's Paradise - Coolio
7. Planet Rock - Afrika Bambatta
8. The Message - Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five
9. Killing Me Softly - The Fugees
10. Stan - Eminem
11. I'll Be Missing You - Puff Daddy
12. California Love - 2Pac
13. Cop Killa - Ice T
14. The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly) - Missy Elliott
15. I Need Love - LL Cool J
16. Doo Wop (That Thing) - Lauryn Hill
17. Push It - Salt-N-Pepa
18. Mama Said Knock You Out - LL Cool J
19. Ms. Jackson - Outkast
20. Work It - Missy Elliott
21. Nuthin But A 'G' Thang. Dr. Dre
22. People Everyday - Arrested Development
23. 99 Problems - Jay Z
24. Crossroads - Bone Thugs-N-Harmony
25. Mo Money Mo Problems - Notorious B.I.G.
26. Summertime - DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince
27. Country Grammer - Nelly
28. Gin & Juice - Snoop Dogg & Dr. Dre
29. In Da Club - 50 Cent
30. Stop The Violence Movement - Self Destruction
31. Hey Ya - Outkast
32. Everything Is Everything - Lauryn Hill
33. Mind's Playing Tricks On Me - Geto Boys
34. Looking For The Perfect Beat - Afrika Bambatta
35. No Sleep Till Brooklyn - Beastie Boys
36. Big Poppa - Notorious B.I.G.
37. U-N-I-T-Y. Queen Latifah
38. It's Tricky - Run DMC
39. I used to love h.e.r. - Common
40. Gettin Jiggy Wit It - Will Smith
41. Excursion - A Tribe Called Quest
42. Black Steel In the Hour of Chaos - Public Enemy
43. Baby Got Back - Sir Mix-A-Lot
44. Real Love - Mary J. Blige
45. The Magic Number - De La Soul
46. Hard Knock Life - Jay Z
47. Straight Outta Compton - N.W.A.
48. Bridge is Over - Boogie Down Productions
49. On and On - Erykah Badu
50. The Way I Am - Eminem
51. Rock Box - Run DMC
52. New Jack Hustler - Ice-T
53. One Minute Man - Missy Elliott
54. Me, Myself and I - De La Soul
55. We're All In The Same Gang - West Coast Rap All-Stars
56. Hot In Herre - Nelly
57. My Adidas - Run DMC
58. Roxannes Revenge - Roxanne Shante
59. AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted - Ice Cube
60. Say No Go - De La Soul
61. Just A Friend - Biz Markie
62. One More Chance - Notorious B.I.G.
63. Funkee Ko Medina - Tone Loc
64. Rebel Without A Pause - Public Enemy
65. Love of My Life - Erykah Badu
66. Whatta Man - Salt-N-Pepa & En Vogue
67. I Know You Got Soul - Eric B. & Rakim
68. Creep - TLC
69. Childrens Story - Slick Rick
70. 2 Legit 2 Quit - MC Hammer
71. Brown Skin Lady - Mos Def
72. Welcome to the Terrordome - Public Enemy
73. Dear Mama - 2Pac
74. Woo-Ha!! Got You All In Check - Busta Rhymes
75. Big Pimpin' - Jay-Z
76. Bonita Applebum - A Tribe Called Quest
77. No More Drama - Mary J. Blige
78. Ready or Not - The Fugees
79. Jesus Walks - Kanye West
80. Love Is Blind - Eve
81. Lyte As A Rock - MC Lyte
82. Eye Know - De La Soul
83. Raw - Big Daddy Kane
84. It Was A Good Day - Ice Cube
85. Parents Just Don't Understand - DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince
86. Scenario - A Tribe Called Quest
87. To Beat Ya'll - Lady B
88. I'm Still Number One - Boogie Down Productions
89. Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Can See - Busta Rhymes
90. Bust A Move - Young MC
91. Don't Sweat The Technique - Eric B. & Rakim
92. Freaks Come Out At Night - Whodini
93. Wild Thing - Tone Loc
94. The Real Slim Shady - Eminem
95. How Ya Like Me Now - Kool Moe Dee
96. C.R.E.A.M. - Wu Tang Clan
97. Boyz-N-The Hood. Eazy E
98. Vapors - Biz Markie
99. The Humpty Dance - Digital Underground
100. Express Yourself - N.W.A.
01.Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven
02.Van Halen - Eruption
03.Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird
04.Pink Flyod - Comfortably Numb
05.Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watch Tower
06.Guns n' Roses -November Rain
07.Metallica - One
08.Eagles - Hotel California
09.Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train
10.Cream - Crossroads
11.Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Chile
