Avril 和Deryck开始是谁追谁的?后来为什么离婚了?
Deryck追得lavigne。。。 evan是艾薇儿一生中最好的朋友,吉他手。他给了艾薇儿生命中极大的鼓舞。但是,04公司决定让EVAN单飞,EVAN就离开了AVRIL,但现在他们还是很好的朋友,经常联系 。 和艾微儿一路走来,在舞台上表演。让埃文成为世界上最快乐的人。虽然他脱离了艾微儿的乐队自己做音乐,但这是生命中一段真实的经历。 在Evan与艾微儿合作前,人人都叫他Evan David ,加入艾微儿乐队后,他才用自己的真实姓名 Evan David Taubenfeld,但把David除去。 2004年5月。艾微儿推出了第二张专辑《酷到骨子里》,她的第一首单曲,don't tell me,就是埃文写给自己的。为这张专辑埃文做了大量工作,他写了三首曲子,(freak out ,don't tell me, take me away).和艾微儿一起录制了。这当然只是他自己事业的开始…… 后来他与EMI(百代音乐)签约成为EMI的工作人员和作家。便在2004年9月离开艾微儿乐队。这是后人都不知道的原因。 后来VV就碰到了德瑞克,(其实在这之前就认识),在这一段时间内,德瑞克占据了VV所有的心,然后在交往了不久之后就订婚了,之后在06年结婚。这之间就不用说了,貌似是很幸福的。虽然其中有很多不为人知的事。 VV和德瑞克两个人其实在六个月前就发生了不少摩擦,但实际上矛盾的核心不是媒体猜测的那样,“既不是德想要孩子,也不是艾薇儿有了外遇。”有媒体认为是美国石油大亨的孙子布拉登-戴维斯(Brandon Davis)做了第三者,不过这位知情人透露,“他们俩实际上没啥意思。” 不管怎么样,这一对夫妻是要选择分手了,他们俩已经不在自家的雪佛兰Bel Air房车里住了。“戴瑞克-威柏利已经离开了那房子。”知情人表示,“他可不是被赶出去的。”德瑞克在认识艾薇儿之前,曾与著名花花女郎帕里斯-希尔顿拍拖,难怪有人在他们结婚的时候就语言,两人结婚的目的就是离婚。2009年10月15日 艾薇儿.拉维妮提出离婚请求拉维妮上月17号在自己的MySpace上发表博客说已与Deryck感情破裂,并且二人已分居。据TMZ的最新报道,艾薇儿给出的离婚理由是“双方的矛盾已到了不可调和的地步”。早在9月4号就有媒体爆出二人感情失和而各自独居,并预料了这一天的发生。据了解,他们的离婚协议书里写到说希望今后还是朋友。在拉维妮上月的博客里,她这样写道:“Deryck与我一同度过了6年半的时光,我17岁时与他结为朋友,19岁时开始和他约会,21岁时与他一同迈进婚姻的殿堂。我很感激我们一同走过的那段时光,我很感激并祝福我们的友情能够弥足长久。我欣赏Deryck并对他无比尊重,他是个了不起的人物而且我是发自内心的爱上他。Deryck现在和我分居,我们会一切朝前看。感谢我的家人、朋友、歌迷对我的支持。10月13日,艾薇儿就把她在加州Sherman Oaks价值数百万的豪宅过户到了Deryck名下,并称Deryck是这栋房子"唯一且独居”的主人——她说这话的时候据她10月9号提出离婚仅过了4天。艾薇儿.拉维妮2006年7月在加州与Deryck Whibley完婚。她2007年推出的专辑《美丽坏东西》里就有着Deryck的贡献(Deryck是制作人之一,并给专辑中的两首歌提供了音轨)。另据报道,艾薇儿眼下仍与Deryck合作,并积极地完成新专辑的收尾工作。 【薇薇】艾薇儿博客正式发表申明:我和丈夫deryck已分居
艾薇儿于美国时间18日上午6点53分在自己的博客亲自发表一篇名为“Moving forward on a positive note ”的申明,证实目前已经和丈夫分居
博客链接: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=6407230&blogId=510598150
Avril Ramona Lavigne was born in Napanee, Ontario, to parents Judy and John on September 27th, 1984. She was the middle child. She has a brother names Matthew who's 19 years old and a younger sister Michelle, 14. But she was always the feisty one and spent most of her school years getting into trubble. Even as a teen at Napanee District High School, despite being one of the smallest in her class (5''1'), she was always getting into scrapes. "I got into lots of fights," she admits. "If someone was picking on one of my friends, I'd go bithc them out. I wasn't a fighter, but I don't take any crap. Avril's strong character meant shewasn't always popular with her classmates. "The funny thing is," she smiles "people used to be intimidated by me. I don't know why. It's weird - the group you hang out with and the clothes you wear can scare people. My teachers hated me because I never did my work and never paid attention in class." But itwasn't just Avril's teachers who were angry with her, trouble at school made her parents mad, which meant she was always grounded. "I was rebellious towards my parents, but we're cool now," Avril reveals. "I was always in trouble. I was never allowed to do anything after school so I'd go to my room and write." And that's where Avril's musicwas born, being grounded gave her the time (and inspiration) to write her first album, Let Go.
