拜伦诗集名句如下:1、If I should see you,after long year.How should I greet, with tears, with silence.假若他日相逢,我将何以贺你?以沉默,以眼泪。2、When I dream that you love me,you'll surely forgive; Extend your anger not to sleep; For in visions alone your affections can live. I rise,and it leaves me to weep. 若是我梦见你爱我,你休怪。休要迁怒于睡眠,你的爱只在梦中存在。醒来,我徒留泪眼。3、Men's love is only a part of a man's life, but love is the whole of a woman's life.男人的爱只是生命的一部分,女人的爱则是她的全部生命。4、Love me, I return with a sigh. Hate me, I pay a laugh. The heart is ready for whatever luck God may bring.爱我的,我报以叹息。恨我的,我一笑置之。这颗心已准备好,任凭命运如何安排。5、Men are strange things, but more strange are women.男人是奇怪的东西,而更奇怪的是女人。6、I will not abandon the world for you. But I will not abandon you for the world.我不会为了你舍弃世界。但是,我也不会为了世界舍弃你。7、A drop of ink can evoke the thoughts of millions of people.一滴墨水,可以唤起千百万人的思想。8、No matter what the sky is above, I'm prepared to withstand any storm.无论头上是怎样的天空,我准备承受任何风暴。9、Joy and pain in love alternate.爱情中的欢乐和痛苦是交替出现的。
拜伦是英国19世纪初期伟大的浪漫主义诗人,在他的诗歌里塑造了一批“拜伦式英雄”。他不仅是一位伟大的诗人,还是一个为理想战斗一生的勇士,积极而勇敢地投身革命。下面是我为大家带来拜伦经典著名诗歌,希望大家喜欢! 拜伦经典著名诗歌:我愿做无忧无虑的小孩 I would I were a careless child, 我愿做无忧无虑的小孩, Still dwelling in my Highland cave, 仍然居住在高原的洞穴, Or roaming through the dusky wild, 或是在微曛旷野里徘徊, Or bounding o'er the dark blue wave; 或是在暗蓝海波上腾跃; The cumbrous pomp of Saxon pride 撒克逊浮华的繁文缛礼 Accords not with the freeborn soul, 不合我生来自由的意志, Which loves the mountain's craggy side, 我眷念坡道崎岖的山地, And seeks the rocks where billows roll. 我向往狂涛扑打的巨石。 Fortune! take back these cultured lands, 命运呵!请收回丰熟的田畴, Take back this name of splendid sound! 收回这响亮的尊荣称号 I hate the touch of servile hands, 我厌恶被人卑屈地迎候, I hate the slaves that cringe around. 厌恶被奴仆躬身环绕。 Place me among the rocks I love, 把我放回我酷爱的山岳, Which sound to Ocean's wildest roar; 听巉岩应和咆哮的海洋; I ask but this—again to rove 我只求让我重新领略 Through scenes my youth hath known before. 我从小熟悉的故国风光。 Few are my years, and yet I feel 我虽然年少,也能感觉出 The world was ne'er design'd for me: 这世界决不是为我而设; Ah! why do dark'ning shades conceal 幽冥暗影为何要幂覆 The hour when man must cease to be? 世人向尘寰告别的时刻? Once I beheld a splendid dream, 我也曾瞥见过辉煌梦境—— A visionary scene of bliss: 极乐之乡的神奇幻觉; Truth!—wherefore did thy hated beam 真相呵!为何你可憎的光明 Awake me to a world like this? 唤醒我面临这么个世界? I loved—but those I loved are gone; 我爱过——所爱之人已离去; Had friends—my early friends are fled: 有朋友——早年友谊已终结; How cheerless feels the heart alone 孤苦的心灵怎能不忧郁, When all its former hopes are dead! 当原有的希望都黯然熄灭! Though gay companions o'er the bowl 纵然酒宴中欢谑的伙伴们 Dispel awhile the sense of ill; 把恶劣情怀驱散了片刻; Though pleasure stirs the maddening soul, 豪兴能振奋痴狂的灵魂, The heart—the heart—is lonely still. 心儿呵,心儿却永远寂寞。 How dull! to hear the voice of those 多无聊!去听那些人闲谈: Whom rank or chance, whom wealth or power, 那些人与我非敌非友, Have made, though neither friends nor foes, 是门第、权势、财富或机缘 Associates of the festive hour. 使他们与我在筵前聚首。 Give me again a faithful few, 把几个忠诚密友还给我, In years and feelings still the same, 还是原来的年纪和心情; And I will fly the midnight crew, 躲开那半夜喧嚣的一伙, Where boist´rous joy is but a name. 他们的欢乐不过是虚名。 And woman, lovely woman! thou, 美人,可爱的美人!你就是 My hope, my comforter, my all? 