成龙佳能广告 歌词是(天堂就在人间 )英文歌曲来的?求歌名
歌曲heaven is a place on earth 歌手belinda carlisle
ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth ?
ooh heaven is a place on earth
they say in heaven love comes first
we'll make heaven a place on earth
ooh heaven is a place on earth
when the night falls down
i wait for you
and you come around
and the world's alive
with the sound of kids
on the street outside
when you walk into the room
you pull me close and we start to move
and we're spinning with the stars above
and you lift me up in a wave of love...
ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth ?
ooh heaven is a place on earth
they say in heaven love comes first
we'll make heaven a place on earth
ooh heaven is a place on earth
when i feel alone
i reach for you
and you bring me home
when i'm lost at sea
i hear your voice
and it carries me
in this world we're just beginning
to understand the miracle of living
baby i was afraid before
but i'm not afraid anymore
ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth ?
ooh heaven is a place on earth
they say in heaven love comes first
we'll make heaven a place on earth
1、《Project A》成龙2、《The Symphony No.5 Of Beethoven》黎小田3、《Attention!!》黎小田4、《The Pirates》黎小田5、《Any Time》黎小田6、《At The VIP Club》黎小田7、《ad Mood And Dragon's Joke》黎小田8、《The Chase》黎小田9、《Beating The Retreat》黎小田10、《The Raid In The Dark》黎小田11、《Dinving From The Clock Tower》黎小田12、《Project A Proceeds》黎小田13、《The Last Duel In The Island》黎小田14、《Project A (Male Chorus)》黎小田扩展资料:剧情简介:上世纪初,猖獗的香港海盗屡屡劫持商船,考虑到各国商家的投资信心会因此减少,继而香港国际贸易中心的地位可能会不保,香港政府改编水师,成立了水警抵抗海盗并且制定了A计划,但总因为种种原因出击失败。水警警长马如龙(成龙)执行公务时遭人陷害,愤而辞职。海盗头目罗三炮(狄威)抓走英国将军及其家眷做人质,当局决定利用和海盗有勾结的周永龄从中调停。因为早知周永龄与海盗勾结,马如龙自告奋勇拯救人质,他重组水警并且继续执行A计划,期望通过与上司洪天赐(元彪)及好兄弟卓一飞(洪金宝)作里应外合,将海盗一网打尽。
歌名叫《Ai No Corrida》。由于有好多歌手翻唱过,因此就不指定是谁唱的了,各个版本的编曲风格都有不同,大家可以找自己喜欢的版本听。
点这里 http://www.xiami.com/search?key=Ai+No+Corrida&pos=1 所有的版本都在, 自己挑喜欢的
经过我的试听,和ad里最像的版本是Jeff Mills演唱的那个版本哦。其他也有版本很好听的。。。
佳能相机电视广告的英文背景音乐叫《We Are The Champions》1、中文名称:我们是冠军,外文名称:We Are The Champions,所属专辑:News of the World,发行时间:1977年,歌曲原唱:“皇后”乐队(Queen),歌曲语言:英语,公 司:索尼-爱立信公司2、《We Are The Champions》于1977年问世,起初只是足球界一首百听不厌的歌曲,但在这次遍及66个国家的大范围调查中,70万音乐迷仍然一致认定它为最受人喜爱的世界名曲。索尼-爱立信公司(Sony Ericsson)最近在全球范围内举行的一次调查表明,“皇后”乐队(Queen)的经典名曲《We Are The Champions》,被评为全球最受人欢迎的歌曲。扩展资料:《We Are The Champions》的歌词如下I'vepaidmyduesTimeaftertimeI'vedonemysentenceButcommittednocrimeAndbadmistakesI'vemadeafewI'vehadmyshareofsandKickedinmyfaceButI'vecomethroughAndwemeantogoonandonandonandonWearethechampions-myfriendsAndwe'llkeeponfightingTilltheendWearethechampionsWearethechampionsNotimeforlosers'CausewearethechampionsoftheWorldI'vetakenmybowsAndmycurtaincallsYoubroughtmefameandfortuneAndeverythingthatgoeswithitIthankyouallButit'sbeennobedofrosesNopleasurecruiseIconsideritachallengebeforeThewholehumanraceAndIain'tgonnaloseAndwemeantogoonandonandonandonWearethechampions-myfriendsAndwe'llkeeponfightingTilltheendWearethechampionsWearethechampionsNotimeforlosers'CausewearethechampionsoftheWorldWearethechampions-myfriendsAndwe'llkeeponfightingTilltheendWearethechampionsWearethechampionsNotimeforlosers'Causewearethechampions
goddess on the mountain top
burning like a silver flame
the summit of beauty and love
and venus was her name
she's got it
yeah, baby, she's got it
i'm your venus
i'm your fire
at your desire
well,i`m your venus
i`m your fire
at your desire
her weapons were her crystal eyes
making every man a man
black as the dark night she was
got what no-one else had
she`s got it
yeah she`s got it
i'm your venus
i'm your fire
at your desire
everything about you makes no sense.
not that pretty and your hair are mess.
but I like you
yeah I like you
whenever you're around I just loose track
feel like pupping bubble wrap
cause I like you
yeah I like you
If I like you,
would you like me?
would we end up happily?
doesn't matter what you say
I am gonna like you anyway
yeah I like you
If I like you
would you like me?
would we end up happily?
doesn't matter what you say
I'm gonna like you anyway
yeah I like you