Avril had been into music since the age of 2, performing in localmusicals, village fairs and, thanks to devout Christian family, at church. Until theage of 12 she'd just been a singer, but she decided she wanted more. So she taught herself to play guitar, andfound a new way of making her parents proud, too. "I taught myself on my dad's guitar," she says. "I started writing lines here and there and they grew into songs. I did it on my own, but my parents supported me," she smiles.
It wasn't long before Avril had her first taste of fame. At the age of 14, singing contest in Canada's capital, Ottawa. She won and appeared on stage as part of her prize (alongside Shania Twain in front of 10.000 people.) It was then that she knew that she could do it, she knew she had something special, so she started to chase her dream. Determinded to be a star, Avril sent a home video of herself singing karaoke to Peter Zizzo, an American songwriter/producer. He was so impressed he invited the ambitious 16 year old on a songwriting trip to New York. Everyone loved her and she was immediately signed to Arista Records, kome of Pink and Usher. Avril's dream was coming true, so she dropped out of school and moved to New York to work on her debut album. But living the dream was scarier than tough- kid Avril had thought. "The city is nuts. It was crazy learning subway on my way to the studio every day," she says, "But I was glad to be doing something productive." After a year working hard Avril had finished her first album, Let Go. "My lyrics are honest and I write about whatever happens to me," she says. "my song Losing Grip means a lot to me, it's about my ex-boyfriend. We weren't meeting on a emotional level and he wasn't giving me what I needed. I can still play the same songs and get mad and get my anger out. It's therapeutic and I hope I can help others in a similar situation." But it wasn't all plain- rocking. Avril'sfeisty self-belief caused problems, too. "I worked with a ton of people, and fought with most of them," she explains. "I'd go on writing trips, meets lots of musicians and write one song and be like, 'Screw this. I'm not working with that person.' Sometimes, just because of my age, they didn't want to hear what I had to say. I probably just gave them attitude if they weren't listening. I'm a little fighter and I stand up for what I believe."
Avril also ran into trouble because she refused to be manufactured by the record company. As she'd said all along, she just wanted to be herself. So she refused to do what she told to say, or even wear. "I'm not a ****ing product, I'm a human. There are times when I go to photoshoots and there are racks of clothes and I'mlike 'No I'm not wearing any of that," Avril says. "People try to get me to wear high-heeled shoes and cute little shirts and I'm like 'No! It's tempting, girls like to look pretty, but I'm not like that. It's really important that, when I'm on camera I dress and act the way I normally would. I just want to be myself. I don't want to act like someone I'm not.I want the world to know who I really am. I'm sick of people being fake, and two-faced."
The great thing is, despite her success, fame hasn't changed Avril at all. "I just think that the way people treat me sometimes is just, like, weird". "It's like they think I'm made up of plastic or something. I was walking down the hall one time, and this guy was yelling 'Move out ofmy way',at everyoneso I could walk through. I was like, ****ing shut up! I don't deserve to be treated any more special than other people." So, forget Jenny from the block, this is one down-to-earth girl who'll still be keeping it real when she's on her 10th album. And Avril's determinded to stick around for a long time. "I want a very long career.I'm only 18 so I'm growing and becoming who I am, and I change all the time. But I want to be around for a while yet and make tons of different albums."
