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时间:2024-06-22 09:03:58 编辑:莆仙君


“body wash”1我们也用香波和沐浴露清洁头发和身体。Shampoo and body lotions are also used to wash our hair and body. 2我喜欢用肥皂,她喜欢使用沐浴露。I like to use soap, she likes to use body wash. 3我现在和牛奶泡沫沐浴露及身体乳一起用。I am using this soap in combination with the foaming milk bath and the body butter. 4她浴室里已经有几种洗发水和沐浴露了,买东西的时候她还要尝试新的。She got several shampoos and baths in the shower and she still wants to try new ones whenshopping. 5我一直有很糟糕的后背痤疮,这个沐浴露几周的时间就把它们去除了。I used to have real bad back acne and it took it away in a matter of weeks. 6不要使用唾液、护肤霜、油脂、凡士林、肥皂以及沐浴露来代替润滑剂。Don NOT use saliva, creams, oil, Vaseline, soap or shower gel as lube. 7我们的茶树&熏衣草洗发沐浴露也一定会成为家庭的最爱!Our Tea Tree Lavender Shampoo Bodywash is sure to become a family favorite too!8洗发水与沐浴露中使用的所有清洁剂必须符合欧盟的生物降解能力要求,以防止对环境的破坏。All detergents used in shampoos and shower gels must comply with Europeanbiodegradability requirements to prevent environmental damage. 9我们的客户曾经报告本洗发水与沐浴露在对抗湿疹和其他皮肤敏感问题方面取得了优异成绩。Our customers have reported excellent results with this shampoo& body wash in their fightagainst eczema and other skin sensitivities. 10应用于洗发香波,沐浴露,泡沫洁面乳过敏性皮肤制剂及儿童洗涤制品中。Applicable to shampoo, body wash products, sensitive skin agent& baby cleaning products.


更新1: 到底哪个才是啊?shower gel /Shower juice/Bath Jel 更新2: 真的不知哪一个才是正确的答案。 这里可以帮到你 actionte.subo35/yahooauction/178987536 沐浴露:Bath ∕ reveal 洗头水:Shampoo 洗头水 = Shampoo 沐浴露 = Bath Jel 帮到你就好!!^v^ 参考: 我 沐浴露:shower gel 洗头水:shampoo 参考: 我 洗头水:Shampoo 沐浴露:Shower juice Hope it can help you! 参考: 自己

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