12.Chuck Berry - Johnny b Goode
13.Stevie Ray Vaughan - Texas Flood
14.Eric Clapton - Layla
15.Pantera - Floods
16.Led Zeppelin - Heartbreaker
17.Eric Johnson - Cliffs of Dover
18.Jimi Hendrix - Little Wing
19.Deep Purple - Highway Star
20.Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
21.Pink Floyd - Time
22.Dire Dtraits - Sultans of Swing
23.Ratm - Bulls on Parade
24.Mettalica - Fade to Black
25.Jetro Tull - Aqualung
26.Nirvana - Smells Like Teen spirit
27.Stevie Ray Vaughan - Pride and Joy
28.Ozzy Osbourne - Mr. Crowley
29.Steve Vai - For the Love of God
30.Joe Satriani - Surfing With The Alien
31.Ted Nuggent - Stranglehold
32.Jimi Hendrix - Machine Gun
33.B.B king - The Thrill Is Gone
34.Radiohead - Paranoid Android
35.Pantera - Cemetery Gates
36.Yngwie Malmsteen - Black Star
37.Guns n' Roses - Sweet Child OF Mine
38.Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love
39.Neil Young - Cortez The Killer
40.Steely Dan - Reeling In the Years
41.Queen - Brighton Rock
42.Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps
43.ZZ Top - Sharp Dressed Man
44.Pearl Jam - Alive
45.The Doors - Light My Fire
46.Van Halen - Hot For Teacher
47.The Allman Brothers Band - Jessica
48.The Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil
49.Santana - Europa
50.Kiss - Shock Me
51.Metallica - Master of Puppets
52.Jimi Hendrix - Star Spangled Banner
53.Led Zeppelin - Since I've Been Loving You
54.Smashing Pumpkins - Geek USA
55.Joe Satriani - Satch Boogie
56.Black Sabath - War Pigs
57.Pantera - Walk
58.Eric Clapton - Cocaine
59.Ozzy Osbourne - No More Tears
60.The Kinks - You Really Got Me
61.Frank Zappa - Zoot Allures
62.Pink Floyd - Money
63.Soundgarden - Black Hole Son
64.Prince - Little Red Corvette
65.Nirvana - In Bloom
66.The Allman Brothers Band - Blue Sky
67.Michael Jackson - Beat It
68.Yes - Starship Trooper
69.Beatles - And Your Bird Can Sing
70.Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze
71.Funkadelic - Maggot Brain
72.Aerosmith - Walk This Way
73.Phish - Stash
74.Deep Purple - Lazy
75.The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again
76.Neil Young - Cinamon Girl
77.Alice in Chains - Man In The Box
78.Greatful Dead - Truckin
79.Van Halen - Mean Street
80.AC-DC - You Shook Me All Night Long
81.Lou Reed - Sweet Jane
82.King Crimson - 21st Century Schizoid Man
83.Stevie Ray Vaughn - Scuttle Buttin
84.Sublime - Santeria
85.David Bowie - Moonage Daydream
86.The Alman Brothers - Whipping Post
87.Living Colour - Cult of Personality
88.Steeley Dan - Kid Charlemagne
89.Rage Against the Machine - Killing In The Name
90.Eric Clapton - Let It Rain
91. Heart It Through The Grapev
92.Stray Cats - Stary Cat Strut
93.The Doors - The End
94.Rush - Working Man
95.Pearl Jam - Yellow Ledbetter
96.The Rolling Stones - Honky Tonk Women
97.Smashing Pumpkins - Cherub Rock
98.Dreamtheater - Under A Glass Moon
99.Jeff Beck - Cause We Ended As Lovers
100.Janes Addiction - Three Days
01.the beatles-yesterday
02.rolling stones-satisfaction
03.nirvana-smells like teen spirit
04.madonna-like a virgin
05.michael jackson-billie jean
06.the beatles-i want to hold your hand
07.aretha franklin-respect
08.u2-with or without you
09.the jackson-i want you back
10.backstreet boys-i want it that way
11.the eagles-hotel california
12.the supremes-where did our love go
13.guns n' roses-sweet child o' mine
14.the rolling stones-brown sugar
15.john lennon-imagine
16.sinead o connor-nothing compares to you
17.stevie wonder-superstition
18.r.e.m.-losing my religion
20.bob dylan-like a rolling stone
21.van morrison-brown eyed girl
22.michael jackson-beat it
23.roy orbison-oh, pretty woman
24.marvin gaye-what's going on
25.britney spears-baby one more time
26.fleetwood mac-go your own way
27.prince-when doves cry
29.queen-bohemian rhapsody
30.elton john-your song
31.santanaf rob thomas-smooth
32.tis redding-the dock of the bay
33.the who-my generation
