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时间:2024-05-15 18:09:16 编辑:莆仙君


亲亲,感谢您的耐心等待~很高兴为您解答[鲜花][戳脸]:去HG旅游租车需要准备以下手续:1. 有效的国际驾照或HG驾照:外国驾照持有者可以在HG使用,但需要携带有效的国际驾照或翻译过的英文版HG驾照。2. 身份证明:一般需要护照或身份证来证明你的身份。3. 信用卡:通常需要一张有效的信用卡作为押金或支F租车费用。4. 年龄要求:通常要求年满21岁及以上,部分租车公司可能有更高的年龄要求。5. 预订和保险:最好提前在HG租车公司预订车辆,并购买好适当的保险。此外,HG的道路交通规则与其他国J可能有所不同,所以在租车前最好了解一下当地的交通规则和标志。同样,也要注意车辆保养和交通事故处理的流程。[鲜花]【摘要】
亲亲,感谢您的耐心等待~很高兴为您解答[鲜花][戳脸]:去HG旅游租车需要准备以下手续:1. 有效的国际驾照或HG驾照:外国驾照持有者可以在HG使用,但需要携带有效的国际驾照或翻译过的英文版HG驾照。2. 身份证明:一般需要护照或身份证来证明你的身份。3. 信用卡:通常需要一张有效的信用卡作为押金或支F租车费用。4. 年龄要求:通常要求年满21岁及以上,部分租车公司可能有更高的年龄要求。5. 预订和保险:最好提前在HG租车公司预订车辆,并购买好适当的保险。此外,HG的道路交通规则与其他国J可能有所不同,所以在租车前最好了解一下当地的交通规则和标志。同样,也要注意车辆保养和交通事故处理的流程。[鲜花]【回答】




片名叫《美女也烦恼》,在中国引进的时候改作《丑女大翻身》,06年韩国最高票房喜剧片,是朱镇模和金雅中主演的,金雅中在片中唱的《Maria》很好听!韩文片名《미녀는 괴로워》。
169cm,95kg,她的身材完全可以到摔跤场上比试一下。但她其实只是一个想得到爱情的普通女子,她叫江汉娜(金亚中 饰)。上帝赋予她的唯一礼物就是天籁般的嗓音,但是因为肥胖的体型,她只能在幕后帮美女歌手亚美假唱。
亚美的制作人韩尚俊(朱镇模 饰)是唯一肯定她音乐实力的人,不知不觉汉娜暗恋上了韩尚俊。在韩尚俊的生日派对上汉娜终于如愿的被邀请过去,她兴奋的很努力的想表现自己……但是,从那晚以后她突然消失了!




所需材料:1.护照:护照有效期至少保证有六个月以上。2.照片:最好提供与护照上照片不一样的彩色白底2寸近照1张(半年内),(若是同新发护照相同的照片可以使用)。3.在职证明:须注明公司地址,电话(有样本)。4.身份证:清晰复印件(正反面都清晰复印于一张A4白纸上)。5.存款证明:签证人的银行存折复印件(存期开户6个月以上,5万元以上)或者银行开具的存款证明书原件(5万元以上)。夫妻共有财产可用结婚证或户口簿补充(原件和复印件)。6.房产证明:房产证复印件(上海70平方以上,其他省市100平方以上)。7.车产证明:个人私家车车辆登记证或车辆行驶证(复印件)。8.营业执照:营业执照复印件加盖公司公章。扩展资料:注意事项1.护照有效期为半年以上,申请人必须在最后一页亲笔签名。2.户口本1份,全体家庭成员的户口本复印件。3.旅游计划书1份。4.申请人需知:因资料不完整和任何原因导致拒签,费用由申请人负责。受理时间:一般为5-6个工作日。该签证3个月内有效,停留期一般为10-15天(具体由签证官决定),一次性个人自由进入韩国。备注说明: 1、递交领事馆的所有资料领馆均不予退回 2、所需资料因个案不同最终以领馆颁布为准。参考资料:百度百科---韩国个人旅游签证


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※ 户口本(复印件)全家人户口本复印件
北京城八区的韩国签证所需资料很少的, 就这些 你参考吧


  The Tropics of New York

  by Claude McKay

  Bananas ripe and green, and ginger root

  Cocoa in pods and alligator pears,

  And tangerines and mangoes and grape fruit,

  Fit for the highest prize at parish fairs,

  Sat in the window, bringing memories

  of fruit-trees laden by low-singing rills,

  And dewy dawns, and mystical skies

  In benediction over nun-like hills.

