名字叫Aloha e komo Mai
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
Oh when you're down, you're feeling low
Got nobody by your side
It can be lonely and you want to only
Find a place, no need to hide
Just lay back you'll fit right in
You can make it all come true
'Cause there's always hope inside
And hope will see you through
Aloha... [Stitch:] Ji waba
You'll find the place that you belong
Ohana... A family to call your own
Where you feel at home
Everybody sing!
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] Maka maka
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
Now you can see, tookie ba waba
Nothing but these clear blue skies
Love it has found you, and when it surrounds you
It's just like paradise
Now the door has swung wide open
Now your heart has taken wings
Feel that magic in the air
Oh hear your spirit sing
Aloha... [Stitch:] Aloha
You'll find the place that you belong
Ohana... A family to call your own
Where you feel at home
Everybody sing!
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] iki baba
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch] Iki tooki nee ha [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Aka tiki baba [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Gaba ika tasooba [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Oocha [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Chika [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Miki miki coconut
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] Miki miki coconut
I lai la, Ua i la, No mala hini ohana
[Stich tries to sing along:] Ha a waki mai, no mala hini, tasoopa, tasoopa
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] Icky icky bo bo
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] Tooki ba waba
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] bye!!!
美国最大动画制作商迪士尼和日本著名动画公司Mad House在上个月初就联合发表将推出《星际宝贝》(原名:Stitch,又译:史迪奇 或 史迪仔)的日本版动画。该动画采用由迪士尼负责提供角色、MadHouse负责制作的形式完成。这部渗杂着众多日本元素的迪士尼动画予定于2008年10月8日播出,日前官方网站上公开了详细情报。《星际宝贝》的fans不要错过这部风格窘异的日式续作了。
《星际宝贝》原作于2002年6月21日上映。该片是迪士尼公司佛罗里达片场继1998年的《花木兰》后,原班人马负责制作的第二部动画片。作品讲述的是史迪奇和莉萝(人家不是叫萝莉)之间发生的故事。由Mad House制作的日本版,换成了日式画风,故事背景也设定在日本南部的十六夜岛,女主角也有一个很日本的名字“尤娜”,这完全是面向日本观众的动画。Mad House曾制作过《草莓100%》、《彩云国物语》、《大剑》等一线动画,那么它在这部儿童向迪士尼动画中又有什么惊喜呢?这不得而知。在这里先请各位看看最新公布的故事和人物设定等情报。
迪士尼和Mad House此番合作可谓强强联手,同时也是彼此进行国际化渗透的一招,迪士尼想打入日本, Mad House想打入欧美,这从前期双方的一系列行动也可见一斑。