白宫地址:1600Pennsylvania AvenueNW,Washington(华盛顿宾夕法尼亚大道1600号)白宫建筑群成了历史性建筑,带有浓厚的英国建筑风格,又在随后的主人更替中一层层融入了美国建筑的风格。朴素、典雅,构成白宫建筑风格的基调。第一位入住白宫的总统并不是第一任总统华盛顿,而是第二任总统约翰·亚当斯;从此,美国历届总统均以白宫为官邸,使白宫成了美国政府的代名词。/iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/cf1b9d16fdfaaf512d76102e825494eef11f7a8e"target="_blank"title="点击查看大图"class="ikqb_img_alink">/iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/cf1b9d16fdfaaf512d76102e825494eef11f7a8e?x-bce-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cw_600%2Ch_800%2Climit_1%2Fquality%2Cq_85%2Fformat%2Cf_auto"esrc="https://iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/cf1b9d16fdfaaf512d76102e825494eef11f7a8e"/>扩展资料:取名由来美国的白宫由1800年建立,1812年英国和美国发生战争,英国军队占领了华盛顿城后,放火烧了包括美国国会大厦和总统府之类的建筑物。过后,为了掩盖被大火烧过的痕迹,1814年总统住宅棕红色的石头墙被涂上了白色。1902年西奥多·罗斯福总统正式命名为“白宫”。建筑规模1、占地白宫共占地7.3万多平方米。由主楼和东、西两翼三部分组成。主楼宽51.51米,进深25.75米,共有底层、一楼、二楼、三楼共四层。白宫是美国总统办公和居住之地,因而成为美国政府的代称。底层有外交接待大厅、图书室、地图室、瓷器室、金银器室和白宫管理人员办公室等。2、外交接待大厅外交接待大厅呈椭圆形,是总统接待外国元首和使节的地方,铺着天蓝色底、椭圆形的花纹地毯,上绣象征美国50个州的标志,墙上挂有描绘美国风景的巨幅环形油画。3、图书室图书室约60多平方米。室内的桌、椅、书橱和灯具等,均为古典式。藏有图书近3000册,其中不乏美国各个时期著名作家的代表作。此外,这里还存有美国历届总统的有关资料。在藏书壁柜旁的墙上挂着五幅印第安人的画像,这是当年美国总统在白宫会见过的印第安部落代表团的成员。4、地图室有各种版本的现代地图集和一幅名贵的18世纪绘制的地图。第二次世界大战期间,这里曾是罗斯福总统研究战争形势的密室。从1970年起,此处已改为接待室,室内挂着本杰明·富兰克林的画像和美国19世纪哈得逊河画派的风景画,如哈特作于1858年的名画《山间湖水》等。5、金银器陈列室藏有各种精致的英、法式镀金银制餐具和镶金银器。瓷器室收藏有历届总统用过的瓷制餐具,其中有一套从中国进口的名瓷。参考资料来源:/baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%99%BD%E5%AE%AB/24068?fr=aladdin#5"target="_blank"title="百度百科-白宫">百度百科-白宫
白宫也称为白屋,是美国总统的官邸和办公室,是“总统公园”的一部分。下面是我给大家整理的白宫英文简介,供大家参阅! 白宫简介 The White House (also known as the White House) is the residence and office of the President of the United States. In 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt was officially named "White House". The White House is owned by the US National Parks Authority and is part of the "Presidential Park". The picture on the back of the twenty dollar bill is the White House. The White House is a white neo-classical style sandstone building located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue northwest of Washington, DC. The White House covers an area of more than 73,000 square meters, consisting of the main building and the east and west wings. Because the White House is the residence and office of the President of the United States, the word "White House" often refers to the US government, such as "the White House announced that the Chinese President visited the White House." 白宫建筑沿革 The White House did not call the White House long ago, and was called the "President's House" and the "Palace of the President". On July 16, 1790, the US Congress passed legislation to decide to establish a permanent US capital on the banks of the Potomac. It authorized the then US President George Washington to select the capital address. After the location was selected, the French engineer Pierre Lan Fang was ordered to plan the city blueprint. US Secretary of State Jefferson Jefferson proposed to the President and the Colombian District Commissioner for the design of the two, nationwide architectural design competition. March 14, 1792, the Colombian District Commissioner announced the race began. July 17, 1792, was born in Ireland and the educated architect in Ireland, Hoban won the race. His design uses the form of houses in the British Isles. In October 13th of the same year, by the United States Masonic and the Colombian District Commissioner jointly built for the White House, the official foundation. Hoban is responsible for directing the site construction. In 1797, when the President of Washington left office, the White House built only the walls and fitted the roof trusses. Hoben personally served as construction architect. First of all, in the lawn of the north side of the White House today built three brick kilns, firing bricks, for the Capitol and the White House building needs. Architects on the construction of high quality requirements, many of the building materials from the United States the famous origin, so the construction period of a long delay, so that the first president of Washington did not live here. When he left office, the residence had just completed