艾薇拉莫娜拉维涅出生在Napanee ,安大略,家长朱迪和约翰对1984年9月27日。她是中东儿童。她有一个弟弟的名字马修谁是19岁和一个妹妹米歇尔, 14 。但她始终是一个活跃的大部分时间都在她的学校里进入trubble 。即使是一个十几岁的孩子在Napanee区高中,尽管其中一个最小的在她的课堂( 5''1 ' ) ,她总是进入擦伤。 “我到很多打斗, ”她承认。 “如果有人拣取的我的一个朋友,我会去bithc出来。我不是一个斗士,但我不采取任何废话。艾薇强烈性质意味着shewasn't一直深受同学日。 ”有趣的是, “她微笑着”以人用于所吓倒我。我不知道为什么。这是奇怪的-你航集团与和你穿的衣服可以吓唬人。我的老师恨我,因为我从来没有和我的工作从来没有注意在课堂上。 “但itwasn't公正艾薇的老师谁是她的愤怒,麻烦了她在学校的父母疯了,这意味着她总是停飞。 ”我很叛逆对我的父母,但我们冷静现在, “艾薇揭示。 ”我总是遇到麻烦。我从来没有做任何事情让放学后,所以我会去看我的房间和写字。 “而且,艾薇儿的musicwas诞生,给了她被停飞的时间(和灵感)写她的第一张专辑,放手。
艾薇儿已经进入音乐自2岁,表演的localmusicals ,乡村集市,由于虔诚的基督徒家庭,在教堂。直到theage 12只希望她是一个歌手,但她决定,她希望更多。于是,她发挥自己教吉他, andfound一种新的方式,使她的父母感到自豪,也。 “我告诉自己我的父亲的吉他, ”她说。 “我开始写作系在这里和那里,他们成长为歌曲。我做到了我自己,但我的父母支持我, ”她笑着说。
不久以后,艾薇儿,她首次尝试了名声。在14岁,歌唱大赛,在加拿大首都渥太华。她的胜利,并在舞台上出现的一部分,她的奖金(仙妮亚唐恩并肩前的10.000人。 )正是在这时,她知道,她能做到这一点,她知道她有什么特别,所以她开始追逐自己的梦想。测定是一个明星,艾薇儿发出了一个家庭视频自己唱卡拉OK ,以彼得Zizzo ,美国作曲家/制作人。他留下了深刻的印象,他邀请了雄心勃勃的16岁的创作前往纽约。每个人都喜欢她,她立即签署阿里斯塔记录,科梅的粉红色和亚瑟。艾薇儿的梦想,是未来真正的,所以她辍学和移居纽约的工作对她的首张专辑。但是,生活的梦想是可怕比强硬的孩子艾薇以为。 “这座城市是坚果。有人疯狂学习地铁站的路上到演播室每天, ”她说, “但我高兴的是做一些有益的。 ”经过一年努力艾薇完成了她的第一张专辑,放手。 “我的歌词是诚实的,我写的无论发生什么情况,我, ”她说。 “我的歌失去了抓地力意味着很多对我来说,这是我的前男友。我们并没有情感上的水平和他没有给我什么我需要。我仍然可以发挥同样的歌曲,并获得恼我愤怒了。它的治疗,我希望我能帮助其他有类似情况。 “但是,并非所有的纯摇摆。 Avril'sfeisty自信造成的问题,也。 “我与一吨的人民,和战斗与他们当中的绝大多数, ”她解释说。 “我希望去书面旅游,满足许多音乐家和写一首歌曲,并想, '螺杆这一点。我没有与该人。有时候,只是因为我的年龄,他们不想听听我的话。我也许只是给了他们的态度,如果他们不听。我是一个小战士,我站起来为我所相信。 “
艾薇儿也陷入困境,因为她拒绝被制造的唱片公司。正如她说,一直以来,她只是想成为自己。因此,她拒绝做她告诉说,甚至磨损。 “我不是一个****化产品,我一个人。有些时候我去photoshoots有衣架的衣服和I'mlike '没有我不穿任何说: ”艾薇儿说。 “人们试图让我穿高跟鞋和可爱的小衬衫,我就像'不!这是诱人的,女孩要漂亮,但我不是这样的。这是真正重要的是,当我相机我穿着和行为的方式我通常会。我只是想将我自己。我不想再有人像我not.I希望世界知道是谁我真的。我生病的人被假冒,两个面。 “
伟大的事情是,尽管她的成功,成名并没有改变艾薇所有。 “我只是认为,人的方式对待我有时只是像,奇怪的” 。 “这就像他们认为,我是由塑料或东西。我是走在大厅一时间,这个家伙是大叫'走出ofmy方式' ,在everyoneso我可以穿过。我想, *** *法闭嘴!我不应该得到任何特殊待遇比其他人。 “所以,忘记珍妮从块,这是一个脚踏实地的女孩谁还会在保持真正当她对她的第十张专辑。和艾薇儿的测定,要坚持了很长一段时间。 “我想了很长career.I '只有18米,使我成长,并成为我是谁,我改变所有的时间。但我想大约有一段时间没有作出吨不同的相册。