34.alanis morissette-ironic
35.bruce springsteen-born to run
37.o.p.p.-naughty by nature
38.david bowie-changes
39.goo goo dolls-iris
40.whitney houston-i will always love you
41.creedance clearwater revival-proud mary
42.the police-every breath you take
43.rolling stones-miss you
44.abba-dancing queen
45.eric clapton-tears in heaven
46.smokey robinson-the tracks of my tears
47.van halen-jump
48.pearl jam - jeremy
49.bob dylan-tangled up in blue
50.prince-little red corvette
51.the temptations-just my imagination
52.paul mccartney-maybe i'm amazed
53.george micheal-faith
54.red hot chili peppers-under the bridge
55.n'sync-bye bye bye
56.gloria gaynor-i will survive
57.the go gos-our lips are sealed
58.the wallflowers-one headlight
59.stevie wonder-you are the sunshine of my life
60.billy joel-just the way you are
61.rem-the one i love
62.madonna-papa don't preach
63.the beatles-in my life
64.elton john-bennie and the jets
65.the cars-just what i needed
66.cyndi lauper-time after time
67.eminem-my name is
68.garbage-only happy when it rains
69.depeche mode-just can't get enough
70.beach boys-good vibrations
71.romones-i wanna be sedated
72.tom petty-free fallin''
73.culture club-do you really want to hurt me
74.elton john-tiny dancer
75.sly and family stone-hot fun in the summer time
77.al green-lets stay together
78.green day-longview
79.janet jackson-nasty
80.ll cool j-i need love
81.no doubt-don't speak
82.michael jackson-rock with you
83.foreigner-i want to know what love is
85.cheap trick-surrender
86.human league-don''t you want me
87.pretenders-brass in pocket
88.wyclef jean-gone till november(acoustic)
89.wham-careless whispers
90.brandy and monica -that boy is mine
91.black street & dr. dre
92.acdc-you shook me all night long
93.bee gees-stayin' alive
94.blink 182-all the small things
95.chic-good times
96.def leopard-photograph
97.b-52's-love shack
98.fine young cannibals-she drives me crazy
99.biz markie-just a friend
100.soft cell-tainted love
Just Dance,Poker Face,Judas/telephone/love game-Lady Gaga
Turning Tables-Adele
Behind these hazel eyes/people like us-Kelly Clarkson
What the hell.smile,girlfriend.one of those girls.he wasn't.my happy ending/sk8ter boi-Avril Lavigne
Haunted.I knew you were trouble.we are never ever getting back together-Taylor Swift
Party in the USA.the best of both worlds/permenent December-Miley Cyrus
This is me.Unbroken-Demi Lovato
Hit the lights-Selena Gomez
He said she said-Ashley Tisdale
This kiss/good time-Carly Rae Jepsen
Die Young/C'mom/Tik tok-Ke$ha
If everyone cared-Nickelback
3/baby one more time/i wanna go/scream and shout-Britney Spears
Just Tonight/kill me-The pretty reckless
why are you leaving-colette carr
someone like you-Adele
Adia-Avril Lavigne(这是翻唱的版本,原唱歌手名叫Sarah)
when you're gone/wish you were here/remember when/innocence/tomorrow/not enough/black star/i will be-Avril Lavigne
everytime/Criminal-Britney Spears
both sides now/curiosity-Carly Rae Jepsen
fix a heart/believe in me/skyscraper-Demi Lovato
nothing like us/i would/u smile/believe-justin bieber
wide awake/the one that got away/thinking of you-Katy Perry
Because of you/breakway/dark side-Kelly Clarkson
stay/the climb-Miley Cyrus
Apologize-One Republic
in your words-Rebecca Black
love the way you lie/take a bow-Rihanna
oh my my my/brought up that way/fearless/love story/you re not sorry/white horse/jump than fall/innocent/untouchable/safe and sound/back to December/Speak now-Taylor Swift
never been better-Tiffany Alvord
B-E-A-U-tiful-Megan Nicole
Whatever we will be/don't leave/don't ask why-Vanessa Hudgens
Nothing's gonna change my love for you/leaving-Westlife
如果是听小清新一点的,去听Taylor Swift的歌,听摇滚的去听Avril Lavigne和The pretty Reckless的歌。流行、炫动的可以听布兰妮、Gaga,Rihanna.Nicki Minaj的歌。听比较有活力的可以考虑一下迪士尼的歌星,如:Miley Cyrus.Demi Lovato.Vanessa Hudgens.Ashley Tisdale,Selena Gomez(不是很喜欢她)。
Westlife的歌很静,Adele的歌有动有静吧。Adam Lambert,Justin Bieber,Maroon5,ONE DIRECTION也不是