the outline of the building. During the construction period, Hoban continues to find skilled workers outside the United States, to meet the needs of the project. In 1793, he hired a group of tiles in Edinburgh, Scotland. At the same time, he also hired some slaves. The base of the White House and the stone used by the facade, taken from the Virginia Glick stone. Stone was shipped along the Potomac River to Washington. White House doors and windows and flooring used in high quality timber, from North Carolina and Virginia. Lime taken from Maryland's Friedrich. November 1, 1800, the second US president John Adams, in his departure a few months before, live in the White House. The White House began to become a place where the President of the United States worked and lived with his family. The third president, Jefferson, instructed the door to open the President's house every morning, and the citizens could visit the residence without affecting the president's office. This is a concrete manifestation of Jefferson's democratic thinking. The experience in Europe told him that the public was interested in the government's head office. In 1809, Madison entered the White House. The architect Wright Rob was appointed to decorate the oval hall and designed and manufactured the White House furniture. In 1812, the second British-American war occurred, the British army invaded Washington. August 24, 1814, the British burned the building, leaving only an empty shelf. In 1815, Hoban took office again, commanding the reconstruction of the White House, in 1817 in September before the completion of President Monroe. In 1817, in order to cover up the traces of fire, President Monroe ordered a white paint on the gravel. Since then the president's residence has been called the "White House". In 1834, the spring water into the White House, the end of the White House to pull out the history of water. In 1848, the kerosene lamp entered the White House. In 1853, when Pierce served as president, the central heating equipment was installed and the second floor bathroom and toilet were rebuilt. In 1857, built on the West platform glass greenhouse. In 1860, the outbreak of the Civil War, the White House became the center of decision-making and major activities, the second floor office in the White House, Lincoln President signed the famous liberation declaration. In 1877, President Hayes entered the White House, the establishment of the library. In 1882, the first elevator was used in the White House. In 1902, the United States President Theodore Roosevelt officially named it "the White House", and later became synonymous with the US government. In 1909, the western wing was expanded to build the famous oval office. In 1913, the White House rose garden for the first time to grow roses. In 1927, the construction of the White House third floor. 1929 Christmas Eve, the White House west of the fire, when President Herbert Hoover had to temporarily leave the Christmas party, command staff from the oval office to rescue the file. In 1934, the west wing was renewed again. After the United States to participate in World War II, the White House has built the east wing and air defense, in the East platform to increase the cinema. In 1948, President Truman added a balcony at the Southern Colonnade, carried out a thorough examination of the structural safety of the White House, found the problem seriously, and decided to make a thorough alteration. President Truman and his family moved to Blair, opposite Pennsylvania Avenue. The alteration of the original wallboard, smallpox and furniture of the White House, the interior decoration redo, and the new foundation, basement and steel frame bearing structure. In 1941, the number of employees in the residence was 62, the annual budget of about 152,000 US dollars. In 1965, the White House installed a fire alarm system. July 1, 2015, the White House to cancel the implementation of more than 40 years of visitors to take pictures of the ban. From the date, visitors can use the phone or lens length of not more than 3 inches (7.62 cm) camera to take pictures, but not allowed to record. 白宫建筑特点