  My eyes grow dim, and I could no more gaze;

  A wave of longing through my body swept,

  And, hungry for the old, familiar ways

  I turned aside and bowed my head and wept.
  The Trunk of the Olive Tree ***an excerpt***

  by Homer ***Translated by Robert Fitzgerald***

  An old trunk of olive

  grew like a pillar on the building plot,

  and I laid out our bedroom round that tree,

  lined up the stone walls, built the walls and roof,

  gave it a doorway and *** ooth-fitting doors.

  Then I lopped off the silvery leaves and branches,

  hewed and shaped that stump from the roots up

  into a bedpost, drilled it, let it serve

  as model for the rest. I planed them all,

  inlaid them all with silver, gold and ivory,

  and stretched a bed between——a pliant web

  of oxhide thongs dyed crimson.
  The Truth About Northern Lights

  by Christine Hume

  I'm not right. I'm interfered with

  and bent as light. I tried to use the spots,

  for months I tried with rings.

  Only now I'm thinking in cracks

  that keep a modern light

  lunged. I keep the porch light on

  to burn you off in ghosted purls,

  the licks of which filament me.

  My Day-Glo tongue's cutthroat.

  Though I'm not clear,

  I'm a sight whose star stares back:

  it's a new kind of dead;

  it hides its death in my cinched

  testicle. That bright burr makes me

  unreal and itch. By the time

  I'm something else, you're making weather

  with so-and-so. Drama tenants you;

  it wades in queasy waves,

  mottled to the marrow.

  My mean streak beams neon

  so I won't be refracted

  or led to reflections. My eyes

  trick god's and kick the careless reversals

  of radio cure-alls. Rays suffer

  until they clench the damaged night in me:

  where I go out, gone as done

  in a mood of black moving through.

  Darkness sits there, pleased.

  An iridescent ire could not go unaired,

  my limbs wicking at the window.

  Look out the window.

  I've outened the world

  to show you real barrenness:

  a void a light

  warps into want and then wants

  until it warps all it glances.
  Churst Apollo

  by Joyce James

  Think on it!

  In the beginning

  Had not occurred such thing as mortal Death.

  Walked hand in hand our new Maide children the sweetest aisles of perfect earth

  Risen there its soil, spread holy stock organic membrane woven round.

  Devised his curse, Apollo,

  Set Man against The Woman

  Descendants human kine.

  Yet had not early surged such enmity between the genders,

  Persecuted first, The Queen of Heaven.

  Aphollowed only after. . .

  Churst and Massacred, The Woman.

  Reached to genocide, the earthly state of war between divided sexes.

  Yet never existed true schi *** , except was thing contrived in heaven.

  Now Male and Female are conditioned equal,

  Denying both, their maker Goddess.

  He bruises heel, Apollo:

  'Upon your seed, my venmity

  Serpent Worman! Repent!'

  Harries her, Impalla-Acchus,

  Self-proclaimed was Jealous God

  Impelled the rancor ancient.

  As perceives the beauty envied Maide New Human. . .

  Sets about its persecution.

  Twinned progeny was Io's,

  Derogates as produce hardly more than beasts the fields

  That cause henceforward

  Vengeful mayhem and destruction.



  The Slave Mother

  by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper

  Heard you that shriek? It rose

  So wildly on the air,

  It seemed as if a burden'd heart

  Was breaking in despair.

  Saw you those hands so sadly clasped——

  The bowed and feeble head——

  The shuddering of that fragile form——

  That look of grief and dread?

  Saw you the sad, imploring eye?

  Its every glance was pain,

  As if a storm of agony

  Were sweeping through the brain.

