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all wives cheat

时间:2024-06-23 06:06:47 编辑:莆仙君


cheat意思:欺骗;蒙骗;作弊;与他人有秘密性关系;对某人不忠;骗子;欺骗手段;作弊软件。例句:1、The two firms colluded to cheat the government。这两家公司合伙欺骗政府。2、There's a cheat you can use to get to the next level。有种秘技,你可以用来到达下一关。3、Many people feel cheated by the government's refusal to hold a referendum。由于政府拒绝举行公民投票表决,许多人都觉得上当受骗。4、My brother would never cheat on his wife,he's not that sort。我哥哥永远不会背着妻子在外面拈花惹草,他不是那种人。5、It's really a cheat,but you can use ready-made pastry if you want。这东西真是骗人,但如果你愿意的话,可以用现成的油酥面团。


解释:欺骗美式读音:tʃiːt英式读音:tʃiːt过去式:cheated过去分词:cheated现在分词:cheating第三人称单数:cheats复数:cheats例句:1、Due to his rapid response, he cheated the accident.由于他的快速反应,他在这次事故中逃过一劫。2、The student who cheated in the final exam was severely punished.这个在期末考试中作弊的学生受到了严惩。3、The cheat was eventually captured by the police at the station.这个行骗者最终在车站被警方抓获。4、She cheated in the test by copying from the boy in front.她在测验中作弊 抄袭前座男孩的答案。


这两个词的区别我懂,"Cheat"通常是为了获得自己的好处,或者为了防止被惩罚;"deceive"则通常是为了欺骗别人,执行一个秘密计划或其它违法行为。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~接下来让我们看下cheat和deceive的其他区别:1. 意思不同"Cheat"通常指出轨、欺骗了某个规则或约定;"deceive"通常指有意地引导或欺骗某人去相信错误或虚假的信息或行为。例如:He was caught cheating in the exam.他在考试中被发现作弊了。He deceived me into thinking that he was a doctor.他骗我相信他是一名医生。2. 目的不同"Cheat"通常是为了获得自己的好处,或者为了防止被惩罚;"deceive"则通常是为了欺骗别人,执行一个秘密计划或其它违法行为。例如:She was cheating in business by not paying her taxes.她在生意上作弊,没有缴纳税款。They deceived the public by hiding the true scale of the pollution.他们通过隐瞒污染的真实程度来欺骗公众。3. 行为形式不同"Cheat"通常是做出某些欺骗性的行为;"deceive"则比"cheating"更为抽象,暗示了一种对方严重的、欺骗性的行为。例如:She was cheating by stealing money from the company.她通过从公司偷钱来作弊。The salesman deceived the customer by promoting low quality products.销售员通过推销劣质产品来欺骗顾客。4. 程度和坦白度不同"Cheat"通常是针对被发现的,涉及到明显的违规行为,而"deceive"则是一个更广泛的术语,可以引用涉及到更微妙和抽象的行为。例如:The students were cheating on the exam by copying each other’s answers.学生们在考试中作弊,相互抄袭。He deceived me by pretending to be a friend when he was actually trying to steal my job.他假装是我的朋友,实际上他只是想夺取我的工作。5. 危害程度不同"Cheat"往往受到社会、法律等的惩罚,但通常不涉及危害身体、精神或安全等方面。而"deceive"则可能更多地涉及到实际问题的危害和隐含的伤害。例如:It's unfair for athletes to cheat in the Olympics.运动员在奥运会上作弊是不公平的。He deceived her into a dangerous situation by pretending to be there to help her.(他假装帮助她,把她带进了一个危险的境地中。


1、读音不同:cheat 英 [tʃi:t] 美 [tʃit] deceive 英 [dɪˈsi:v] 美 [dɪˈsiv] 2、词性不同:cheat可作及物动词,不及物动词和名词。deceive 可作动词。3、含义不同:Cheat 是日常很通用的骗,例如妈妈为了保护孩子的牙齿,骗孩子说家里没有巧克力了,都可以用cheat。 有哄的意思。Deceive 是诈骗,通常指诈骗金钱与财物。 deceive不能用于表达善意的欺骗。扩展资料:一、相关短语:1、Deceive consumers 欺骗消费者2、deceive hoodwink 蒙哄3、deceive systematically 系统地欺骗4、deceive heartlessly 无意地欺骗5、deceive prodigiously 奇妙地欺骗6、drug cheat 嗑药的骗子 ; 嗑药骗子 ; 磕药的骗子 ; 药物作弊7、cheat age 改变国家年龄 ; 改变国度春秋 ; 转变国度春秋 ; 显示或改变年代8、cheat bird 光标处增加一只鸟 ; 产生野鸟 ; 召唤一只鸟二、同义词:1、deceit,英 [dɪˈsi:t] 美 [dɪˈsit] n.谎言;诡计;欺骗,欺诈2、defraud,英 [dɪˈfrɔ:d] 美 [dɪˈfrɔd] vt.欺骗;诈取,骗取3、bam,英 [bæm] 美 [bæm] n.& v.欺骗,哄骗,迷惑

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