我的希望,慰藉,和一切? How cold must be my bosom now, 连你那笑靥的魅力也消失, When e'en thy smiles begin to pall! 我心中怎能不奇寒凛冽! Without a sigh would I resign 又富丽又惨苦的繁嚣俗境, This busy scene of splendid woe, 我毫无叹惜,愿从此告辞; To make that calm contentment mine, 我只要怡然知足的恬静—— Which virtue knows, or seems to know. “美德”熟识它,或似曾相识。 Fain would I fly the haunts of men— 告别这熙来攘往的去处—— I seek to shun, not hate mankind; 我不恨人类,只是想避开; My breast requires the sullen glen, 我痴心寻觅阴沉崖谷, Whose gloom may suit a darken'd mind. 那暝色契合这晦暗胸怀。 Oh! that to me the wings were given 但愿能给我一双翅膀: Which bear the turtle to her nest! 像斑鸠飞回栖宿的巢里, Then would I cleave the vault of heaven, 我也要展翅飞越穹苍, To flee away, and be at rest. 飘然远引,得享安息。 拜伦经典著名诗歌:勒钦伊盖 去吧,浓艳的景色,玫瑰的园圃! Away, ye gay landscapes, ye gardens of roses! 让富贵宠儿在你们那里遨游; In you let the minions of luxury rove; 还给我巉岩峻岭——白雪的住处, Restore me the rocks, where the snow-flake reposes, 尽管它 们已许身于爱和自由; Though still they are sacred to freedom and love: 喀利多尼亚!我爱慕你的山岳, Yet, Caledonia, beloved are thy mountains, 尽管皑皑的峰顶风雨交加, Round their white summits though elements war; 不见泉水徐流,见瀑布飞泻, Though cataracts foam 'stead of smooth-flowing fountains, 我还是眷念幽暗的洛赫纳佳! I sigh for the valley of dark Loch na Garr. 啊!我幼时常常在那儿来往, Ah! there my young footsteps in infancy wander'd; 头戴软帽,身披格子呢外衣; My cap was the bonner, my cloak was the plaid; 缅怀着那些亡故多年的酋长, On chieftains long perish'd my memory ponder'd, 我天天踱过松柯掩映的林地。 As daily I strode through the pine-cover'd glade. 直到白昼收尽了暗淡余光, I sought not my home till the day's dying glory 北极星当空闪耀,我才回家; Gave place to the rays of the bright polar star; 流传的 故事 勾起迷人的遐想, For fancy was cheer'd by traditional story, 是山民传述的——在幽暗的洛赫纳佳。 Disclosed by the natives of dark Loch na Garr. “逝者的亡灵!难道我没有听到 'Shades of the dead! have I not heard your voices 席卷暗夜的怒风里,你们在喧呼?” Rise on the night-rolling breath of the gale?´ 英雄的精魂定然会开颜欢笑, Surely the soul of the hero rejoices, 驾御天风驰骋于故乡的山谷。 And rides on the wind, o'er his own Highland vale. 当风雪迷雰在洛赫纳佳聚拢, Round Loch na Garr while the stormy mist gathers, 冬之神驱着冰车君临天下, Winter presides in his cold icy car: 云霾围裹着我们祖先的身影, Clouds there encircle the forms of my fathers; 在那风暴里——在幽暗的洛赫纳佳。 They dwell in the tempests of dark Loch na Garr. “不幸的勇士们!竟没有什么异象 Ill-starr´d, though brave, did no visions foreboding 预示命运遗弃了你们的事业?" Tell you that fate had forsaken your cause?´ 你们注定了要在卡洛登阵亡, Ah! were you destined to die at Culloden, 哪会有胜利的欢呼将你们酬谢! Victory crown'd not your fall with applause: 总算有幸,和你们部族一起, Still were you happy in death's earthy slumber, 在勃瑞玛岩穴,你们长眠地下; You rest with your clan in the caves of Braemar; 高亢风笛传扬着你们的 事迹 , The pibroch resounds to the piper's loud number, 峰峦回应着——在幽暗的洛赫纳佳。 Your deeds on the echoes of dark Loch na Garr. 洛赫纳佳呵,别后已多少光阴! Years have roll'd on, Loch na Garr, since I left you, 再与你相逢,还要过多少岁月! Years must elapse ere I tread you again: 造化虽不曾给你繁花和绿荫, Nature of verdure and flow'rs has bereft you, 你却比艾尔宾原野更为亲切。 Yet still are you dearer than Albion's plain. 从远方山岳归来的游子眼中, England! thy beauties are tame and domestic 英格兰!你的美过于驯良温雅; To one who has roved on the mountains afar: 我多么眷念那粗犷雄峻的岩峰! Oh for the crags that are wild and majestic! 那含怒的奇景,那幽暗的洛赫纳佳! The steep frowning glories of dark Loch na Garr!