  She is a mother pale with fear,

  Her boy clings to her side,

  And in her kirtle vainly tries

  His trembling form to hide.

  He is not hers, although she bore

  For him a mother's pains;

  He is not hers, although her blood

  Is coursing through his veins!

  He is not hers, for cruel hands

  May rudely tear apart

  The only wreath of household love

  That binds her breaking heart.

  His love has been a joyous light

  That o'er her pathway *** iled,

  A fountain gushing ever new,

  Amid life's desert wild.

  His lightest word has been a tone

  Of music round her heart,

  Their lives a streamlet blent in one——

  Oh, Father! must they part?

  They tear him from her circling arms,

  Her last and fond embrace.

  Oh! never more may her sad eyes

  Gaze on his mournful face.

  No marvel, then, these bitter shrieks

  Disturb the listening air:

  She is a mother, and her heart

  Is breaking in despair.
  The Slave's plaint

  by George Moses Horton

  Am I sadly cast aside,

  On misfortune's rugged tide?

  Will the world my pains deride


  Must I dwell in Slavery's night,

  And all pleasure take its flight,

  Far beyond my feeble sight,


  Worst of all, must hope grow dim,

  And withhold her cheering beam?

  Rather let me sleep and dream


  Something still my heart surveys,

  Groping through this dreary maze;

  Is it Hope?——they burn and blaze


  Leave me not a wretch confined,

  Altogether lame and blind——

  Unto gross despair consigned,


  Heaven! in whom can I confide?

  Canst thou not for all provide?

  Condescend to be my guide


  And when this transient life shall end,

  Oh, may some kind, eternal friend

  Bid me from servitude ascend,

  The Snow Storm

  by Ralph Waldo Emerson

  Announced by all the trumpets of the sky,

  Arrives the snow, and, driving o'er the fields,

  Seems nowhere to alight: the whited air

  Hides hills and woods, the river, and the heaven,

  And veils the farmhouse at the garden's end.

  The sled and traveler stopped, the courier's feet

  Delayed, all friends shut out, the housemates sit

  Around the radiant fireplace, enclosed

  In a tumultuous privacy of storm.

  e see the north wind's masonry.

  Out of an unseen quarry evermore

  Furnished with tile, the fierce artificer

  Curves his white bastions with projected roof

  Round every windward stake, or tree, or door.

  Speeding, the myriad-handed, his wild work

  So fanciful, so savage, nought cares he

  For number or proportion. Mockingly,

  On coop or kennel he hangs Parian wreaths;

  A swan-like form invests the hidden thorn;

  Fills up the farmer's lane from wall to wall,

  Maugre the farmer's sighs; and, at the gate,

  A tapering turret overtops the work.

  And when his hours are numbered, and the world

  Is all his own, retiring, as he were not,

  Leaves, when the sun appears, astonished Art

  To mimic in slow structures, stone by stone,

  Built in an age, the mad wind's night-work,

  The frolic architecture of the snow.
  The Snowfall Is So Silent

  by Miguel de Unamuno ***Translated by Robert Bly***

  The snowfall is so silent,

  so slow,

  bit by bit, with delicacy

  it settles down on the earth

  and covers over the fields.

  The silent snow es down

  white and weightless;

  snowfall makes no noise,

  falls as forgetting falls,

  flake after flake.

  It covers the fields gently

  while frost attacks them

  with its sudden flashes of white;

  covers everything with its pure

  and silent covering;

  not one thing on the ground

  anywhere escapes it.

  And wherever it falls it stays,

  content and gay,

  for snow does not slip off

  as rain does,

  but it stays and sinks in.

  The flakes are skyflowers,

  pale lilies from the clouds,

  that wither on earth.

  They e down blossoming

  but then so quickly

  they are gone;

  they bloom only on the peak,

  above the mountains,

  and make the earth feel heavier

  when they die inside.

  Snow, delicate snow,

  that falls with such lightness

  on the head,

  on the feelings,

  e and cover over the sadness

  that lies always in my reason.



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그럼 여기가 천국이게?
그치 ***(人名,省略)야?
是吧? ***



“Happy together
상처받지 말고

“happy together



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