Cecilia,[英][siˈsiljə][美][sɪˈsiljə],中文音译为塞西莉亚,代表的意思是“纯洁的,高贵的”。双语例句:Cecilia Tallis: No I told you I wouldn't.塞西莉亚:不,我告诉过你我不会的。其他英文名:1、doris“doris”的中文谐音名为“多丽丝”,其字音读起来类似于都市丽人,音律中传达出了社会精英、美丽可人之意。其本意中,有表示小礼物之意,意表天选之子、正直诚信之意,寓意很好,其音前重后轻,好听悦耳。2、pearl“pearl”的音标为[pɜːl] ,其尾音拉长,越听越有韵味,有五个独立的英文字母组合,看起来较为独特。其本意指的是珍珠之意,珍珠光华剔透,晶莹美丽,具有着楚楚动人、内外兼修之意,具有着显示自己与众不同的情境。3、aysa迪士尼最近上映的一部公主动画《冰雪奇缘》,主角名为“aysa”,以其作为自己的英文名称,表有公主情境,具有着童话主义色彩,象征着高贵有才华的,绰约多姿的,寓意很好,且读音嘹亮,也很好记忆。
Meaning:Its source is Caelia,a Latin name meaning "Heavenly."
Languages:This girl's name is used in German,English,Italian,Spanish,Norwegian,Swedish and Danish.
Nickname For:Cecilia
混合的形式Compound Forms:Fecelia
男生版Masculine Forms:Celio
Source Forms:Caelia
欢迎程度Popularity:The name Celia ranked 623rd in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of 2000-2003 Social Security Administration statistics and 371st in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of the 1990 US Census.
Stage and Screen
Celia Cruz
Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame for Recording (see list of Recording Personalites with Stars in the Hollywood Walk of Fame)
The Literary World
Confidante and companion to the heroine Rosalind in As You Like It (see list of Shakespearean Characters)
Celia Fiennes (born 1662,died 1741)
English travel writer.
Published journals of her horseback tours of England (see list of Writers of the 17th Century)